Product management for wordpress - wordpress

Hi I wanted my wordpress site putting user role for product I want the user1 can only see and count the product he uploaded and he cannot see the other product uploaded by the other user is there a free plugin for that in wordpress ?

try to use this
this allow to add various capability to the user, may it will help?


Wordpress user roles restrictions plug in

Hi is there any plug in that admin can share posts on each user? And only when a user log in on page can see their relative posts and updates of them?
You can use Advanced Access Manager plugin and you can manage everything in your site with this plugin from the admin panel.

Woocomerce Dashboard to user

Is there a way for the user to have a dashboard to able to add/edit products, view reports and orders of his store without access to WordPress admin?
i don't need to let him access to WordPress panel or admin panel to do that. so am checking if there is a customized dashboard for that
Check this, your issue will be solved, WordPress User Role and Capabilities and WooCommerce Shop Manager role and capabilities
Just create another user and restrict it's access permission from your admin.
He will just manage the products with a customized dashboard only what you'll allow.

Woocommerce shop manager can't see previous media files

I have just created a shop manager role inside my site. I want someone else to upload my site content like product details and images. But right now this role can't see the old product images in media library. When i open media library, i see empty.
To view all images login back from admin account. Shop Manager is a role you can give someone to manage the shop without making them an admin. They’re granted the capabilities:
If you wish to modify roles and capabilities, use a third-party plugin such as Capability Manager or Capability Manager Enhanced

Different Login for WooCommerce

In my Wordpress website I am using one directory plugin (Sabai Directory) and WooCommerce.
Now when user register for directory, users are able to use same login detail for WooCommerce (shopping) or if a user buy and product and register at the time of shopping , he is able to user same login on directory.
I want different login for directory and shopping . Means different database user table for both .
If a user register for directory he will not able to use same login for WooCommerce .
Please help me ! If there is any plugin that create separate table for WooCommerce registration , that will be great .
In WordPress the list of all users is maintained in table wp_users. User role/capability can differ ( like by default woocommerce registers a user as "customer" ). So it doesn't matter whether you register through woocommerce or anything else, all users will end up at same place unless the third-party plugin you are using is maintaining separate table or other mechanism for users.
You can have different login for directory and shopping, iff "Sabai Directory" plugin maintains separate user record (Woocommerce does not). Or develop a plugin that does the thing you need :)
It looks like a capabilities issue. you'll need to add a capability for doctors and then on all your doctors pages add
if (!current_user_can('doctors') {
echo 'You shouldn't be here;
} else {
//doctor page stuff
to your pages that you want doctors to view but not shoppers.
Depending on how complex you need it you may need to even add a role

Hide WooCommerce data from other admins in Wordpress?

I have to create an admin user for a marketing company in my Wordpress website but I do not want them to have access to WooCommerce data. In other words, they should not be gain information regarding sales data, customer names, email, address and so on. However, they need to have access to themes and plugins.
Is there a way to hide WooCommerce data from admin view or create a user account with all the admin privileges except WooCommerce access?
Please help,
Thank you
You could create a new role in code and add specific capabilities to it. But it's much easier to use a role editor plugin like User Role Editor
Just create a new role and assign the capabilities you want while leaving out those of Woocommerce.
