How to develop Google maps in Windows Phone -

I am fresher for Windows Phone. I am working on windows phone 7.1. I worked on Bing maps control.
But I want to know is there any possibility to get the google maps api key for windows phone.
If there any solution please let me know.

This may help you,
Steps to create:


Android Management API (COSU) on AndroidTV?

Android Management APIs are supposed to be "compatible with any device running Android 5.1 or above that has Google Play installed." I really want that to be true, but am having trouble with Android TVs. (Specifically, a NexBox A95x and a TX3mini I'm testing with.)
My stumbling point is how to enter the enrollment token into the device when provisioning it? I had no problem with a Samsung tablet. But, the Android TVs don't use the same startup wizard after hardware reset, so there doesn't seem to be an opportunity to trigger a QR reader, or manually enter the token. I've tried entering the enrollment token into Google Play app (in lieu of the email or phone number to log in), but no luck.
Any ideas or insight how to make this work? If anyone knows a definitive reason why this can't be made to work (e.g. Management APIs don't work on AOSP) that'd be helpful information too.
Clarification (Updated 26 Dec 2017)
Here's a minimal, complete, and verifiable example of the Google Management APIs. The Quickstart exercise from Google, themselves.
Problem: The Quickstart exercise doesn't seem to work with Android TV (tested on a NexBox A95x and a TX3mini). The blocker appears on this step: (Provision A Device). The Android TVs have their own setup wizards that do not accept an Android For Work enrollment token. (I have completed the Quickstart on a Samsung tablet without problem.)
Google's documentation says the Management APIs are "compatible with any device running Android 5.1 or above that has Google Play installed" so it seems these Android TVs should qualify.
Has anyone found a workaround to do complete the Management API Quickstart on an Android TV?
As far as I know the Android Management API doesn't supports Android-based OS's like Android TV, Android Wear, Android Auto or Android Things. It just supports standard Android for phones and tablets.

Skype bots do not work

Have anybody got their bots working in Skype on iOS or Windows 10 (Desktop)?
Mine bots just doesn't work. I open chat with them, type commands and nothing happends. Same think for bots from Bots Directory. (iOS)
My desktop Skype just doesn't see any bots.
Update your Skype version (Help/Check for updates).
I can see my bot from Skype for PC.
Not sure how the above fix was a solution since the bing "Summarize" bot is a microsoft store app that sets up the contact and behavior support in the Skype store app not the Skype desktop app.
I'm still stuck on the bot not responding to any url I provide it with a summary and have followed all the steps outlined in this support forum thread .

Analytics SDK for tvOS

I'm about to ship an app for tvOS and I would like to include some basic analytics in it, but I couldn't find any SDK available for this platform.
I already integrated the beta version of Fabric but only the Crashlytics SDK is working on tvOS. Answers is not available.
I've been looking at Google Analytics, Flury, Mixpanel but so far, it doesn't seem like anyone has a working SDK. Does anybody have some suggestions?
Fabric started a beta for Answers on tvOS.
For Google Analytics, if you're using the TVML and TVJS to build your app, you can use tvjs_google_analytics.
If you are not using TVML+TVJS, it looks like the Google Analytics SDK for iOS now supports bitcode, though they apparently do not have a tvOS target yet so you'll probably have to wait until Google gets around to adding that.
We could use 'Flurry-iOS-SDK/FlurryTVOS', '8.3.0' for tvOS Analytics.

Windows Phone 8.1 Store Map

I want to use Bing Map into my Windows Phone 8.1 store app. I know the WP8.1 SDK's MapControl API, which is used for map.
Is that a Bing map or Nokia map or HERE map, any official document about that?
If it is Nokia Map and not Bing Map, How to use Bing maps.
There is Windows 8.1 SDK available, and not for Windows Phone 8.1.
Any workarounds?
The built in maps in WP 7/8/8.1 is a Bing Maps control that is built into the WP SDK. This is also the case for WP10/Win10. Google maps has no map controls for Windows Phone.
You should target WP8.1 and not WP8 as that's the version most WP users are on. The WP8.1 maps control is also more inline with the WP10/Win10 map controls, so it will make it easier for you to upgrade your app in the future. You can find documentation here:

offline ovi map in desktop application

I want to embed Ovi Maps in a desktop application in offline(but interactive) mode. GIven that these maps and their related map APIs are mainly targeted for mobile platforms, is this possible ? If so, can anyone point to any existing documentation on how to do this? Any pointers to existing examples would be a plus.
I considered using google Maps which can be integrated with desktop applications, but they cannot be used in offline mode.
Unfortunately, even if you can use Ovi Maps in your desktop application (using Nokia Qt C++ SQK with Location API, see you cannot use Ovi Maps in offline mode and there is currently no way to embed it (offline maps use is only possible on Nokia mobile devices that embed maps by default).
The latest branding of Ovi Maps has changed to Nokia Maps. The new - Nokia Maps Framework for Mobile HTML5 claims to have offline support. The API relies on the user using a browser which supports local storage, so provided your user base is using Google Chrome or Safari it would work on a desktop as well as various mobile platforms.
An example app can be found with the documentation
The offline claim can be found here
