Huge difference in Advanced segment and Custom Report - google-analytics

Why is the advanced segment and custom report in the below scenario not matching. Need your valuable suggestions from you all.
I have created a custom report to get sessions. I have done this by using the below query
Dimension as Device category
Metrics sessions
filters as page matches regex /products/phone/xperia-z
iam getting figues as mobile(sessions) = 869,908
However when i use a advanced segment on Audience-->Mobile--> overview. The query used in the advanced segment is
Filter session using page matchesregex /products/phone/xperia-z
mobile(session) = 1,187,560
Could you please let us know why there is such a huge difference in custom report and advanced segment, though iam only interested in sessions

Comparing segments with custom reports is not a correct way of populating data. Whenever you apply a segment, it gives data for all the sessions in which your specified page was visited. Whereas in Custom Report, the filter works like a secondary dimension i.e. number of sessions from Mobile in which users directly landed on your page.
Try and using secondary dimension in Audience > Mobile report and your data will match.
// Hiren :P


Google analytics - Data Studio, show conversion rate if a page was viewed

I have our E-commerce Conversion Rate all set up and looking good in GA. I want to view the conversion rate of people who have viewed a specific page and add this information to a Datastudio report...
I have the metric in Datastudio as "E-commerce Conversion Rate" everything looks good and the data matches GA, however, I tried filtering based on the dimension "page" contains "/pageurl" but I don't get a valid result... What am I doing wrong?
Like I said I just want to see the conversion rate of users who have visited a certain page during their journey...
Thanks in advance!
I believe your issue is that the e-commerce conversion rate is not a pageview-level metric. So, when you try to add on a filter to contain users that went to a certain page, it won't work correctly.
It's like if you try to go into the All pages report in GA, you'll notice there is only a page value metric but no conversion rate.
You have two options depending on the report you are trying to make. You can change the filter to be landing page rather than just page or you can create a custom segment in GA that is a session containing a view of the particular page you are looking for.

How can I view individual hits to pages within a GA custom report

I would like to compare some data between a 3rd party analytics tool and GA.
Now I would love to see the IP addresses that Ga is receiving however it seems that they do not reveal this information, fine, however, I cannot find a way to use the flat table in the GA custom report to show me the following if possible;
Full Date Time (Seems as though they don't want you to have this either)
Browser Version
Browser Width & Height
Page (from the hit)
And I would like this data not to be grouped by the metric, this way I can see that if the same user has hit a page 3 times it isn't grouped.
If anyone can help please let me know. If the question is poorly phrased please let me know.
This requires some work, and it will allow the breakdown only for future hits, not for hits that are already collected.
To view individual hits you need to create a hit based dimension that is unique per hit. Unless your page has an amazing amount of traffic a timestamp in milliseconds (e.g. new Date().getTime()) will be sufficient (for your report you might want to format that in a nice way). So in the admin section of your GA property you go to custom definitions, create a hit scoped custom dimension, and then modify your pagecode to send the timestamp to that dimension. Hit scoped means it is attached to the pageview (or other interacton hit) it is sent with.
If you want to break down your report by user you need the clientid (clientid is how Google recognizes that hits belong to the same user). Again, send it as a custom dimension.
This does not tell you how many sessions the user had (there is no session identifier in GA). If you need to know that you can create a session scoped custom dimension and send a random number along ("session scope" means that GA only stores the last value in a session, so you don't need to maintain a session id over multiple pageviews, since the last value will be set for all hits within the session). The number of different sessions ids per client id then tells you the number of sessions per user.
The takeaway is that GA only shows aggregated data, and if you want to defeat this mechanism you need to throw data at it that cannot be aggregated further. You might run into other constraints (i.e. there is a limited number of rows per report).

Get Google Analytics A/B style results on any page of website?

I am trying to get the conversion rate for an individual page just like you get when running an A/B test. I want to find out how many times /page hits the goal of going to /thanks after a visitor is on it. I have tried a custom report but the only page that shows conversion rate stats is the actual thanks page. Any ideas?
You can create a custom segment of your users or sessions, who have visited a given page, or groups of pages. (Look for Conditions under Advanced group of New segment dialog.) You can filter your standard or custom reports for this segment only, and get the information, you are looking for.

Can I filter a Google Analytics segment based on content grouping pageview count?

I want to create a Google Analytics segment for our users who view at least a certain number of pages on our site. From what I can tell (please correct me if I'm wrong) this is easy to do if you don't care about what kind of page they view: you create a filter for the segment that checks to see if Unique Pageviews is greater than some value such as 4. However our site has a whole bunch of pages that I don't really care if someone reads (our "about page" for example). So what I'm trying to do is create a segment of how many people view at least X pages of what we call "Learning Content" (basically two specific page types on our site). How can I segment the users who read a certain amount of learning content?
Two types of pages fit into our definition of learning content. The first one has a URL matching a regex that sort of looks like /learning_content_1/.* and the second matches regex /learning_content_2/.*. I've already created a content group for learning content that correctly identifies these two content groups. However I wasn't able to find any way to filter a segment based on how many unique pageviews (or even just pageviews) come from a specific content grouping. Is this even possible? If not, how might I work around that?
The research I've done so far: Google Analytics: How to segment by many groups of pages was somewhat helpful but didn't address the question of how to create an actual GA segment based on pageview information for a content grouping or content group.
The only way I can think of handling this, is by associating a specific custom event that gets triggered on this page. Then you can create a segment that matches users who have that event category:
and total events greater than 4:
It's a workaround, and it doesn't work if you are tracking other events, but maybe that works for you?

Using advanced filters - Google Analytics

A client I am working for has a requirement to use historical data in Google Analytics to present a report that shows them page views on a specific page, but only when refereed to said page from the homepage, basically like in-site ad tracking. I have discovered that I can create reports that are grouped on a user-defined variable, however I need previous data to also be included in this report, and therefore cannot simply define this inside of my Google Analytics call.
I have therefore been experimenting with Advanced filters, in an attempt to populated the user-defined field with a query-string variable. I have attached an image below illustrate my current configuration:
This configuration isn't populating the "User-Defined" field, and therefore not producing the desired results.
Any help would be appriciated.
Any filters you set will only be applied to new data, not historic.
Probably what you are after can be retrieved through the Analytics API (you can use the Query explorer for that).
Try the following:
dimensions: ga:nextPagePath
metrics: ga:uniquePageviews
filters: ga:previousPagePath=~<YOUR STARTING PAGE>;ga:nextPagePath=~page\=
sort: -ga:uniquePageviews
What the query is asking is "Which are the top pages that include 'page=' did users click on from your starting page?"
