Classification of Qualitative Data in R - r

I want to cluster my qualitative data using kmeans in R. The data represents trade ID's, Counterparty Names, Regulator, Product Type and Error Type. All these values are not numeric and I know that kmeans only works with numeric values. I want to cluster based on Error Types and want to know which Counterparties and regulators group together. The data that I have is as follows:
Reported_USI Counterparty Regulator Product_Type Error Code
ABC243 ABC CSA InterestRate G1234 1
ABC111 ABC CSA InterestRate G1234 1
TRE567 TRE CSA Equity G5689 2
YTY111 YTY CSA Equity G4523 3
DEF111 DEF CSA InterestRate G1234 1
CBC111 CBC CSA InterestRate G5689 2
TTT111 TTT CFTC Credit G4523 3
PPP111 PPP CFTC Credit G5555 4
GGG111 GGG CFTC Credit G5555 4
RRR111 RRR CFTC Credit G0000 5
EEE111 EEE CFTC Credit G0000 5
SSS111 SSS CSA InterestRate G0000 5
VVV111 VVV CSA ForeignExchange G1234 1
BBB111 BBB CSA ForeignExchange G5555 4
NNN111 NNN CSA InterestRate G4523 3
Here is the code:
cluster_file<,row.names = NULL)
I gave the Error's a number from 1-5. I want to see what cluster the Counterparty and USI fall under and then use a graph to visualize it. If anyone can give me a direction I will really appreciate it. The data that I gave is a subset from a very huge data set. Hopefully I have been clear. Thank you.
EDIT: I put the code up. When I went on to pull the names of the USI associated with the cluster it returned a null value.

Stop expecting magic. kmeans cannot do magic.
It performs a least-squares optimization. It assumes you have continuous variables.
it is up to you to have data where this is the right approach.
Judging from your data k-means is the wrong tool here. If I'm not mistaken, you are attempting to run k-means on the last column only,which contains your random enumeration of error codes 1,2,3,4,5 only? What result would you expect there?!?
In fact, I don't think any clustering will yield a statistically sound result on your data set, which could as well be random strings...
If you cannot show that least-squares is a "reasonable" optimization criteria, and means are reasonable representatives for your data set, then you shouldn't use k-means.
In your case, on 1,2,3,4,5 error codes, this obviously cannot not work.


How to fix linear model fitting error in S-plus

I am trying to fit values in my algorithm so that I could predict a next month's number. I am getting a No data for variable errror when clearly I've defined what the objects are that I am putting into the equation.
I've tried to place them in vectors so that it could use one vector as a training data set to predict the new values. Current script has worked for me for a different dataset but for some reason isn't working here.
The data is small so I was wondering if that has anything to do with it. The data is:
Month io obs Units Sold
12 in 1 114
1 in 2 29
2 in 3 105
3 in 4 30
4 in 5
I'm trying to predict Units Sold with the code below
I am expecting to be able to place lmfit in predict and get an output.

HMM text recognition in R depmixs4

I'm wondering how I would utilize the depmixs4 package for R to run HMM on a dataset. What functions would I use so I get a classification of a testing data set?
I have a file of training data, a file of label data, and a test data.
Training data consists of 4620 rows. Each row has 1079 values. These values are 83 windows with 13 values per window so in otherwords the 1079 is data that is made up of 83 states and each category has 13 observations. Each of these rows with 1079 values is a spoken word so it have 4620 utterances. But in total the data only has 7 distinct words. each of these distinct words have 660 different utterances hence the 4620 rows of words.
So we have words (0-6)
The label file is a list where each row is labeled 0-6 corresponding to what word they are. For example row 300 is labeled 2, row 450 is labeled 6 and 520 is labeled 0.
The test file contains about 5000 rows structured exactly like the training data except there are no labels assocaiated with it.
I want to use HMM to using the training data to classify the test data.
How would I use depmixs4 to output a classification of my test data?
I'm looking at :
depmix(response, data=NULL, nstates, transition=~1, family=gaussian(),
prior=~1, initdata=NULL, respstart=NULL, trstart=NULL, instart=NULL,
but I don't know what response refers to or any of the other parameters.
Here's a quick, albeit incomplete, test to get you started, if only to familiarize you with the basic outline. Please note that this is a toy example and it merely scratches the surface for HMM design/analysis. The vignette for the depmixs4 package, for instance, offers quite a lot of context and examples. Meanwhile, here's a brief intro.
Let's say that you wanted to investigate if industrial production offers clues about economic recessions. First, let's load the relevant packages and then download the data from the St. Louis Fed:
fred.tickers <-c("INDPRO")
Next, transform the data into rolling 1-year percentage changes to minimize noise in the data and convert data into data.frame format for analysis in depmixs4:
indpro.1yr <-na.omit(ROC(INDPRO,12))
indpro.1yr.df <-data.frame(indpro.1yr)
Now, let's run a simple HMM model and choose just 2 states--growth and contraction. Note that we're only using industrial production to search for signals:
model <- depmix(response=INDPRO ~ 1,
family = gaussian(),
nstates = 2,
data = indpro.1yr.df ,
Now let's fit the resulting model, generate posterior states
for analysis, and estimate probabilities of recession. Also, we'll bind the data with dates in an xts format for easier viewing/analysis. (Note the use of set.seed(1), which is used to create a replicable starting value to launch the modeling.)
set.seed(1) <- fit(model, verbose = FALSE)
model.prob <- posterior(
prob.rec <-model.prob[,2]
prob.rec.dates <-xts(prob.rec,as.Date(index(indpro.1yr)),
Finally, let's review and ideally plot the data:
1920-01-01 1.0000000
1920-02-01 1.0000000
1920-03-01 1.0000000
1920-04-01 0.9991880
1920-05-01 0.9999549
1920-06-01 0.9739622
High values (>0.80 ??) indicate/suggest that the economy is in recession/contraction.
Again, a very, very basic introduction, perhaps too basic. Hope it helps.

R predict function not using entire data in the test data set, only using partial data and predicting

I have a train data set which has 700 records. I prepared the model using c5.0 function with this data.
abc_model <- C5.0(abc_train[-5], abc_train$resultval)
I have test data, which has 5000 records.
I am using predict function to do the prediction on these 5000 recs.
abc_Test <- read.csv("FullData.csv", quote="")
abc_pred <- predict(abc_model, abc_test)
This is giving me the prediction for ONLY 700 recs, not all 5000.
How to make this predict for all 5000?
When I have the train data size larger than test data size, then the result is fine, I get all data, I am able to combine test data with results and get the output into ".CSV". But when train data size is smaller than test data, all records are not getting predicted.
x <- data.frame(abc_test, abc_pred)
Any inputs how to overcome this problem? I am not an expert in R. Any suggestions will help me a lot.
Thanks Richard.
Below is my train data, few recs.
Id Value1 Value2 Country Result
20835 63 1 United States yes
3911156 60 12 Romania no
39321 10 3 United States no
29425 80 9 Australia no
Below is my test data, few recs again.
Id Value1 Value2 Country
3942587 114 12 United States
3968314 25 13 Sweden
3973205 83 10 Russian Federation
17318 159 9 Russian Federation
I am trying to find the Result value and append this to my test data. But, like i described, I am getting the Result only for 700 records, not all 5000
You should try this:
lapply(abc_train[ names(abc_train) != "Result"] , table)
lapply(abc_train[] , table)
Then you will probably find that some of the levels for some of the variables in abc_test were not in abc_train, so estimates could not be produced. I'm guessing you thought that the numeric values would be handled as though a regression had been done, but that won't happen if those columns are factors in any prediction function and perhaps never depending on the function's behavior. Looking at C50::C5.0.default, it appears there may be no regression option for variables.

How to enter censored data into R's survival model?

I'm attempting to model customer lifetimes on subscriptions. As the data is censored I'll be using R's survival package to create a survival curve.
The original subscriptions dataset looks like this..
id start_date end_date
1 2013-06-01 2013-08-25
2 2013-06-01 NA
3 2013-08-01 2013-09-12
Which I manipulate to look like this..
id tenure_in_months status(1=cancelled, 0=active)
1 2 1
2 ? 0
3 1 1 order to feed the survival model:
obj <- with(subscriptions, Surv(time=tenure_in_months, event=status, type="right"))
fit <- survfit(obj~1, data=subscriptions)
What shall I put in the tenure_in_months variable for the consored cases i.e. the cases where the subscription is still active today - should it be the tenure up until today or should it be NA?
First I shall say I disagree with the previous answer. For a subscription still active today, it should not be considered as tenure up until today, nor NA. What do we know exactly about those subscriptions? We know they tenured up until today, that is equivalent to say tenure_in_months for those observations, although we don't know exactly how long they are, they are longer than their tenure duration up to today.
This is a situation known as right-censor in survival analysis. See:
So your data would need to translate from
id start_date end_date
1 2013-06-01 2013-08-25
2 2013-06-01 NA
3 2013-08-01 2013-09-12
id t1 t2 status(3=interval_censored)
1 2 2 3
2 3 NA 3
3 1 1 3
Then you will need to change your R surv object, from:
Surv(time=tenure_in_months, event=status, type="right")
Surv(t1, t2, event=status, type="interval2")
See for more syntax details. A very good summary of computational details can be found:
Interval censored data can be represented in two ways. For the first use type = interval and the codes shown above. In that usage the value of the time2 argument is ignored unless event=3. The second approach is to think of each observation as a time interval with (-infinity, t) for left censored, (t, infinity) for right censored, (t,t) for exact and (t1, t2) for an interval. This is the approach used for type = interval2, with NA taking the place of infinity. It has proven to be the more useful.
If a missing end date means that the subscription is still active, then you need to take the time until the current date as censor date.
NA wont work with the survival object. I think those cases will be omitted. That is not what you want! Because these cases contain important information about the survival.
SQL code to get the time till event (use in SELECT part of query)
DATEDIFF(M,start_date,ISNULL(end_date,GETDATE()) AS tenure_in_months
I would use difference in days, for my analysis. Does not make sense to round off the time to months.
You need to know the date the data was collected. The tenure_in_months for id 2 should then be this date minus 2013-06-01.
Otherwise I believe your encoding of the data is correct. the status of 0 for id 2 indicates it's right-censored (meaning we have a lower bound on it's lifetime, but not an upper bound).

Testing recurrences and orders in strings matlab

I have observed nurses during 400 episodes of care and recorded the sequence of surfaces contacts in each.
I categorised the surfaces into 5 groups 1:5 and calculated the probability density functions of touching any one of 1:5 (PDF).
PDF=[ 0.255202629 0.186199343 0.104052574 0.201533406 0.253012048]
I then predicted some 1000 sequences using:
for i=1:1000 % 1000 different nurses
seq = 1 5 2 3 4 2 5 5 2 5
stairs(1:max(observed_seq_length),seq) hold all
I'd like to compare my empirical sequences with my predicted one. What would you suggest to be the best strategy or property to look at?
EDIT: I put r as a tag as this may well fall more easily under that category due to the nature of the question rather than the matlab code.
