How do I create an uptime alert in pingdom without hardcoding the query parameters in http request? - pingdom

I am a novice Pingdom user ..I need to create an uptime check in Pingdom for a http get request which has request query string parameters ..
eg the request has parameters for center,query ,radius
Appreciate any help in this regard
Thx !

Why not make up some values?
When creating your check in Pingdom, enter the full URL including the query part into the URL field.


Connection to a site made by Http Post - how to check if connection is still alive?

I'm developing a Scraping app to extract some information from a sit. To get that information I have to be logged in to that site.
So I use Http post and pass the data needed for login using FormData and log in successfully, so I can browse the private content of that site.
My question Is: "How can I tell if the user is logged in?". What is the simple way to do that using session cookies or something like that?
I'm currently checking the connection by sending an Http Get Request to a Url that I know is available to registered users.
So before I try to login again, I use this method "isLoggedIn" to check the connection. But it is not perfect, I mean, it seems a kind o tricky and not the best way to do that.
Currently, I'm using Dio - a Lib to make Http Request in Dart. But I think it's a general Http matter.
Just to register...
I solve that after checking the difference between a 'logged' and a 'not logged in' response. In my specify case, when I did a get request to the login page, it answers with a response that has a 'CUSTOMER_AUTH' cookie setted with a random String, otherwise, this cookie is not present.
So I just check if this cookie is present and if it has a valid value.

How to use a POST instead of a GET

I've been reading a bit about post and get methods in http and I'm a bit confused
from the words themselves it sounds like GET is to get something/a resource from somewhere and POST is to send something somewhere
so I could do something like:
axios.get(' and I have received the list of users. that makes perfect sense
and I could do a POST request once a user has submitted my form to a database. easy
the bit that confuses me is when people say to use a POST instead of a GET. like how would I return the users from the url above using a POST? also the verbs sound weird if you are using POST to receive data??
also I read that GET requests can only take stuff over the url whereas POST has a response body. but in my example above with the users I got all the users in an array back to my app using GET and nothing changed in the url?
can someone help clarify this and explain how to use a POST when doing a GET
It really depends on the specific endpoint you are accessing. You shouldn't use a POST in lieu of a GET request if your goal is simply to read a list of users from the server. Also, if an endpoint is created as only accepting GET requests and you send a POST request then you will get a 405 "Method not allowed" in response. However, if the endpoint allows both POST and GET in order to read a list of users from the server then it depends on the use case for this POST method. The reasons can vary from security to specifying (in the body) the format in which you would like the data returned.

HTTP Request on POST and GET

I have a server log and it shows POST and GET
So, if a page is showing POST /ping and GET /xyz
Does this mean that the user agent is Requesting a page is GET and POST is the response from the server?
Because in my server logs, it's showing a lot of POST with million of /ping while the other pages have been GET is a smaller amount of number.
Which should I focus on? Get the POST pages get index if the server shows this to Search engines?
I would suggest you learn the difference between HTTP GET and POSTS.
This answer is quite good.
In summary, the GET requests are pages/data being requested by clients. POSTs are clients sending data to the server, usually expecting data as a response.
In their comment, Sylwit pretty much explains what this has to do with search engines. I'm going to just describe the differences between GET and POST
GET and POST are two different types of requests to the server. A GET request is normally used to retrieve information from the server and usually has a series of GET parameters. When you search something on Google you're making a GET request."how+do+i+get"
In this case, the GET parameter is the q after the ?, and has a value of "how do i get". It should be noted that a GET request doesn't need these additional parameters ( is still a GET request
POST requests, on the other hand, are normally used to send data to the server. You'll see this anytime you send a message, submit a form etc. When I click submit on this answer, I'll be making a POST request to stackoverflow's servers. The parameters for these aren't immediately visible in the browser. POST requests can also return a HTTP response, with a message.
Hope that shows the differences between the two.

How to find HTTP POST Data sent to a CGI Page?

I searched google for a good number of hours. Maybe I searched for the wrong keywords.
Here is what I want to do.
I'm posting data to a website which then makes a HTTP POST request and returns a .CGI webpage. I want to know the parameters the web page uses to send that HTTP POST request so that I can directly link a page from my Webpage to the final .CGI webpage by making the user enter the data on my own webpage.
How do I achieve it?
Usually the POST body is piped into STDIN, just read it as a normal file

What's image request with get parameters

While trying to understand how does the google keyword tool is requesting data I have found that it has a request for a .gif file with GET arguments.. for example:
(I have omitted all argument's data)
can someone please explain?
Although it's a request, it's purpose is to send analytics data in the query string parameters. For a good explanation, see Why does Google Analytics use __utm.gif?.
For more detail on what the actual parameters on the GIF request are, see:
This GET request gets handled by Google's analytics servers. It probably doesn't just directly serve __utm.gif from somewhere on the filesystem; it probably executes a script that takes all the parameters, does some processing, and logs that request in their analytics database, and then serves a 1x1 transparent GIF.
