Woocommerce overridden not work after Administrator logged in - wordpress

I've copied the folder plugin/woocommerce/template to theme/mytheme/woocommerceand designed a new template and just checked Woocommerce/System Status to make sure overridden is worked.
The template works fine but when the user or the admin logged in , the overridden code does not work and the template defaults to plugin/woocommerce/template and shows the default template
the problem happened for this particular pages:
And this problem happen just when Administrator logged in
How can this problem be addressed?
I Also Disable All plugin (except woocommerce), copy original woocommerce template file to twentysixteen Template and modify that.
But The Problem not Solved Anyway!
I use woocommerce 2.5.5 And Wordpress 4.4.2


Plugin Files get changed automatically

My website islamabad.ginyaki.com.
The issue I am facing is that I have customized plugins Foodonlineforwoocomerce, Advanced custom fields. I have disabled plugin and WordPress updates Manually, in functions.php and in wp-config.php but the customized code gets reversed after a few days and starts working as the old or original plugin, I need to know why that's happening and how can i achieve the solution to this problem.

Cannot access settings of a wordpress plugin

I have a wordpress project set up locally in my computer and i'm trying to add a new plugin to it.
I have installed WooCommerce Currency Switcher by WooBeWoo plugin and activated it. When i try to go to the settings page of this plugin i get this error
Sorry, you are not allowed to access this page.
I have searched for a answer but could not find a working solution.
I have tried the following.
I have changed wp_capability in wp_usermeta table to a:1:{s:13:"administrator";s:1:"1";}
But still could not get it to work. I can access settings of already existed plugins and this is a new plugin i have added.
The plugin used : https://wordpress.org/plugins/woocommerce-currency-switcher/

woocommerce update broke development website?

I can't access admin dashboard or any pages on the frontend.. just blank page and view source is also blank. I've enabled error reporting in php.ini and still a blank page. I renamed both the theme name and deleted the woocommerce plugin and yet still blank pages.
How do i solve this? Can't even view errors? This is caused by updating woocommerce.
Enable WP_DEBUG and WP_DEBUG_LOG. This will show you errors.
define('WP_DEBUG', true);
define('WP_DEBUG_LOG', true);
See debugging in WordPress
This will be important for determine where the error is coming from. 9 times out of 10, if you are having a problem when you upgrade WooCommerce it is because your theme is bundling out of date templates.
Use FTP to rename the wp-content/plugins folder to wp-content/plugins-backup. Renaming the plugins folder effectively deactivates all plugins.
Additionally, rename your current theme folder to anything else. Though I have found this doesn't always reset your site to a default theme.
In the case where this doesn't automatically reset your theme, in PHPmyadmin navigate to your wp_options table and edit the values of 1. current_theme, 2. template, and 3. stylesheet to be twentyfourteen.

How to add to a WordPress theme a page but a php file that is loaded separately

This seems to be an answer,
How to add a php file to wordpress theme addition of standard files?
Yet the template option is missing in my WordPress 3.5.1
How to do the same thing now with this currently the latest version of WordPress.
Or could it not be related to the WordPress version and actually has to do with a default setting of the theme not allowing for template choosing? Where could I look up for that in the theme configuration.
WordPress documentation didn't remove the Templates as part of the page attributes
So it could be related to the theme's options of not allowing for template choosing, would need to override that setting then maybe but don't know it's location now.
This is nothing to do with Wordpress 3.5.1, the problem must be in your theme. Your current theme probably just doesn't have any additional templates you can use; try some others (like the default theme that came with your Wordpress installation, which is probably TwentyTwelve if you're running 3.5.1) and seeing if the template menu appears.
Those templates are for (Wordpress terminology) pages, not posts. Posts do not have the "Page attributes" box, only pages.
This plugin appears to expand that functionality to posts.

Wordpress custom theme issue (It shows the same theme on admin)

i migrated from a standard website to a wordpress theme, but after a day, when i try to login on wp-admin, it shows the theme and a lot of errors like "headers already sent" on pluggable.php.
How can i do to show my custom template without the admin site changes ?
The "headers already sent" warning indicates that the error display settings you have on the new server are stricter.
Because the errors are being showed the website cannot redirect you correctly.
Add the following to wp-config:
ini_set('display_errors', FALSE);
This should help overcome that problem.
Also you should not be outputting anything in your functions.php file because the admin area includes it because you may want to make a complex theme that adds admin menu buttons for theme-configurations, kind-of like a plug-in
