WildFly 8.2 auto deploy configuration - wildcard

How to configure WildFly 8.2.1 to:
Not auto-deploy from "deployments" folder when server running
Always deploy from "deployments" whent starting up, ignoring previous deploy result
If I set scan-enabled="false" for deployment-scanner, WildFly didnt deploy at startup even new files.
When scan-enabled="true", WildFly didn't deploy files that failed to deploy at previous start up, but not changed.

To avoid auto deploy set auto-deploy-zipped="false" auto-deploy-exploded="false" for deployment-scanner in standalone.xml.
But whenever you want to deploy another file then you have to add MARKER FILES for it.
For example, the marker file to indicate the HelloWorld.war file should be deployed named HelloWorld.war.dodeploy in deployments folder and file should have content - HelloWorld.war.
Then only it will deploy your new file automatically.
Refer this and this link for some more info.

If scan-enabled="false" then WildFly will ignore marker files at startup and at runtime. Alsow WildFly will ignore all deployments in deploy folder, even if that deployments was successfully deployed before.
Left only 2 ways:
Set scan-interval less than 1 (with scan-enabled="true"). It will
enable only one scan at startup. After that WildFly also will ignore
any changes in deploy folder
Deploy through admin console


Application Insights added ConnectedService.json file to my project, Do I have to deploy it to the production server?

Follow up to this question:
Application Insights added ConnectedService.json file to my project, what does this do?
When I create a deployment package, via "Publish..." option, the package also include the following folder and files:
Service References\Application Insights\ConnectedService.json
I do not want to deploy something that is not required at runtime. Do I have to include the folder and file in my production server deployment?
No. Those files are only used by visual studio for its information, to know what services have been added and give you links back to them inside VS. None of that needs to be deployed. those files can all be set to do not copy/etc.

Where can I find the exploded war file in Weblogic 12c?

I saw an upload folder inside the AdminServer - but it seems that it doesn't recognize or re-deploy the new sets of JARs files even after recycling.
The upload folder is where weblogic stores uploaded files (with an ant deploy task or uploaded with the console). But it also references them in the domain/config/config.xml file. That's why it does not automatically deploy them (weblogic does not scan this folder).
What you want to use is the domain/autodeploy folder (which is only scanned by weblogic in development mode).

Trying to run meteor up mup setup

It appears mup setup can't run without a mup.json file. But, it appears the mup.json file is primarily used for mup deploy. Reason I ask is I'm trying to execute mup setup on the host server and it fails without the server credentials but considering that I'm already logged onto the server executing the setup I don't understand why the mup.json is being required in the first place? I'm not deploying an application so none of the application-specific settings would apply, right? If I don't have a mup.json on the server then mup setup throws an error that the mup.json file does not exist. It didn't seem really clear on the meteor up web site. Thanks!
You should run Meteor Up from your local machine as that's what it's designed for. I wrote about how to deploy with meteor up a while back and that should help you.
In a nutshell I believe you're thinking about this the wrong way. With mup, meteor deploy and soon galaxy deploy, you no longer need to "upload" your files and then go and manage them from the server. Instead your files stay local, you deploy (which will upload them) and deployment sets up your server and file structure.
Misunderstanding on my part. mup setup is something you run on your remote machine, not the host machine.

Web deploy with MSBuild deploys only BIN folder

I have a website project (not a web application) and I want to set up deployment after builds with TFS. I have set this up and got it to work. I set up the build agent machine and the server and also created a publish settings file for the website project.
I know that the publishing agent is communicating with the IIS management service and that all permissions are set correctly, since after a build MSBuild does deploy the bin folder to the target. What I don't understand is why the rest of the website is not copied as well.
I run MSBuild with the following arguments:
/p:DeployOnBuild=True /p:AllowUntrustedCertificate=True /p:PublishProfile=QA /p:VisualStudioVersion=12.0 /p:UserName=[my AD user name] /p:Password=[my AD password]
I know these settings are correct, since the bin folder does get published, but how do I get the rest of the website project to publish as well?
What do you mean with the "rest of the website". Typically all your website assets are compiled into binaries and deployed like that.
If you wish to deploy additional files you can do this in the publish settings in your project properties:

How can you rename deployed meteor app from terminal?

After you deploy a meteor app - let's say foo.meteor.com - can you rename the app URL?
Doesn't look like it, but you could always just delete it and deploy a new one:
meteor deploy --delete YOUR_APP
meteor deploy YOUR_NEW_APP
The Meteor command line doesn't have any command for renaming your deployed application.
But you can just deploy your application with a new name instead of the old one as:
meteor deploy new_app_name.meteor.com
