How can you rename deployed meteor app from terminal? - meteor

After you deploy a meteor app - let's say - can you rename the app URL?

Doesn't look like it, but you could always just delete it and deploy a new one:
meteor deploy --delete YOUR_APP
meteor deploy YOUR_NEW_APP

The Meteor command line doesn't have any command for renaming your deployed application.
But you can just deploy your application with a new name instead of the old one as:
meteor deploy


How to deploy laravel and vuejs serparately in apache server

I have an application laravel as backend and vuejs as frontend separately. The problem is I don't know how to deploy this app to the server separately using apache server. I need help please provide me a detail instructions on how to do it. I have successfully deploy the laravel application api but I'm having trouble with the vuejs frontend also I'm using one ip address for this two application.
Thanks for your help.
It is very simple to deploy Vue SPA on the apache server.
Run this command in your project for production build
npm run prod
yarn build
This command will create a dist folder in your Vue project.
spa folder contains index.html and other files (images,css and compiled js filed)
Give path of this index.html in your apache environment.
In ubuntu look like this.
eg /var/www/dist/spa
In ubuntu how we make the symbolic link
ln -s /your_project/dist /var/www/dist

Meteor up for mobile app

I want to use meteor up to deploy my app to the server.
But when I deploy it, I can't find the apk file (usually when you build the app locally, it is located in the same folder as the bundle)
Is there a way to automatically generate the apk file with meteor up? or should I build it locally and point it to the deployment server?
Meteor up wont build your apk by default. You will have to do this yourself.

WildFly 8.2 auto deploy configuration

How to configure WildFly 8.2.1 to:
Not auto-deploy from "deployments" folder when server running
Always deploy from "deployments" whent starting up, ignoring previous deploy result
If I set scan-enabled="false" for deployment-scanner, WildFly didnt deploy at startup even new files.
When scan-enabled="true", WildFly didn't deploy files that failed to deploy at previous start up, but not changed.
To avoid auto deploy set auto-deploy-zipped="false" auto-deploy-exploded="false" for deployment-scanner in standalone.xml.
But whenever you want to deploy another file then you have to add MARKER FILES for it.
For example, the marker file to indicate the HelloWorld.war file should be deployed named HelloWorld.war.dodeploy in deployments folder and file should have content - HelloWorld.war.
Then only it will deploy your new file automatically.
Refer this and this link for some more info.
If scan-enabled="false" then WildFly will ignore marker files at startup and at runtime. Alsow WildFly will ignore all deployments in deploy folder, even if that deployments was successfully deployed before.
Left only 2 ways:
Set scan-interval less than 1 (with scan-enabled="true"). It will
enable only one scan at startup. After that WildFly also will ignore
any changes in deploy folder
Deploy through admin console

How to update deployed meteor app

How can i update a deployed app using meteor.
So i deploy my app using
meteor deploy xxxxxxx
and to delete i do
meteor deploy --delete xxxxxx
how can i update?
It is not in the command line help also
when i type
meteor deploy --help
I get
--delete, -D permanently delete this deployment
--debug deploy in debug mode (don't minify, etc)
--settings set optional data for Meteor.settings
--star a star (tarball) to deploy instead of the current Meteor app
Is your app hosted on
If so you only need to issue a
Meteor deploy XXXXX
Command again and it will update your app.
Meteor Deploy uses the same hotcode reload that the apps use.
Just refresh the web page where you're making the changes and the meteor server will make itself restart! :)

How do I undeploy a meteor application?

I've deployed an application with:
meteor deploy
Is there a way for me to undeploy from
Suppose I have deployed an app on the url :- .
Then, to remove this deployed app, Run this Command:-
meteor deploy --delete
From the Documentation:
To delete an application you've deployed, specify the --delete option along with the site.
