Adobe Brackets Wordpress hints / autocomplete - wordpress

so.. I am trying out Adobe Brackets as my editor right now and I really like it so far, but there is one thing I am missing and I wonder if there is an extension for that..
I mainly code php, css and javascript for wordpress themes / plugins etc. I was using sublime 3 before, where I had a plugin that, if I type a wordpress function name and use the autocomplete, automatically inserts the parameters of that function. So in sublime it looks like this
In Adobe Brackets I tried every wordpress extension that I found but I cant get the same result. The hints for wordpress functions do work but when I accept a hint it wont insert the parameters of that function
So I wondered if anyone knows an extension that offers autocompletion like in the sublime screenshot. Or am I missing sth else to get that?
Thanks in advance!

I haven't yet installed this, but I came across it today and will be trying it out myself. It's an extension for Brackets called "Brackets WordPress Hint". It looks like the repository hasn't been contributed to in a while, but I haven't (yet) found anything newer.


Where is the theme function in drupal?

I´m trying to follow this steps:
This is my first day in drupal and I have a problem in the first step =(
Identify the file your theme function came from ( a core/modules/color/?)
How I can find this "theme function"? I was looking for into a files of the project but I cand find this....
I get this project from other person and I can´t ask him "ey, where is the theme function?" Maybe I have wrong concepts and I don´t know where search...
Can someone help me?
Someone knows what I search? Is a funtcion? Is a file?
So the page you're looking at shows how to convert a tpl.php to a html.twig. This is showing you how to update a Drupal 7 theme to be compatible with Drupal 8.
Assuming that is in fact what you're trying to do, you will normally find Drupal 7 theme templates at sites/all/themes/YOUR_THEME_NAME/templates. Once you navigate there, you should see files ending in tpl.php. Inside these files you might find a theme function being used. You can identify them as they'll look something like function theme_YOUR_THEME_NAME_hook($variables).
What is a theme function?
A theme function is a PHP function that exists to provide HTML that is can be customized by themes and modules.
Here is the official list of theme functions. You can find a lot more information on, but here are a few starter links:
1. Theme API
2. Using the theme layer
3. Theme hooks
I would highly recommend reading a book on theming before tackling anything else. Drupal has a lot of depth, and if you're truly on day one and already converting themes, this will serve you well. I recommend 'Using Drupal' to understand the basics of Drupal, as a lot of Drupal development can be accomplished through the User Interface. Then move onto 'Drupal 7 Development by Example Beginner's Guide' to gain an understanding of how and when you should delve into actual code development.

Formatting Java code in WordPress posts, like in Eclipse

I am about to write some posts which has some Java code, and I would like to format it properly by coloring the Java keywords. Like in Eclipse.
I am looking for some recommendation for a theme / plugin to use.
It looks like it's rather standard nowadays:
[code language="css"]
Your code here
As described here by WordPress itself.
The Chili code formatter is a good WordPress plugin to do that.
Alternative link: WP Chili
You could have some other plugins with this page or this other one.
However, it has not been updated for since 2010. Maybe you should use much recent one like the WP Code plugin.
It seems new versions of WordPress have already included the support of code posting. It is very interesting for me too, LOL.

Does anybody know of a Wordpress plugin that produces a PDF locally?

The function of the plugin is to print the page contents as a PDF.
I can find a bunch that connect to an external service in a popup to generate the PDF, but I can't seem to find one that produces the PDF on the server where the PDF needs to be generated.
The reason I don't want to use these external services is because of branding, and because most of them have advertising. If it wasn't for this, I wouldn't mind using these plugins either.
I'm OK with paying money if the plugin is good enough.
P.S. On an unrelated note, Wordpress' plugin search sucks :( I can't filter by version number, compatibility, etc.
I've found this
Should help you find what you need.
I already tried Print Friendly, and I think it could work in your situation.

Missing Wordpress WYSIWYG formatting tools

I am trying my hand at developing a Wordpress theme, however I seem to have hit a little snag. When creating posts in Wordpress you have the WYSIWYG content area.
At present, mine looks like this:
Missing some formatting tools
However, I would like to make available the following additional formatting tools:
Missing some formatting tools
Does anybody know if this a plugin or do I need to enable something inside Wordpress?
Although I usually get on great with Google, I don't think I am using the correct search terms as the results tend to be off track.
Any help is appreciated - but my preference would be a way of implementing this myself rather than using a plugin.
That looks like the kitchen sink, which can be expanded by clicking the first button on the right in the first picture.

Drupal Hooks (hook_form_alter)

I’ve a question about Hooks. Being kind of new to Drupal I haven’t had much experience with hooks but a friend of mine suggested to get familiar with it and learn it to solve one of my problems on my site.
The thing is, that I have a module fbconnect which I use for users to connect via Facebook and use their profile picture at Facebook, on my site.
Everything is working, I’ve two checkboxes which and the connection and profile images works quite well but the problem is that above the two checkboxes I want a descriptive text to appear.
The only way I so far have to put in this text is to create a “description” field to the first checkbox. Unfortunately, it chooses to display this text beneath the checkbox so now it look kind of strange with a checkbox, a 3-4 lines descriptive text to the entire Facebook function, and then another checkbox.
If hooks are the right way to go to solve this problem, how do I actually do it and where do I actually insert the hook? I can imagine that it is the hook_form_alter function I need to have and in my fbconnect module the function fbconnect_form_alter exists but where I go from here I really have no idea.
I’ve tried to read up and see some instruction videos about hooks but I’m still puzzled about this apparently very nice feature in Drupal.
I'm using Drupal 6 for this site.
Any help or advice would be very much appreciated.
It sounds like you might also need to look at the Theme system in Drupal. In particular, take a look at theme_checkbox. From glancing at the code, there seems to be a label that is rendered after the actual checkbox. In your custom theme function or theme file you can try changing the order of the two.
In drupal, a "hook" is the way to interact with some piece of code.
In you have a hook_bar() hook, and is your module named 'foo' implements foo_bar(), then this function is executed.
In your case, you'll need to create a module, and impletements hook_form_alter()
You can find a tutorial there that show you how to add a checkbox. If you need to add some text, you can use the same method, except instead of adding a checkbox, of course, you just add a textfield
Here is an awesome beginner's video about adding custom hooks with the example of hook_form_alter from Drupalcon Chicago 2011 which is perfect for this situation and will hopefully help you in this. As a newbie to Drupal it surely helped me and I would highly recommend watching other videos. Thanks to the drupal community for posting these.
