Issues while grafana and kibana integration - kibana

I am integrating the kibana and grafana by using the drilldown link to kibana dashboard. The problem is whenever i choose "absolute" option for the drilldown link, and provide a url ex:, this url gets prepended with the grafana url, "http://grafanahost/". How to get rid of this ?

try specifying, it needs to be full URL otherwise browser will see it as local to the webxsite the link is on.


How to create whitelisted URL pattern for Google Firebase Dynamic link?

My Dynamic link giving the error as Invalid Dynamic Link - Blocked
We could not match param '' with whitelisted URL patterns in this Google project.
I tried to create whitelist which goes to playstore:
Unable to use for below URL, need redirection on below url to read the values.
I'm expecting the dynamic link to open my app and read the parameters.
If app not present it will go to app store / playstore.
Expecting the link to work across all the devices and platforms without error.
Issue resolved by below example.
Allowlist URL Pattern: ^https{0,1}:\/\/www\.example\.com\/post([\/#\?].*){0,1}$
Similarly for
Allowlist URL Pattern: ^https{0,1}:\/\/www\.toppscholars\.com([\/#\?].*){0,1}$

Website with https, Google Analytics for long time with http... can I change it?

and its URL is 'secured' with SSL (with httpS://
However, I found out that, for a long time, at Google Analytics, I use, ('non-secured') at my property and view's 'Default URL'.
I have two questions:
Did I miss data because I used http instead of https in the property and view's Default URL?
Can I CHANGE the http to httpS (in Google Analytics property/view) without problem, or do I lose historical data because of that? (This probably also depends on answer of Q1...) Or should I ADD a new property and/or view with https Default URL?
you didn't
you don't lose the historical data, feel free to change it.
That "default url" is for your convenience. you can do anything with it. That's just what GA uses to form full URLs from page paths only. Instead of using the hostname dimension there.
Also, GA is gracious enough to warn you whenever you can do significant changes to your core data.

Refused to display '' in a frame because it set 'X-Frame-Options' to 'sameorigin' with Looker

I'm trying to display a iFrame with Looker SSO, I used looker_sso_tool to generate the Embed URL, and it shows the dashboard I want, however when I try to use the url with a localhost application it shows the error:
Refused to display '' in a frame because it set 'X-Frame-Options' to 'sameorigin'.
I also notice the requested URL from this tool has a Location Response of:
While in localhost it is:
I'm using the node_example of sso embed, just changing the return to display the iFrame, like so:
res.end("<iframe height=400 width=600 src=" + url + "> </iframe> ");
How can I solve that?
Could you try generating a URL from the tester tool (with preview turned off) and serving that exact URL from localhost? I suspect the problem may be with something in your script, even though you said you didn't change much.
That error is often a bit of a red herring that means your URL isn't authenticating properly— Looker sets x-frame-option headers on the login page that prevent it from being embedded, so if the generated URL doesn't work to log you in and instead redirects to /login, the error can appear. If you take a generated URL from your script and pass it through the Admin > Embed url verification tool, do you get any hints?
You could also try asking over on where there's a wealth of Looker experts!

what is a valid value for REDIRECT URIS in Google Developer Console?

By the search results, I have concluded that it is so simple thing that no one has ever encountered such error. But here I am trying for the last hour. The problem is whatever I put in the "REDIRECT URIS" box in the Google Developer Console, It says "Invalid redirect URI.".. I have tried full URL, URL with and without www, just the domain name, name with relative path and every other possible thing. But response never changes. Any help will be highly appreciated.
If you give URI like this while creating Google API, then you can do one thing... go to site enter the above IP address and u will get the hostname for it and then you could enter that in your redact URI space when creating an API.

Hyperlink url contains localhost and port number

I am creating a searching website using ASP.NET .On my one page I show URL of results.When I click on URL a new link is open but the URL path for the new link in the browser include loalhost:portnumbet.I do not want this in my URL.
For eg.
so on clicking result I go to browser where the URL is "https://localhost:8080//"
why this localhost:8080 includes in the URL.
When you are redirecting to the URL, you will not be adding any protocol information, so it will default to the current website/protocol.
For example;
is not the same as;
You need to add the fully qualified URL, otherwise it will believe it to berelative to the current website, therefore add the http(s):// to the redirect.
