Correct sequence in a for loop in R - r

In R, I am trying to build the matrix 'pi' through an inductive process, I've tried the following code:
lambda<-0.2 #Tuning Parameter
pi<-matrix(0,ncol=3,nrow=T-1) #Empty matrix for portfolio pi, 3 columns for 3 stocks, T-1 time periods
pi[1,]<-1/3 #starting weights: Equal Weighted Portfolio
V<-matrix(0,ncol=1,nrow=T-1) #Empty vector for portfolio relative value process
V[1] <- 1 #Starting wealth = $1
FE<-matrix(0,ncol=1,nrow=T-1) #Emptry vector for free energy at each time point
K<-matrix(0,ncol=1,nrow=T-1) #Empty vector for kappa (convex parameter)
#will only be T-2 values for K=kappa, ignore the first to keep index the same as other variables
for( i in (1:T-1)){
FE[i]<-log(V[i+1]) - log(V[i]) - sum(pi[i,]*(mu[i+1,]/mu[i,]))
K[i+1]<-min( 1 , lambda*FE[i]/abs( sum(1+(log(pi[i,]/mu[i+1]))) ) )
pi[i+1,]<-pi[i,] + K[i+1]*(mu[i+1,]-pi[i,])
the code isn't working, and I am just wondering if the for loop works in the following steps:
find V[2] then FE [2] then K[2] then pi[2] then repeat for 3,4,...
(which is what I want)
or is it doing
2. find V[2], V[3],...........V[T] then FE[2],FE[3],....,FE[T],......etc
(which is not what I want.)
If it is doing it the second way, how can I adjust it so that it follows the first method?


Using popbio package to calculate a population projection correctly?

So I have been working through a population ecology exercise using the popbio package in R-Studio that focuses on using Leslie Matrix's. I have successfully created a Leslie matrix with the proper dimensions using the Fecundity (mx) and Annual Survival values (sx) that I have calculated with my life table. I then am trying to use the pop.projection function in the popbio package to multiply my Leslie matrix (les.mat) by a starting population vector (N0) followed by the number of time intervals (4 years). It is my understanding that you should be able to take a Leslie matrix and multiply by a population vector to calculate a population size after a set number of time intervals. Have I done something wrong here, when I try to run my pop.projection line of code I get the following error message in R:
"> projA <- pop.projection(les.mat,N0,10)
Error in A %*% n : non-conformable arguments"
Could the problem be an issue with my pop.projection function? I am thinking it may be an issue with by N0 argument (population vector), when I look at my N0 values it seems like it has been saved in R as a "Numeric Type", should I be converting it into its own matrix, or as it's own vector somehow to get my pop.projection line of code to run? Any advice would be greatly appreciated, the short code I have been using will be linked below!
Sx <- c(0.8,0.8,0.7969,0.6078,0.3226,0)
mx <- c(0,0,0.6,1.09,0.2,0)
Fx <- mx # fecundity values
S <- Sx # dropping the first value
F <- Fx
les.mat <- matrix(rep(0,36),nrow=6)
les.mat[1,] <- F
for(i in 1:5){
les.mat[(i+1),i] <- S[i]
N0 <- c(100,80,64,51,31,10,0)
projA <- pop.projection(les.mat,N0,10)
The function uses matrix multiplication on the first and second arguments so they must match. The les.mat matrix is 6x6, but N0 is length 7. Try
projA <- pop.projection(les.mat, N0[-7], 10) # Delete last value
projA <- pop.projection(les.mat, N0[-1], 10) # Delete first value

Simulating a process n times in R

I've written an R script (sourced from here) simulating the path of a geometric Brownian motion of a stock price, and I need the simulation to run 1000 times such that I generate 1000 paths of the process Ut = Ste^-mu*t, by discretizing the law of motion derived from Ut which is the bottom line of the solution to the question posted here.
The process also has n = 252 steps and discretization step = 1/252, also risk of sigma = 0.4 and instantaneous drift mu, which I've treated as zero, although I'm not sure about this. I'm struggling to simulate 1000 paths of the process but am able to generate one single path, I'm unsure which variables I need to change or whether there's an issue in my for loop that's restricting me from generating all 1000 paths. Could it also be that the script is simulating each individual point for 252 realization instead of simulating the full process? If so, would this restrict me from generating all 1000 paths? Is it also possible that the array I'm generating defined as U hasn't being correctly generated by me? U[0] must equal 1 and so too must the first realization U(1) = 1. The code is below, I'm pretty stuck trying to figure this out so any help is appreciated.
#Simulating Geometric Brownian motion (GMB)
tau <- 1 #time to expiry
N <- 253 #number of sub intervals
dt <- tau/N #length of each time sub interval
time <- seq(from=0, to=N, by=dt) #time moments in which we simulate the process
length(time) #it should be N+1
mu <- 0 #GBM parameter 1
sigma <- 0.4 #GBM parameter 2
s0 <- 1 #GBM parameter 3
#simulate Geometric Brownian motion path
dwt <- rnorm(N, mean = 0, sd = 1) #standard normal sample of N elements
dW <- dwt*sqrt(dt) #Brownian motion increments
W <- c(0, cumsum(dW)) #Brownian motion at each time instant N+1 elements
#Define U Array and set initial values of U
U <- array(0, c(N,1)) #array of U
U[0] = 1
U[1] <- s0 #first element of U is s0. with the for loop we find the other N elements
for(i in 2:length(U)){
U[i] <- (U[1]*exp(mu - 0.5*sigma^2*i*dt + sigma*W[i-1]))*exp(-mu*i)
plot(ts(U), main = expression(paste("Simulation of Ut")))
This questions is quite difficult to answer since there are a lot of unclear things, at least to me.
To begin with, length(time) is equal to 64010, not N + 1, which will be 254.
If I understand correctly, the brownian motion function returns the position in one dimension given a time. Hence, to calculate this position for each time the following can be enough:
s0*exp((mu - 0.5*sigma^2)*time + sigma*rnorm(length(time),0,time))
However, this calculates 64010 points, not 253. If you replicate it 1000 times, it gives 64010000 points, which is quite a lot.
> B <- 1000
> res <- replicate(B, {
+ s0*exp((mu - 0.5*sigma^2)*time + sigma*rnorm(length(time),0,time))
+ })
> length(res)
[1] 64010000
> dim(res)
[1] 64010 1000
I know I'm missing the second part, the one explained here, but I actually don't fully understand what you need there. If you can draw the formula maybe I can help you.
In general, avoid programming in R using for loops to iterate vectors. R is a vectorized language, and there is no need for that. If you want to run the same code B times, the replicate(B,{ your code }) function is your firend.

Implementing KNN with different distance metrics using R

I am working on a dataset in order to compare the effect of different distance metrics. I am using the KNN algorithm.
The KNN algorithm in R uses the Euclidian distance by default. So I wrote my own one. I would like to find the number of correct class label matches between the nearest neighbor and target.
I have prepared the data at first. Then I called the data (wdbc_n), I chose K=1. I have used Euclidian distance as a test.
knn <- function(xmat, k,method){
n <- nrow(xmat)
if (n <= k) stop("k can not be more than n-1")
neigh <- matrix(0, nrow = n, ncol = k)
for(i in 1:n) {
ddist<- distance(xmat, method)
neigh[i, ] <- order(ddist)[2:(k + 1)]
wdbc_nn <-knn(wdbc_n ,1,method="euclidean")
Hoping to get a similar result to the paper ("on the surprising behavior of distance metrics in high dimensional space") (, page 431, table 3).
My question is
Am I right or wrong with the codes?
Any suggestions or reference that will guide me will be highly appreciated.
My data (breast-cancer-wisconsin)(wdbc) dimension is
569 32
After normalizing and removing the id and target column the dimension is
569 30
The train and test split is given by
Am I right or wrong with the codes?
Your code is wrong.
The call to the distance function taked about 3 seconds every time on my rather recent PC so I only did the first 30 rows for k=3 and noticed that every row of the neigh matrix was identical. Why is that? Take a look at this line:
ddist<- distance(xmat, method)
Each loop feeds the whole xmat matrix at the distance function, then uses only the first line from the resulting matrix. This calculates the distance between the training set rows, and does that n times, discarding every row except the first. Which is not what you want to do. The knn algorithm is supposed to calculate, for each row in the test set, the distance with each row in the training set.
Let's take a look at the documentation for the distance function:
distance(x, method = "euclidean", p = NULL, = TRUE, unit =
"log", est.prob = NULL)
x a numeric data.frame or matrix (storing probability vectors) or a
numeric data.frame or matrix storing counts (if est.prob is
in case nrow(x) = 2 : a single distance value. in case nrow(x) > 2 :
a distance matrix storing distance values for all pairwise probability
vector comparisons.
In your specific case (knn classification), you want to use the 2 row version.
One last thing: you used order, which will return the position of the k largest distances in the ddist vector. I think what you want is the distances themselves, so you need to use sort instead of order.
Based on your code and the example in Lantz (2013) that your code seemed to be based on, here is a complete working solution. I took the liberty to add a few lines to make a standalone program.
Standalone working solution(s)
normalize <- function(x) {
return ((x - min(x)) / (max(x) - min(x)))
knn <- function(train, test, k, method){
n.test <- nrow(test)
n.train <- nrow(train)
if (n.train + n.test <= k) stop("k can not be more than n-1")
neigh <- matrix(0, nrow = n.test, ncol = k)
ddist <- NULL
for(i in 1:n.test) {
for(j in 1:n.train) {
xmat <- rbind(test[i,], train[j,]) #we make a 2 row matrix combining the current test and train rows
ddist[j] <- distance(, method, k) #then we calculate the distance and append it to the ddist vector.
neigh[i, ] <- sort(ddist)[2:(k + 1)]
wbcd <- read.csv(",%20Second%20Edition_Code/Chapter%2003/wisc_bc_data.csv")
rownames(wbcd) <- wbcd$id
wbcd$id <- NULL
wbcd_n <-[2:31], normalize))
wbcd_nn <-knn(wbcd_train, wbcd_test ,3, method="euclidean")
Do note that this solution might be slow because of the numerous (100 times 469) calls to the distance function. However, since we are only feeding 2 rows at a time into the distance function, it makes the execution time manageable.
Now does that work?
The two first test rows using the custom knn function:
[,1] [,2] [,3]
[1,] 0.3887346 0.4051762 0.4397497
[2,] 0.2518766 0.2758161 0.2790369
Let us compare with the equivalent function in the FNN package:
alt.class <- get.knnx(wbcd_train, wbcd_test, k=3, algorithm = "brute")
[,1] [,2] [,3]
[1,] 0.3815984 0.3887346 0.4051762
[2,] 0.2392102 0.2518766 0.2758161
Conclusion: not too shabby.

Plot a table of binomial distributions in R

For a game design issue, I need to better inspect binomial distributions. Using R, I need to build a two dimensional table that - given a fixed parameters 'pool' (the number of dice rolled), 'sides' (the number of sides of the die) has:
In rows --> minimum for a success (ranging from 0 to sides, it's a discrete distribution)
In columns --> number of successes (ranging from 0 to pool)
I know how to calculate it as a single task, but I'm not sure on how to iterate to fill the entire table
EDIT: I forgot to say that I want to calculate the probability p of gaining at least the number of successes.
Ok, i think this could be a simple solution. It has ratio of successes on rows and success thresholds on dice roll (p) on columns.
poolDistribution <- function(n, sides=10, digits=2, roll.Under=FALSE){
m <- 1:sides
names(m) <- paste(m,ifelse(roll.Under,"-", "+"),sep="")
s <- 1:n
names(s) <- paste(s,n,sep="/")
sapply(m, function(m.value) round((if(roll.Under) (1 - pbinom(s - 1, n, (m.value)/sides))*100 else (1 - pbinom(s - 1, n, (sides - m.value + 1)/sides))*100), digits=digits))
This gets you half of the way.
If you are new to R, you might miss out on the fact that a very powerful feature is that you can use a vector of values as an index to another vector. This makes part of the problem trivially easy:
pool <- 3
sides <- 20 # <cough>D&D<cough>
# you need to strore the values somewhere, use a vector
NumberOfRollsPerSide <- rep(0, sides)
names(NumberOfRollsPerSide) <- 1:sides # this will be useful in table
## Repeast so long as there are still zeros
## ie, so long as there is a side that has not come up yet
while (any(NumberOfRollsPerSide == 0)) {
# roll once
oneRoll <- sample(1:sides, pool, TRUE)
# add (+1) to each sides' total rolls
# note that you can use the roll outcome to index the vector. R is great.
NumberOfRollsPerSide[oneRoll] <- NumberOfRollsPerSide[oneRoll] + 1
# These are your results:
All you have left to do now is count, for each side, in which roll number it first came up.

Root mean square deviation on binned GAM results using R

A PostgreSQL database uses PL/R to call R functions. An R call to calculate Spearman's correlation looks as follows:
cor( rank(x), rank(y) )
Also in R, a naïve calculation of a fitted generalized additive model (GAM):
data.frame( x, fitted( gam( y ~ s(x) ) ) )
Here x represents the years from 1900 to 2009 and y is the average measurement (e.g., minimum temperature) for that year.
The fitted trend line (using GAM) is reasonably accurate, as you can see in the following picture:
The problem is that the correlations (shown in the bottom left) do not accurately reflect how closely the model fits the data.
Possible Solution
One way to improve the accuracy of the correlation is to use a root mean square error (RMSE) calculation on binned data.
Q.1. How would you implement the RMSE calculation on the binned data to get a correlation (between 0 and 1) of GAM's fit to the measurements, in the R language?
Q.2. Is there a better way to find the accuracy of GAM's fit to the data, and if so, what is it (e.g., root mean square deviation)?
Attempted Solution 1
Call the PL/R function using the observed amounts and the model (GAM) amounts: correlation_rmse := climate.plr_corr_rmse( v_amount, v_model );
Define plr_corr_rmse as follows (where o and m represent the observed and modelled data): CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION climate.plr_corr_rmse(
o double precision[], m double precision[])
RETURNS double precision AS
sqrt( mean( o - m ) ^ 2 )
COST 100;
The o - m is wrong. I'd like to bin both data sets by calculating the mean of every 5 data points (there will be at most 110 data points). For example:
omean <- c( mean(o[1:5]), mean(o[6:10]), ... )
mmean <- c( mean(m[1:5]), mean(m[6:10]), ... )
Then correct the RMSE calculation as:
sqrt( mean( omean - mmean ) ^ 2 )
How do you calculate c( mean(o[1:5]), mean(o[6:10]), ... ) for an arbitrary length vector in an appropriate number of bins (5, for example, might not be ideal for only 67 measurements)?
I don't think hist is suitable here, is it?
Attempted Solution 2
The following code will solve the problem, however it drops data points from the end of the list (to make the list divisible by 5). The solution isn't ideal as the number "5" is rather magical.
while( length(o) %% 5 != 0 ) {
o <- o[-length(o)]
omean <- apply( matrix(o, 5), 2, mean )
What other options are available?
Thanks in advance.
You say that:
The problem is that the correlations (shown in the bottom left) do not accurately reflect how closely the model fits the data.
You could calculate the correlation between the fitted values and the measured values:
cor(y,fitted(gam(y ~ s(x))))
I don't see why you want to bin your data, but you could do it as follows:
mean.binned <- function(y,n = 5){
apply(matrix(c(y,rep(NA,(n - (length(y) %% n)) %% n)),n),
function(x)mean(x,na.rm = TRUE))
It looks a bit ugly, but it should handle vectors whose length is not a multiple of the binning length (i.e. 5 in your example).
You also say that:
One way to improve the accuracy of the
correlation is to use a root mean
square error (RMSE) calculation on
binned data.
I don't understand what you mean by this. The correlation is a factor in determining the mean squared error - for example, see equation 10 of Murphy (1988, Monthly Weather Review, v. 116, pp. 2417-2424). But please explain what you mean.
