Analytics SDK for tvOS - google-analytics

I'm about to ship an app for tvOS and I would like to include some basic analytics in it, but I couldn't find any SDK available for this platform.
I already integrated the beta version of Fabric but only the Crashlytics SDK is working on tvOS. Answers is not available.
I've been looking at Google Analytics, Flury, Mixpanel but so far, it doesn't seem like anyone has a working SDK. Does anybody have some suggestions?
Fabric started a beta for Answers on tvOS.

For Google Analytics, if you're using the TVML and TVJS to build your app, you can use tvjs_google_analytics.
If you are not using TVML+TVJS, it looks like the Google Analytics SDK for iOS now supports bitcode, though they apparently do not have a tvOS target yet so you'll probably have to wait until Google gets around to adding that.

We could use 'Flurry-iOS-SDK/FlurryTVOS', '8.3.0' for tvOS Analytics.


Incompatibility of Google Analytics with Google Maps iOS v 1.1.0

I'm trying to implementing the new version of GM for iOS and they doesn't work with GA library for iOS, anyone knows how to resolve this conflict?
It looks like you're getting the same error messages as this question:
Error while integrating Google Analytics SDK (GoogleAnalyticsiOS_2.0beta4) in my iOS app
I don't think this is related to Google Maps.

How to develop Google maps in Windows Phone

I am fresher for Windows Phone. I am working on windows phone 7.1. I worked on Bing maps control.
But I want to know is there any possibility to get the google maps api key for windows phone.
If there any solution please let me know.
This may help you,
Steps to create:

Android Fragment Tabs Example

I am currently working on 2.3 version of android and I want to switch my app to 4.0 version but the TabActivity is deprecated. So I was looking for working example of FragmentTabs but I am not able to find one. Can anyone help?
I've found the FragmentTabs example from the API Demos project to be very useful.
Just create a new Android sample project from Eclipse and choose the API demos (try API 13). Also for the support (compatibility) library, there's a FragmentTabs demo in the Support4Demos
also refer this link Android-FragmentTabHost-demo
A great library is ActionBarSherlock. You can find it here. There are many examples and demos even for fragments.
It's worth mentioning that Google introduced ActionBarCompat in the v7 appcompat library (together with Android 4.3) yesterday. Here's a video overview, and here's documentation.

Admob in flex 4.6 native extensions

Has anyone found a way to get a Native Extension running for Admob yet? Or for iAd for that matter?
There seem to be a number of issues with the ANE, with compiling and with the manifest. Has anyone found a way to have it all sorted?
this is base on admob v6 for ios and admob v4.1 for android
and i test it work ok
I have developed an iOS version of this native extension. Probably I'll make and android version and will post it for free. If you need it now please contact me.
Update: You can find more information here:

Is the Google SignIn framework available with mac catalyst support?

I am looking for the google signin sdk with mac catalyst support. Current version of 5.0.1 also don't support catalyst. Is there any planned release for the same?
Google Support has mentioned the following regarding Mac Catalyst:
We cannot provide technical assistance regarding your concern as the Mac Catalyst is not supported by the Mobile Ads SDK. To get future updates regarding this, please keep an eye on our blog.
