On the main page of my drupal 7 website I have a a block called "active forum topics. At the moment only the topic title is shown in the preview:
Is there a way to modify this block? I want to add more content to this block like author of the topic, related forum, date/time, maybe number of posts.
Thanks in advance
Well I actually have an answer for this, after looking to do it myself, I found the "view" for the "Active Forum Topics" page (the forum tab page that generates active forum topics). From that view I added a block, which now allows you to create a block from that existing view - with whatever items you want in there.
Assuming you are using advanced forum - this view is at: admin/structure/views/view/advanced_forum_active_topics
Where is says "displays" click the (+add) button and choose block. From there it is pretty straight forward if you know how to use views.
I'm pretty sure this is basic but it's been a couple of weeks I'm struggling.
I'm building a video game news type of website with Wordpress and I would like the "game sheet" to work in the same way the WordPress plugin page works (here is an example: http://wordpress.org/plugins/buddypress/ )
The idea would be to have a page for each game and then this page would pull out content in each tabs to display different content:
News would be articles with the game name as a tag
Screeshots would be images from the media manager I would have tagged with the name of the game
Game review and user voting in the sidebar
Again, this seem to be a very basic taxonomy/custom post type system but I just don't know where to start and I can't find the right words to explain it to do a proper google search.
Thank you for your help.
What you need is to create a "custom post type". In other words, something like a post, but with more / different fields. I suggest you use the plugin: "custom content type manager".
After you create the custom post type you need, you will only have to create a page / post the summarizes the custom content you have built. For that you will also use the same plugin.
I dont know if im asking the impossible, but i want to have a tab in my user edit area that houses all blog related items (ie blog theme, blog info, user blogroll) as opposed to them being inside the user/%/edit and user/%/edit profile.
Im putting together a multi-user site and this is crucial for user-friendliness.
Thanks for any ideas!
Nothing is impossible with Drupal, but doing this would be a challenge.
With hook_form_alter you can alter any form you want. The code for this would have to go to a custom module. Then you would have to recreate the form, with a page callback, and handle the validation and submission. You can probably recreate the code from the modules that create the forms in the first place.
Alternative, you can just leave the settings at user/%/edit and other places, and just create a special form with all blog relevant info. That way the users choose where to edit their info. It will probably be a better choice, since the "blog settings" that's location at user/%/edit, will be more tied to the user, than to the blog. So when a user wants to edit some of his personal details, that's when he would want to edit those blog settings as well.
Your specific might be different, but the default setup is usually a very good default.
I am new to drupal, so sorry for this noob question, but I was wondering how to display articles only in the central column. Currently there are also blog entries, etc and I would like to get rid of them. I have a Views plugin installed but I am not sure how to do this.
In your View create a filter for Node: Type. Here, you can tell it specifically what kind of content to show.
you can change your frontpage settings in admin/settings/site-information
so let's say you created a view - with a page display
set the page url of your view (eg. articles), and then in your settings (the path i mentioned before) you set the drupal frontpage to the page path of your view (that would be 'articles')
i hope that's clear enough for you
Example page: http://giantcalculator.com/content/cartridge-filters
It’s very cumbersome to connect the ubercart view to a relevant content page. In the example above I have attached the view to the bottom; you can scroll down to see it. It is a tedius process though in which I have to create the view, then create a mini panel, include the view in the mini panel, then go to blocks page and add the mini panel to region (currently a region below the main content), then I have to configure the block so the view only appears on it’s one particular page.
This seems far too complicated and the particular region will soon have about 20 blocks inside it, though each only appearing on one page. Is there a better way to attach a view to its relevant content info, or vice versa?
I know the view creates a page of its own, and if I could add the content on top of the view that would be great. Or within the view itself, can the content be added somehow?
I'm almost ready to move forward with this site but I really need to find if there is a better method first. I'm posting this in a number of places and offering a $20 bounty via paypal to the first responder with best alternative that I end up using. (if there is one). Bounty may be shared if two or more people have the same response on different forums and I can't tell who was first, though when I do have an answer I'll promptly post it.
Other forums this will post include Drupal.org paid forum, Ubercart Bounty forum, aardvark, superuser and stackoverflow.
If I understand correctly, I think the piece of the puzzle you're missing is Views arguments. If you ever find yourself creating more than one view, where the only difference is the content (ie. based on taxonomy, or a certain CCK field), you probably want to use that as an argument in the view so it loads the correct content automatically.
I assume "cartridge filters" is a taxonomy term, and the page linked above is a node with this term applied. So you'd add a taxonomy arg to your view in the Views admin, and get it to pull the term from the current node. There are a bunch of tutorials out there on this, and here's a screencast: http://gotdrupal.com/videos/drupal-views-arguments
I'm also not sure why you're using mini panels. They're generally used for sets of blocks or other content to be displayed repeatedly, like a tabbed block or footer. It sounds like you just want a regular block display of the aforementioned view. You could also make this entire page a Panel.
I'm new to Drupal and trying get my head around it. I'd like to create a simple blog where I have a page that displays blog posts and the number of comments on each posts. Once the blog title or comment number is clicked, the user is taken to the post page. Simple as that.
I'm using Views and CCK, and I was able to create the main blog page, but I have no idea how to give each post its own page which contains comments and a comment form.
I tried searching online with no luck.
Any idea how to do this?
appreciate your help
In Views, you can select one of the fields you're displaying (best bet: the Title field) and select the "Link this field to its node" option. That'll make it a link to the individual node page, which is where comments etc. live by default.
Your question is quite broad, but you will need to do the following: Create a user node and connect it to the user profile (CCK, nodeprofile and usernode), and a new content type (CCK) for the blog posts (with any custom fields you may want). And then use Views to show the blog posts and profiles of each user. (You can build a view that uses arguments to select user/blog posts and also gives nice urls.)