Wordpress email not sent to user but sent to admin - wordpress

I'm encountering some issues with my wordpress setup.
When a new user is registered a mail is sent to the admin to notify him that an user registered. But the user do not recieve the password.
I do not see where is the issue :( ! Can you please assit me on fixing this?
I'm loosing customer ...

I used the plugin TML: Theme My Login all issue solved


I want new user should verify his email before login

I am using wp-members plugin for user registration and login. But I have to send a verification link in mail when user registers. How can I do that?
you can also use theme my login so you can easily achiv this.
Require users to be approved or confirm e-mail address upon registration
one of this plugin options

Disable certain E-Mail to registered User

I would love to disable that an email is sent to a registered user, when the admin changes that users email address. Reason is, the backend is mainly used as a directory, not as a community plattform.
I haven't found the spot to overwritte so far. Any suggestions?
You can disable the email change notification by using the 'send_email_change_email' hook.
Add this in your functions.php:
add_filter('send_email_change_email', '__return_false');

Auto Login After Registration Wordpress

I would like that the user after clicking on the registration link sent via email (after the complete the registration form), log-in automatically without that he must enter your username and password.
How can I do?
Thanks in advance
That is a security issue. You should verify the appropriate person received the email by asking for credentials. At most, you could probably store email in local storage/cookie and retrieve it on the login page. But please dont auto login.

wordpress password must be reset im told, but there is no outgoing email on server

Recently i forgot my login to my wordpress installation.
I managed to change my password threw the database and now i can login...
But after i login i get the error:
"Please enter your username or email address. You will receive a link to create a new password via email. Your password must be reset. Please submit this form to reset it."
The Problem is my server cant send emails, .... so now what are my options ?
Maybe this is a feature of a plugin i installed, i have been inactive from this site for a long time.
EDIT: Plugin is login-security-solution, i will now disable it and keep you updated.
Conflicting plugin called login-secutiry-solutions caused this, I removed it and now im in.

Drupal - Change From address for email to user awaiting administrator approval?

Users awaiting administrator approval are sent an email from the site's default email address. Is it possible to change the from address for these emails only?
UPDATE - Nevermind, instead Ive changed the site email and used the User Registration Notification module to send alerts to a different email.
Nevermind, instead Ive changed the site email and used the User Registration Notification module to send alerts to a different email.
