How to change styling of a SVGCircleElement object? - css

In my scatterplot I'd like to change the styling(opacity/color) of a circle on mouseover and also for all other circles which, share the same className.
But groupList[i].style("opacity", .6); seems not to be the correct way.
var mouseOver = function() {
var circle =;
var highlitedGroup = this.className.baseVal;
var groupList = document.getElementsByClassName(highlitedGroup);
// The styling for the circle which mouse is over it.
.duration(800).style("opacity", 1)
.attr("r", 16).ease("elastic");
// For the all other circles which have the same className do this styling
for (var i=0; i<groupList.length; i++) {
// List of SVGCircleElement objects
groupList[i].style("opacity", .6); //??

Because you are already putting D3.js to use, I recommend sticking to it throughout your code whenever possible. In this case your function boils down to basically two statement where the first one is manipulating the main circle while second one will take care of all circles having the same class.
var mouseOver = function() {
// The styling for the circle which mouse is over it.
.duration(800).style("opacity", 1)
.attr("r", 16).ease("elastic");
// For the all other circles which have the same className do this styling
d3.selectAll("." + this.className)
.style("opacity", .6);
Please note, that this will only work if there is only one class assigned to the main circle. If there is more than one class assigned to this element, this.className will contain a space-separated list of class names breaking the selection.


How To Prevent CSS Applied to One Three.JS Scene From Being Applied To All Scenes

This may be more of a "you're going to have to do it the long way" type of deal, but here it goes...
When I apply CSS to control the opacity of only one HTML element that is the container of a Three.JS scene in where there are multiple elements that each are a container for their own scene, the CSS applied (even at an inline level) to only one of those elements containing a scene is being applied to all elements that contain a scene and not specifically the one targeted. This happens with any post applied CSS attribute, not just opacity.
The reason why I am attempting this approach at controlling opacity this way is that per my research there is no direct way to set an opacity on a Three.JS group object that contains 1 to N number of meshes. I am (in theory) trying not to have to define all materials with transparency set to "true" and then having to do recursive updates to all meshes in a Three.JS Group object where an animation would fade in/out.
Some of the group objects I'm working with will have many meshes defined in them. Thus, rather than update the opacity of each individual mesh itself contained within a Three.JS group object, my goal was/is to have individual scenes for each type of animation that is capable of having any amount of transparency applied to it run as is then just adjust the HTML element containing that animation's opacity property.
I've tried using one camera and multiple cameras to no avail. I've also tried nesting the containers in one additional element and setting CSS on the parent element but the same issue occurs. I have not tried using multiple renderers as from what I gather in research is that doing so is frowned upon and can lead to performance issues and context limits. The render loop also has "autoClear" set to false so that all scenes render together.
Here is the HTML syntax. You will notice that the first element has a inline style for opacity set to 0.5 and the second element has no inline styling applied:
<div class="three-js-container" id="scene-container-1" style="opacity:0.5;"></div>
<div class="three-js-container" id="scene-container-2"></div>
Here is the Javascript code:
/* Only one renderer instance is created */
var universalRenderer = new THREE.WebGLRenderer({antialias: true, alpha:true});
/* references to all containers are made */
var containerForScene1 = document.getElementById("scene-container-1");
var containerForScene2 = document.getElementById("scene-container-2");
/* two different cameras are created */
var cameraForScene1 = new THREE.PerspectiveCamera(50, window.innerWidth / window.innerHeight, 0.001, 1000);
var cameraForScene2 = new THREE.PerspectiveCamera(50, window.innerWidth / window.innerHeight, 0.001, 1000);
/* two different scenes are created, one for each element container */
var scene1 = new THREE.Scene();
scene1.userData.element = containerForScene1;
var scene2 = new THREE.Scene();
scene2.userData.element = containerForScene2;
/* the renderer is applied to both scene containers */
When both animations are played, both scenes are rendered at 1/2 opacity rather than just the first scene itself.
Is there a reason why CSS styling applied to one HTML scene containing element is applied to all of the other scene containing elements? Will I just have to suck it up and go the long way around in controlling mesh opacity?
Setting transparency for a THREE.Group:
A Group is just a container. As such, it has children, which are potentially other Groups. But you can only apply transparency to a Material, which is assigned at the Mesh level, not Groups. However, not all is lost, because you can monkey patch Group to allow you to perform the operation seamlessly.
Object.defineProperty(THREE.Group.prototype, "transparent", {
set: function(newXP) {
this.traverse(node => {
if (node.material) {
node.material.transparent = newXP
node.material.opacity = (newXP) ? 0.5 : 1
// Set up the renderer
const renderer = new THREE.WebGLRenderer({
alpha: true,
antialias: true
renderer.setSize(window.innerWidth, window.innerHeight)
const scene = new THREE.Scene()
const size = new THREE.Vector2()
const camera = new THREE.PerspectiveCamera(28, size.x / size.y, 1, 1000)
camera.position.set(0, 20, 100)
camera.add(new THREE.PointLight(0xffffff, 1))
function render() {
renderer.render(scene, camera)
const axis = new THREE.Vector3(0, 1, 0)
function animate() {
camera.position.applyAxisAngle(axis, 0.005)
// Populate the scene
const cubeGeo = new THREE.BoxBufferGeometry(5, 5, 5)
let opaqueCubes = []
let transparentCubes = []
const randomInRange = () => Math.random() * ((Math.random() <= 0.5) ? -10 : 10)
const opaqueGroup = new THREE.Group()
for (let i = 0; i < 10; ++i) {
opaqueGroup.add(new THREE.Mesh(cubeGeo, new THREE.MeshPhongMaterial({
color: "red"
opaqueGroup.children[i].position.set(randomInRange(), randomInRange(), randomInRange())
const transparentGroup = new THREE.Group()
for (let i = 0; i < 10; ++i) {
transparentGroup.add(new THREE.Mesh(cubeGeo, new THREE.MeshPhongMaterial({
color: "green"
transparentGroup.children[i].position.set(randomInRange(-10, 10), randomInRange(-10, 10), randomInRange(-10, 10))
// Control the transparency from the input
const xparent = document.getElementById("xparent")
xparent.addEventListener("change", (e) => {
transparentGroup.transparent = xparent.checked
body {
padding: 0;
margin: 0;
overflow: hidden;
#control {
position: absolute;
top: 0;
left: 0;
padding: 10px;
<script src=""></script>
<div id="control">
<label>Make the green ones transparent:<input id="xparent" type="checkbox" /></label>

How to dynamically alter point radius and style of JSON path in d3?

I need help in dynamically "highlighting" cities on a world map, created using D3 and geoJSON.
I'm working on a spinning globe with 295 city-markers on it. Every 300 millisec, one of these cities need to "be highlighted", meaning 1) change its color and 2) increase its radius (and then stay that way). This gist shows the visual so far: gist example
Steps taken so far:
1) I started with "circle" elements in d3: highlighting was easily done by changing their class (and using CSS styles) and radius. However: the circles remained visible on the "backside" of the globe...
2) To solve the "no circles on back of earth" problem, this post showed me that JSON paths would help:
I have now rewritten the code with these paths, and there is correct clipping of the markers on the back of the earth, but now I am stuck in dynamically accessing the radius and style of each city...
Question about changing the radius:
I understand that using path.pointRadius() I can alter the radius of the city markers. However, I want to do this dynamically (every 300msec), and only on a subselection of the markers each time. And that's where I get stuck...
Question about changing the style:
Also I would like to change the color, but assigning styles to the paths confuses me about how to access the JSON "Point" and "path" elements...
Code snippet showing my failed CSS styles attempt:
.data(data,function(d,i){ return })
.datum(function(d) {
return {
type: "Point",
coordinates: [d.lon,],
class: "nohighlight" //MY ATTEMPT AT CHANGING CLASS... Not working...
}; })
.attr("class","city") //this class is assigned to the "correct" paths. Can I access them individually??
.attr("d", pathproj);
Code snippet showing the time loop in which the highlighting needs to happen:
//Highlighting the cities one by one:
var city_idx = 0; // starts at 1
//Every 300 msec: highlight a new city:
var city_play = setInterval(function() {
var filtered = data.filter(function(d) {
return === city_idx;
//Stop when all cities are highlighted
clearInterval(city_play) //terminates calls to update function within setInterval function.
}, 300); // end timer city play setInterval
Full code in block builder:
blockbuilder - globe and city markers
Please do let me know if I can clarify further!
We can do it this way:
To all path belonging to cities give a class
.data(data,function(d,i){ return })
.classed("city", true) <--- so all cities point will have class city
Next in the timer block change radius and class dynamically like this:
var city_play = setInterval(function() {
// Control the radius of ALL circles!
pathproj.pointRadius(function(d,i) {
//your biz logic
if (i < city_idx){
return 4
} else
return 2
//select all elements with class city
function(d, i){
if (i < city_idx){
return "city highlight"
} else
return "city"
}).attr("d", pathproj)
var len = d3.selectAll(".city").data().length;
console.log(city_idx, len)
//Stop when all cities are highlighted
clearInterval(city_play) //terminates calls to update function within setInterval function.
}, 300);
working code here

Add css class to leaflet layer during runtime

I'm using leaflet to draw layers of circles (so there are several layers, each consisting of several circles) on a map.
I've saved all the layers on a featuregroup:
this.globalLayer = L.featureGroup();
I'm adding new circles to it by creating a new featuregroup of the circles, and adding the featuregroup to the globalLayer:
let circleLayer: L.featureGroup();
let point1 =[pos_lat, pos_long], {color: color, opacity: 1,
radius: radius});
let point2 =[pos_lat, pos_long], {color: color, opacity: 1,
radius: radius});
// etc.
Now I want to add a css class to some of the layers:
for (let cssLayer of cssLayers) { // cssLayers is a L.featureGroup[]
cssLayer.setStyle({className: 'animate'});
This works, but since the layers contain a lot of circles, this takes a while to compute. Is there a way to just add a css Class without removing and adding them again?
I've tried
this.globalLayer.eachLayer(layer => {
layer.setStyle({className: 'animate'})
But setStyle() does not exist on type L.Layer
JsFiddle with my current, workaround solution
You will need to add a class to the corresponding layer before you add it to other labels, like
circleLayer1.setStyle({className: 'myListener'});
and then you can find this class anytime you want:
$('#blink').click(function() {
I'm not sure if this is the best practice but I found that you can use the layer's _path attribute:
this.globalLayer.eachLayer(layer => {

Rotate background-image in a rotated div?

I have a div shape with before: and after: so it looks like a cross shape (Rotated).
But now my problem is, that the background is logically also rotated. I'd like that the background image isn't rotated and the image should be the size of the div.
I already tried to add a transform rotate to the place where I added the background but it didnt rotate back. Also for the size I tried background-size to adjust it, didnt work either.
Here is my jsbin:
thanks in advance!
Well, I tried for a while to get a version working with pure CSS and HTML, but I was unable to do so. I believe that double pseudo selectors, aka ::after and ::before, would allow it to be possible, but I don't think that you can do it in pure CSS in one object currently.
With that being said, the way I accomplished it using one element is the much more common way - by using a canvas. With canvas it becomes pretty simple. Hopefully the comments make it easy to understand
Live demo here
// Gets a list of all the canvases to create an X for
var canvases = document.getElementsByClassName('profile');
// Allows the X to be drawn on multiple canvases without being redrawn
var tempCanvas = drawX();
// Gives the canvases a background image (the person's profile)
// If you wanted different images for each you could easily create an array
// and iterate through it for each canvas
var background = new Image();
background.src = "";
// Once the image has loaded, apply the Xs
background.onload = function() {
// Do it for each canvas
for(var i = 0, j = canvases.length; i < j; i ++)
// Gets the current canvas and context
var canvas = canvases[i];
var context = canvas.getContext('2d');
// Allows the portrait only to be shown through the generated X
context.globalCompositeOperation = "destination-atop";
// Draws the profile picture
context.drawImage(background, 0,0, canvas.width, canvas.height)
// Cuts out everything that is not within the X
context.drawImage(tempCanvas, 0, 0);
// Creates the X to use as the cut out
function drawX() {
// Creates a hidden canvas to draw the X on
var offscreenCanvas = document.createElement('canvas');
var offscreenCtx = offscreenCanvas.getContext('2d');
// The width/height of the original canvas, not sure why "canvas.width" doesn't work here...
var size = 200;
offscreenCanvas.width = size;
offscreenCanvas.height = size;
// Creates the rectangles sloped positively;
offscreenCtx.translate(3 * size / 4, 3 * size / 4);
offscreenCtx.fillRect(-size/2, -size/2, size * .3, size);
// Loads the state before the first rectangle was created
// Creates the rectangles sloped positively
offscreenCtx.translate(3 * size / 4, 1 * size / 4);
offscreenCtx.fillRect(-size/2, -size/2, size * .3, size);
// Returns the canvas with the X
return offscreenCanvas;
You can't rotate a CSS background independently of the element it is attached to.
The only way you're going to be able to do this is to have the rotated content in an additional element inside your existing one, and only rotate the inner element.
<div> <-- background applied to this element
<div>....</div> <-- but this one is rotated
Now your background will remain static while the content inside it rotates.
If you can't have any extra markup, you could still achieve this without changing the HTML, by using CSS the :before selector to create an additional pseudo-element behind the main element. Apply the background to that instead of the main element; after that it's similar to what I described above with the extra markup.
Hope that helps.

Multiple marker selection within a box in leaflet

I need to select multiple markers in a map. Something like this: Box/Rectangle Draw Selection in Google Maps but with Leaflet and OSM.
I think it could be done by modifying the zoom box that appears when you shift click and drag in an OSM map, but I don't know how to do it.
I rewrote the _onMouseUp function, as L. Sanna suggested and ended up with something like this:
_onMouseUp: function (e) {
var map = this._map,
layerPoint = map.mouseEventToLayerPoint(e);
if (this._startLayerPoint.equals(layerPoint)) { return; }
var bounds = new L.LatLngBounds(
var t=0;
var selected = new Array();
for (var i = 0; i < addressPoints.length; i++) {
var a = addressPoints[i];
pt = new L.LatLng(a[0], a[1]);
if (bounds.contains(pt) == true) {
selected[t] = a[2];
I think it could be easy modificating the zoom box that appears when
you shift clic and drag in an osm map, but I don't know how to do it
Good idea. The zoom Box is actually a functionality of leaflet.
Here is the code.
Just rewrite the _onMouseUp function to fit your needs.
Have you tried something like this?
markers is an array of L.latLng() coordinates
map.on("boxzoomend", function(e) {
for (var i = 0; i < markers.length; i++) {
if (e.boxZoomBounds.contains(markers[i].getLatLng())) {
Not enough points to comment, but in order to override the _onMouseUp function like OP posted in their edit, the leaflet tutorial gives a good explanation. Additionally, this post was very helpful and walks you through every step.
A bit late to the party but it's also possible to achieve this using the leaflet-editable plugin.
// start drawing a rectangle
function startSelection() {
const rect = new L.Draw.Rectangle(;
rect.enable();'draw:created', (e) => {
// the rectangle will not be added to the map unless you
// explicitly add it as a layer
// get the bounds of the rect and check if your points
// are contained in it
Benefits of using this method
Allow selection with any shape (polygon, circle, path, etc.)
Allow selection using a button/programmatically (does not require holding down the shift key, which may be unknown to some users).
Does not change the zoom box functionality
