Linking User Type To Data In Google Analytics - google-analytics

I'm working with linking a user type to a particular field in google analytics. For example, if I want to know the top search words from the user type "Customers", I'm creating a custom report in GA and adding in the fields like search word along with the custom dimension (user-type). But the search word is not being linked to a particular user type.
Is there any way of knowing that a search word came in from this user type ? Does google do that internally or do we have to some how link which search words came from which user types?

If the User type is a dimension in the reports, you can use a new segment in the Overview of Site Search and use a Condition that includes in the report only the type "Costumers".
The report with this filter will only show data, as search term, from these specific type of user.
Hope I've helpd.


How to add mentions or tagging a person in Linkedin post from linkedin share URL?

We can create a post with a message prefilled from the URL using the below way
but when we mention a person in the text, it won't auto-detect, again we need to click on that and select the person from the given list of people.
Is there any way to auto-detect the person that we trying to tag

Can't use user id in Google Analytics

We have been registering user ids, and when we go to Audience->User Explorer, the users are all there, each with their activity measures. But we can't find a way to filter some users out of our custom reports.
We do ga('set', 'userId', 'xxxx-xxxx'); but we didn't create any custom dimension. We just told GA specific user-IDs for each.
We haven't been able to set up a segment, as we can't find the id in the filter. Neither in report filter.
We could go the the user and delete all their data. But that is not our point, and we need to keep this data as well. Ideally we would segment our users, but we can't use this filter in the segment definition.
If you want to segment user by userID, you need to create a custom dimension of which you can access. The clientId is not accessible as a dimension to segment on.

How to track USER_ID generated by Google analytics which came from certain campaign/utm?

when somebody register on my website, Google Analytics genrate a new USER ID form him. How can I label/track generated USER_IDs which came from certain campaign (i.e. form certain custom URL with utm parameters)?
Thx for help.
In the first step you should push the UID (or CID) as a Dimension into your GA Account. So you are able to export the UID/CID through the API (or CSV). Here is a article how to do this:!topic/tag-manager/lcTvzfvcTvU;context-place=topicsearchin/tag-manager/category$3Aadvanced-setup--implementation%7Csort:relevance%7Cspell:false
If you have the ID as a Dimension you can build a Segment containing your Campaign. In your reports you now see the IDs.
Another solution would be to fire the dimension with the IDs just if a User is on a page containing the specific parameters.

Getting a list of salesforce reports with the 'unique name' and not just the user label

Get a manipulatable list of Salesforce reports is already a little bit convoluted, requiring login to the site and then downloading /servlet/servlet.ReportList, which is an xml file containing a list of reports. For each report you get the folder name, the name (user label), the id and whether it is public. However two fields are missing - the "unique" name and the description. The unique name is important here, as Salesforce allows any number of reports, even in the same folder, to have the same name/label. This means the only way to tell them apart is by the unique name.
Is there any way to get a list of reports that includes both the unique name and the id? (or failing that the description and the id?)
The Metadata API supports Reports.
Included are the "name"and "fullName" fields. The latter is the unique ID for a Report.

Get google analytics id from the code embed?

As an example, the code I have to embed has an ID of the form: UA-3235632-1, but to use the data export API I need the ID from the URL of the proper page, in this case: 6270018.
How do I get the real ID from the UA type ID?
That feature of the the GA Data Export API could indeed be a little more clear.
Here's what you need to do:
login to the GA Browser and in the
upper-right-hand corner drop-down
menu, select your GA Account of
interest (assuming you have more
than one--if you don't then you are
already on right page). The page
that renders will be the Website
Profiles for that Account. Find the
row in that table that corresponds
to the Profile (Report) you want
retrieve data from and click on the
next-to-last column Edit;
The page you'll see now will say
Profile Settings in the upper
left-hand corner. Just under that,
in smaller font, you'll see Profile
ID followed by a string of digits
(probably six to eight). This is what you want
(in the python client for the GA
Data Export API, it is referred to
as TABLE_ID)).
To retrieve this parameter (TABLE_ID) programmatically, the GA Data Export API Account Feed returns this value to you in the dxp:tableID field. In particular, an Account Query will return the list of profiles under that Account to which you have access; each Profile will have a tableID in the field i mentioned just above.
