How to add Meteor framework/platform support to existing module in Intellij IDEA (14.1.5)? - meteor

I need to add Meteor framework to existing module.
As I can see this option is available for new modules (static web->Meteor app).
But I can't find how to make this with existing module.

You just ope the project containing .meteor folder and make sure the meteor plugin is active.

Settings->Languages & Frameworks->Javascript->Templates
Tick "Open HTML files as Handlebars/Mustache" option.


how to add third party angular directives to meteor application

I'm using angular-meteor library to develop a meteor application with angular as a front-end.
I need to add an angular directive called angular-file-upload.
When I use this directive in my node/angular app, it is installed via bower, and has this folder structure:
angular-file-upload folder contains
as well as a sub-folder named src,
which contains 3 files:
intro.js, module.js and outro.js
What is the process of installing such third party angular directives?
Is this done with meteor add command, or by placing these files manually into specific directories?
Check out this link, if those are the actual packages which serve your purpose then you can directly add them to you Meteor app by using meteor add <package-name> command in the terminal.
While the alternate way to do this is by adding these .js files manually to public or lib folder and link them to your corresponding HTML pages. But I would personally prefer the 1st way to do this.
You can create the library by yourself. There are few alternatives to do that.
Basically it goes down to these steps:
add package.js in root directory
meteor publish --create
The complete details how to do that can be found here:

How to make Meteor ignore files?

Is there some specific folder in Meteor file structure which is simply ignored by Meteor? (meteor bundle and meteor deploy etc)
Or better yet: is there a kind of .meteorignore file where we can list files for Meteor to ignore?
There's no such file as .meteorignore yet.
Currently the only reliable way to hide a file from Meteor is to make it hidden (add a dot to the beginning of name). You can hide the whole directory, which is useful if you need specific filenames for things like Grunt tasks.
For example if you create a directory called .hammerTime, then Meteor can't touch this.
As of Meteor v1.5.2.1, there is support for a .meteorignore file. It works exactly the same as a .gitignore.
As of Meteor v1.5.2.1, there is support for a .meteorignore file. It works exactly the same as a .gitignore.
You can use them in any directory of your project and are fully integrated with the file watching system.

Aptana 3 how to use a project in another project without copying files, in order to keep them in sync?

I have a javascript project that is still in development;
Then I have another rails project that will use the javascript project;
I would like to have in "my-rails-project/public/javascript/" the link to the other javascript project.
I would like to be able to make changes within the rails-project and affect the javascript-project.
Is this possible and how?
thanks (:
This is general Eclipse thing and not related to Aptana in particular.
Simply start creating a new Folder and on the wizard page click "Advanced>>>", then choose Linked Folder and Browse to location of your javascript project.
That's it.

Customizing newly created projects in Aptana

I need to define a model for newly created projects in Aptana.
Basically, I want, anytime, when I create a new project, it adds some defined directories/files (not existing files, but new ones) to this project.
I'm not even sure it's possible.
Aptana doesn't appear to support that.
Maybe you can just create a small external sript to do it for you? Not the ideal solution, but better then none.
This might be a longshot, but it is worth mentioning. Since Aptana is based on Eclipse, you might be able to see how Eclipse would handle custom project templates. It appears that the easiest way to go about this is to actually create an Eclipse plugin that has a Template Wizard. IBM has a nice guide on how to use PDE to create a Custom Template. I am not sure if you will be able use PDE from within Aptana (you might be able to), otherwise, you might need to download a stock version of Eclipse, create the Plugin, then install it in Aptana.
Aptana is based on eclipse, so you could use a combination of Maven Archetypes and the Maven eclipse plugin to achieve this really easily.
Download and install maven
Create a basic maven project using the quickstart archetype, Archetypes are project templates used to rubber stamp new project structures. The quickstart is a very basic project template
mvn archetype:generate
generate the eclipse project files using the eclipse plugin. This will create the standard
mvn eclipse:eclipse
tweak the pom until and re-run step 3 until you're satisfied with the layout etc. You'll no doubt have to add configuration the eclipse plugin to add the correct build spec and project nature. If you open an existing .project file it will contain the values you need. you can see here how to add them.
once the project is set up to your liking you can create your own archetype out of it and use this to rubber stamp new projects in the future.
now you can run the generate again and can select your archetype from the list. If its not there, you may need to run this first to update the list of archetypes
mvn archetype:crawl
Open Source your archetype for others to use ;)
It's very simple in Studio 3. Try the following:
Basically you create a .zip file of the project content, and then write a few lines of Ruby code to reference it.
Aptana uses (as I'm sure you know) its own 'new rails' project that gives you a variety of options.
I don't think it's beyond Will (the RadRails maintainer) to add a simple text field to that Wizard that would allow you to enter a command-line option parameter. He's always been very responsive with my previous bug and feature requests.
If you want to give that a try, and that works, then I would HIGHLY and STRONGLY recommend that you look into one of the new Rails features 'templates' in which you could make a generic template, then call it through the new input box. We use templates at my current job and they save us about 4 hours of work on each project. They are very easy to use...def...definitely.
If you can't wait for the input box, then you could always write the template then call it from within the command line (see
for info about templates)
Unless RadRails three is light-years ahead of the latest release, though, you'll be missing out on a lot of very handy advantages of using a more community-supported solution such as VIM or TextMate. (I switched to VIM from RadRails about 4 months ago and have never looked back).
Eclipse has a Plugin Development Environment. If I'm not mistaken, you can also create project templates with it. Please try:

Flex: create a template app?

Whenever I start a new project in Flex builder I always have to go and add all my project build paths, adjust the compiler settings, etc. Is there a way I can make a template with all that done and then just click new from template?
No, but I can think of a workaround or two. Try importing an existing project to a new location, then delete what you don't need.
Even better, you could make a "template" project that has all the settings you want. Then, whenever you want to create a new project, create one, then on the command-line or using Finder (or explorer), copy the project files from the template project in, making sure to update the name correctly. The files that control this are: .flexProperties, .actionScriptProperties, .settings/, and .project, I believe. They are in the root folder of any FB project.
