HTTP 500 Error Displaying MAMP - http

I am trying to test my website locally using MAMP, however I am receiving a 500 Internal Server Error error whenever I enter localhost into my browser. Any idea why this may be happening? I have not tried anything so far to mitigate the issue as I do not know where to start. Excuse me if the question is slightly vague.

The easiest way to get an internal error is by editing .htaccess or .conf files. If you've made any edits to those files recently, comment them out or revert to the original versions (MAMP bundles original .conf files in an "originals" folder with the live .conf files, so you can copy and paste those back in if something goes wrong). If that resolves your error, slowly add your changes back in until it breaks again, and you'll know where you went wrong.


Is there a reason certain PDF's give me an error in WordPress when I try uploading them? [duplicate]

Does anyone know what this error message on WordPress means?
Unexpected response from the server. The file may have been uploaded successfully. Check in the Media Library or reload the page.
I couldn't find any errors that I can think of.
This happened when I tried to upload an MP4 file that is about 200MB in size. I have set my WordPress to accept MP4 of up to 5GB so that shouldn't be a problem, I am using WordPress Multisite installation on Ubuntu 16.04.
In my php.ini I have set the max upload size to 50GB and max post size to 50GB too and I also set the max memory to 1GB. But it just kept sending me that error and I have no idea where to look. All it says was an unexpected response and I have no idea what response that might be.
I can upload MP4 with a size of 27MB with no problem, I know the default WordPress setting is 20MB so I'm pretty sure the size isn't the problem.
I have also check that the file wasn't corrupted, it was working fine on my computer as well as YouTube.
I tried restarting PHP (PHP-FPM) and Apache2 but it doesn't seem to be working.
Does anyone has an idea of what is going on? Thanks 🙌
I think my answer is too late. but I would like to post a solution for anyone still looking for a solution for this issue on WordPress running on Nginx.
You should add the following directive to set the maximum allowed size in HTTP(server/location) section.
client_max_body_size 10M;
I have understood why this WordPress error occurs "Unexpected response from the server. The file may have been uploaded successfully. Check in the Media Library or reload the page.", atleast in my case :D
If you can upload any other file except this specific one, then it is an issue with the file's size.
In my case everything was correct - upload limits, post_max_size, memory_limit etc but if you are using NGINX, the possible issue is with client_max_body_size
Step 1: In your nginx.conf file, increase the value of "client_max_body_size" to 256M (or more as needed).
Step 2: Restart nginx.
Now you can reload the media library and try uploading the file again. To be on the safe side, rename your file before uploading.
The mentioned error is generic, it may refer to more than one possibility, so check this out:
Maybe you enabled Cloudflare with basic plan in your hosting, if so, Cloudflare limits the upload to 100 MB.
Maybe you mixed content on your website, with some pages refering to http and other pages refering to https. If so, please check the link:
Maybe you installed security plugin.
Deactivating "All in one WP security" did the trick. You can re-enable it after the upload.
I had the same issue and tried all of the solutions above but had no luck. I ended up using this plugin and it worked automatically. No idea why bc I didn't increase the max upload size or anything. I noticed in their reviews someone else had the same issue. So hopefully it'll help someone else out there!
This appears to be an issue with the newer versions of WordPress themselves, rather than anything server side.
It appears to be a known issue to WordPress developers that is being investigated (eg:
I faced the same error and finally it was fixed.
you may installed maximum upload plugins and its configuration is different than your host configuration, for example: if you set max upload from the plugin to 512M and your host configuration is 64, your browser will show your maximum upload as 512M not 64, but later after uploading the unexpected error will display.
the solution : remove the max upload plugin as it my conflict with configuration.
and if you host your website with shared server service, call the support to update the max upload size for you
I had the same problem a number of times and again today. My client was trying to upload PDF's to the media library that were not large and he was getting the error message "Unexpected response from the server. The file may have been uploaded successfully. Check in the Media Library or reload the page" The files were mostly around 1.6mb. Some worked, some didn't. They would upload but the preview of the file would not show in the media library. I tried using the Browser upload method also. Same result only once the upload completed we would get a 404 page not found error.
Ultimately I figured out the issue was an unsupported font used in the PDF files called ZeitungPro-Regular. When I opened the file in Adobe Acrobat DC Adobe showed the error message "Unrecognized font". I switched over to edit mode and changed the font to Arial Narrow as a test. Saved it and uploaded it and it worked! The issue was not with the server or the site set up, the issue was that WordPress could not process that font after uploading the file. If you are getting the "Unexpected response from the server. The file may have been uploaded successfully. Check in the Media Library or reload the page" check the file you are uploading carefully.
For people using the Wordfence security plugin, I had the same issue combined to other listed here. Max upload size, nginx client_max_body_size, it finally worked but only for admins.
Then I had to switch the Wordfence firewall in learning mode and let users upload their large file, and turn the firewall back to production mode. Long calls to admin ajax were blocked.
Hope this helps.
I came looking for a solution to this same problem. What caused the problem was an apostrophe in the file name. Simply removing that allowed the same file to upload without an issue.
I also faced the same error. I just deactivated the wordfence security plugin and now it's work fine. Hope help someone.
I had the same problem on Windows when I upgraded PHP to a newer version.
The problem was that the /logs and /tmp folders did not exist in the new PHP folder as it was set to c:\php\logs and c:\php\tmp in the php.ini file.

Wordpress uploading .docx file via Media Library Unexpected response from the server [duplicate]

Does anyone know what this error message on WordPress means?
Unexpected response from the server. The file may have been uploaded successfully. Check in the Media Library or reload the page.
I couldn't find any errors that I can think of.
This happened when I tried to upload an MP4 file that is about 200MB in size. I have set my WordPress to accept MP4 of up to 5GB so that shouldn't be a problem, I am using WordPress Multisite installation on Ubuntu 16.04.
In my php.ini I have set the max upload size to 50GB and max post size to 50GB too and I also set the max memory to 1GB. But it just kept sending me that error and I have no idea where to look. All it says was an unexpected response and I have no idea what response that might be.
I can upload MP4 with a size of 27MB with no problem, I know the default WordPress setting is 20MB so I'm pretty sure the size isn't the problem.
I have also check that the file wasn't corrupted, it was working fine on my computer as well as YouTube.
I tried restarting PHP (PHP-FPM) and Apache2 but it doesn't seem to be working.
Does anyone has an idea of what is going on? Thanks 🙌
I think my answer is too late. but I would like to post a solution for anyone still looking for a solution for this issue on WordPress running on Nginx.
You should add the following directive to set the maximum allowed size in HTTP(server/location) section.
client_max_body_size 10M;
I have understood why this WordPress error occurs "Unexpected response from the server. The file may have been uploaded successfully. Check in the Media Library or reload the page.", atleast in my case :D
If you can upload any other file except this specific one, then it is an issue with the file's size.
In my case everything was correct - upload limits, post_max_size, memory_limit etc but if you are using NGINX, the possible issue is with client_max_body_size
Step 1: In your nginx.conf file, increase the value of "client_max_body_size" to 256M (or more as needed).
Step 2: Restart nginx.
Now you can reload the media library and try uploading the file again. To be on the safe side, rename your file before uploading.
The mentioned error is generic, it may refer to more than one possibility, so check this out:
Maybe you enabled Cloudflare with basic plan in your hosting, if so, Cloudflare limits the upload to 100 MB.
Maybe you mixed content on your website, with some pages refering to http and other pages refering to https. If so, please check the link:
Maybe you installed security plugin.
Deactivating "All in one WP security" did the trick. You can re-enable it after the upload.
I had the same issue and tried all of the solutions above but had no luck. I ended up using this plugin and it worked automatically. No idea why bc I didn't increase the max upload size or anything. I noticed in their reviews someone else had the same issue. So hopefully it'll help someone else out there!
This appears to be an issue with the newer versions of WordPress themselves, rather than anything server side.
It appears to be a known issue to WordPress developers that is being investigated (eg:
I faced the same error and finally it was fixed.
you may installed maximum upload plugins and its configuration is different than your host configuration, for example: if you set max upload from the plugin to 512M and your host configuration is 64, your browser will show your maximum upload as 512M not 64, but later after uploading the unexpected error will display.
the solution : remove the max upload plugin as it my conflict with configuration.
and if you host your website with shared server service, call the support to update the max upload size for you
I had the same problem a number of times and again today. My client was trying to upload PDF's to the media library that were not large and he was getting the error message "Unexpected response from the server. The file may have been uploaded successfully. Check in the Media Library or reload the page" The files were mostly around 1.6mb. Some worked, some didn't. They would upload but the preview of the file would not show in the media library. I tried using the Browser upload method also. Same result only once the upload completed we would get a 404 page not found error.
Ultimately I figured out the issue was an unsupported font used in the PDF files called ZeitungPro-Regular. When I opened the file in Adobe Acrobat DC Adobe showed the error message "Unrecognized font". I switched over to edit mode and changed the font to Arial Narrow as a test. Saved it and uploaded it and it worked! The issue was not with the server or the site set up, the issue was that WordPress could not process that font after uploading the file. If you are getting the "Unexpected response from the server. The file may have been uploaded successfully. Check in the Media Library or reload the page" check the file you are uploading carefully.
For people using the Wordfence security plugin, I had the same issue combined to other listed here. Max upload size, nginx client_max_body_size, it finally worked but only for admins.
Then I had to switch the Wordfence firewall in learning mode and let users upload their large file, and turn the firewall back to production mode. Long calls to admin ajax were blocked.
Hope this helps.
I came looking for a solution to this same problem. What caused the problem was an apostrophe in the file name. Simply removing that allowed the same file to upload without an issue.
I also faced the same error. I just deactivated the wordfence security plugin and now it's work fine. Hope help someone.
I had the same problem on Windows when I upgraded PHP to a newer version.
The problem was that the /logs and /tmp folders did not exist in the new PHP folder as it was set to c:\php\logs and c:\php\tmp in the php.ini file.

WordPress internal Server Error 500 when moving hosts

I am trying to move my WordPress site from one hosting service to another. I made a backup and restored it on the new host. But I am getting internal server 500 error on the site. I have tried to fix the .htaccess file but its still giving error.
The issue is, if I try to rename it to test it, its not giving the internal 500 error but redirecting me to WordPress installation page called wp-admin/install.php
Can someone help me for solve the issue.Thanks
All the suggestions that are given are great, but if those do not work, then you can try to downgrade PHP. It had worked in my case when I was facing the same error.
You can dig in the error log and find what exactly is causing the error.
Steps for debug.
As previously said: stop all plugins and try again. If problem still exists check logs again. Then switch to default theme and so on.
Btw have moved the DB properly? With the same connection settings.
I think you should check your wp-config.php and PHP version. make sure you have entered correct DB info in wp-config like db_name, password, and table_prefix etc...
if You have changed hosting, probable You need to check database and .htacess file. If You are getting installation page means its database issue, Please check database prefix in wp-config.php file and it will solve your issue.
there are lot of causes for internal server error. The main reasons for internal server errors are.
Corrupt .htaccess file
PHP Memory limit
Faulty code in Theme
Corrupted plugin
Corrupted core files
Incompatible PHP version
In oder to fix this issue, you need to investigate in step by step order.
To solve this issue first of all you need to enable Debug mode and check the issue.
after that try with restoring .htacess file, enabling default theme, disabling plugins etc.
if you still facing 500 internal server issue, follow tutorial on WPERA to fix 500 internal server error. Hope this helps.

Random 500 internal errors on my wordpress website

I have around 10 plugins installed.
I use a wordpress theme by sitemile.
The site works fine sometimes, but very often, if I were to go to the login or sign up page, it displays the 500 internal error. I want to set up logs for see to see whats happening but I am not sure how I can do that.
Also, sometimes the homepage of the website loads very funky but if i go to other pages, it may or may not load that page properly.
Not an internet issue. Cleared cache as well. Interestingly, I see different results in normal and incognitu browsers.
Do these internal errors occur most of the time when you have a lot of plugins? Is there some other source of problem that I can check to make sure everything in my site is alright?
Error screenshot attached.
Homepage of website
Depending on your webhost, you might already have more details in a log file. Often times with apache it's called "error_log" and it can be found in your root directory or the directory of the file causing the error.
It could be anything from access permissions or a security block. So it's going to be hard for someone to give you an answer on this without more information.
Things to try:
You can try disabling one plugin at a time until it works.
Look for an error_log (or similar) file
Double check all of the file permissions, chmod and chown
Contact your web host and see if they can provide any insight
If you ARE the web host (or manage the server yourself) then you can check the apache error logs (if enabled) and/or security logs on the server
Double check any errors on the .htaccess file
A script could be consuming too much resources or taking too long to load, you can narrow it down by process of elimination and then disable/patch the culprit

Wordpress Blog :: 500 Internal Server Error

I am getting this error message while trying to access a wordpress blog which is installed in a directory. Is this due to .htaccess or something? Any help is appreciated.
The server encountered an internal error or misconfiguration and was unable to complete your request.
Please contact the server administrator, and inform them of the time the error occurred, and anything you might have done that may have caused the error.
More information about this error may be available in the server error log.
Additionally, a 404 Not Found error was encountered while trying to use an ErrorDocument to handle the request.
Apache Server at Port 80'
This is almost always a problem with your Apache configuration. Errors originating in PHP won’t trigger the Apache 5xx handler, which is what you’re seeing.
Unfortunately, without more information, your problem is impossible to diagnose. I’d recommend that you:
Check the logs. First thing! It should give you a better idea where your problem is.
Stop and restart Apache. If there is a problem with permissions on something Apache needs write access to (logs), it could completely fail to start. This should give you the proper motivation to fix the problem, particularly if there are other VirtualHosts on that Apache.
Move your .htaccess file(s) somewhere else. If Apache works, you know it’s a problem with that file.
It sounds like you're getting some sort of PHP error but PHP isn't set to display errors. You'll want to check your Apache logs for detailed error info.
The mostly likely culprit is that you're missing some prerequisite for running WordPress, although all you should really need is Apache, MySQL, & mod_rewrite.
I was able to fix it by adding the following line to my .htaccess file:
php_value memory_limit 128M
This is happening to me RIGHT NOW.
As to from what I know, my hosting providers did a DNS change and so I'm waiting for the DNS to propagate, it's been like three hours and still zero.
Blog is showing ok, apache is up and working, I just can't get access into the WP Admin area.
If it does get fixed by tomorrow, I'll reply here so it can be of help for others.
Edit: I just fixed my problem.
In my case it was determined that the Fast Contact Form plug-in was creating the problem. I modified the folder name from si-contact-form to si-contact-form-hold then I regained WP Admin access.
After that I created a php.ini file with this string inside 'memory=64MB' and saved that into the wp-admin folder.
Manually deleted the si-contact-form-hold (to avoid possible corrupted files) and reinstalled the Fast Contact Form.
All my settings were already there and everything is back up and running good!
Hope this helps.
Look at, and look for the paragraph which says something like "Good and default .htaccess looks like this...."
My issue was a little bit different. I had an .htaccess file inside the wp-admin directory. I deleted the .htaccess inside of wp-admin and that fixed my problems.
Unfortunately it could be anything. Do static pages on the site work properly.
Have you checked the server logs.
I think it is likely to do with php. If static pages are there then possibly your config for wordpress is incorrectly configured or files missing.
Has php be working? Did the blog work and then stop? Did you get through the install process?
Check wordpress files ownership for the user are correct or not.
In linux ls -laZ command will display the ownership.
For setting the ownership for a folder use this command
chown -R username:username /user/username/public_html/
An HTTP 500 error could be caused by a great many things. Have you changed your .htaccess file recently? If you try to use a .htaccess feature that is disabled on your host, that is one possible cause.
Some more points
Blog has been running successfully. Just observed this problem since yesterday.
Blog is in a directory so it works something like this Apparently is working perfectly.
Update on logs
Getting these two errors in the logs:
File does not exist: /home/directory/public_html/500.shtml
/home/sub-directory/public_html/sub-directory/.htaccess: RewriteCond: bad argument line '%{REQUEST_FILENAME}!-f'
/home/directory/public_html/sub-directory/.htaccess: # without matching # section
How do I restart apache on cpanel ?
memory = 64MB;
The above line inside a php.ini file uploaded to the wp-admin folder solved my problem. I was not being able to log into the dashboard either through /wp-admin or /wp-login.php, and was getting a HTTP server error 500.
There can be multiple causes for this, I just solved mine, after 2-3 hours of going crazy.
I had another WP instance in a subdirectory inside the main WP instance (in the root folder).
Have checked / deleted .htaccess
deleted plugin folder
In the end, it was to do with the permission of the subfolder in which second instance was running. It was originally 775 (write permission for group), I had to change it to 755 (no write permission for group) and this finally fixed it, like magic.
This is of course just one of possible the answers to your question, I wanted to write it down though as I didn't find it explicitly written anywhere so it might save others some time.
