SQLite batch update of a column in a table - sqlite

I am using SQLite and have the following SQL Statement which updates column active with true for just row 28.
update "customer" set "active"='true' where rowid=28
What I would like to do is batch update the entire customer table, active column to true. I would have thought a loop was the best method, but I don't think sqlite supports loops. Anyone advise me how I can update a column in a table so all the records contain the value the in them?

update "customer" set "active"='true'
will do the job (just don't specify a where)


Teradata stored procedure

i am planning to write stored procedure (teradata) with bunch of update statements in it .i want to capture number of rows updated for each update statement into an audit table .so can some one help me with SQL?
You can use the ACTIVITY_COUNT variable within your stored procedure. For example:
SET col1 = 'val';
INSERT INTO MyAuditTable (ActivityCount)
Keep in mind this variable is only accessible within your SP.
TD Manual

SQLite Trigger for Inserting values from different tables

I would like to create a trigger on SQLite to update one table with values from more than one table. I have tried the code below but navicat for Sqlite wont save my trigger. Could someone help?
INSERT INTO hdClassSet (setNo, class, type, regdate, acYear)
VALUES (((SELECT max(setNo) FROM hdClassSet)+1),
(SELECT acID FROM tblAcad WHERE actv1=1));
I managed to save and test the trigger without the last value and it works. How can I reference another table that does not start or affected by the trigger? I will be grateful!


I have to write a query in sqlite to update the record if it exists or insert it if the record do not already exists. I have looked the syntax of INSERT OR REPLACE INTO from here. But in my case, when I execute the query below many times the record is duplicated. i.e If I execute the query 5 times the record is inserted 5 times.
('nabeelarif', 'Muhammad Nabeel','2012-03-04')
Have you any idea what I am doing wrong. I am working on android platform and using 'Firefox Sqlite Manager' to test my query.
You need to have a unique index on one or a combination of those columns.
CREATE UNIQUE INDEX idx_something ON NICKS (id_nick, name_nick, date_creation);
In Android, you should use SQLiteDatabase.replace(), which does insert or update. With the Android SQLite implementation, you normally don't use raw queries represented as strings. See http://developer.android.com/reference/android/database/sqlite/SQLiteDatabase.html#replace%28java.lang.String,%20java.lang.String,%20android.content.ContentValues%29
Do you have a primary key or unique index defined for your table? I believe the attributes that make up the primary key or a unique index are used to determine if a row already exists or not.

What methods are available to monitor SQL database records?

I would like to monitor 10 tables with 1000 records per table. I need to know when a record, and which record changed.
I have looked into SQL Dependencies, however it appears that SQL Dependencies would only be able to tell me that the table changed, and not which record changed. I would then have to compare all the records in the table to find the modified record. I suspect this would be a problem for me as the records constantly change.
I have also looked into SQL Trigger's, however I am not sure if triggers would work for monitoring which record changed.
Another thought I had, is to create a "Monitoring" table which would have records added to it via the application code whenever a record is modified.
Do you know of any other methods?
I am using SQL Server 2008
I have looked into Change Data Capture which is available in SQL 2008 and suggested by Martin Smith. Change Data Capture appears to be a robust, easy to implement and very attractive solution. I am going to roll CDC on my database.
You can add triggers and have them add rows to an audit table. They can audit the primary key of the rows that changed, and even additional information about the changes. For instance, in the case of an UPDATE, they can record the columns that changed.
Before you write/implement your own take a look at AutoAudit :
AutoAudit is a SQL Server (2005, 2008) Code-Gen utility that creates
Audit Trail Triggers with:
Created, CreatedBy, Modified, ModifiedBy, and RowVersion (incrementing INT) columns to table
Insert event logged to Audit table
Updates old and new values logged to Audit table
Delete logs all final values to the Audit table
view to reconstruct deleted rows
UDF to reconstruct Row History
Schema Audit Trigger to track schema changes
Re-code-gens triggers when Alter Table changes the table
What version and edition of SQL Server? Is Change Data Capture available? – Martin Smith
I am using SQL 2008 which supports Change Data Capture. Change Data Capture is a very robust method for tracking data changes as I would like to. Thanks for the answer.
Here's an idea.You can have a flag on each table that every time a record is created or updated is filled with current datetime. Then when you notice that a record has changed set its flag to null again.Thus unchanged records have null in their flag field and you can query not null values to see which record has changed/created and when (and set their flags to null again) .

asp.net InsertCommand to return latest insert ID

I'm unable to retrieve the latest inserted id from my SQL Server 2000 db using a typed dataset in asp.NET
I have created a tableadapter and I ticked the "Refresh datatable" and "Generate Insert, Update and Delete statements". This auto-generates the Fill and GetData methods, and the Insert, Update, Select and Delete statements.
I have tried every possible solution in this thread
but I'm still unsuccesfull, it always returns 1(=number of affected rows).
I do not want to create a seperate insert method as the auto-generated insertCommand perfectly suits my needs.
As suggested in the thread above, I have tried to update the InsertCommand SQL syntax to add SELECT SCOPY_IDENTITY() or something similar, I have tried to add a parameter of type ReturnValue, but all I get is the number of affected rows.
Does anyone has a different take on this?
Thanks in advance!
I decided to give up, I can't afford to waste any more time on this.
I use the Insert statement after which I do a select MAX(id) query to hget the insert ID
If anyone should have a solution, I'll be glad to read it here
I successfully found a way to get the incremental id after insert using my table adapter.
My approach is a little different, I'm using a Store procedure to make the insert, so my insert command has all the values but the ID, I made the sp return the ID just calling:
and then
and last line will be
Then I searched my table adapter parameters for InsertCommand and set the #RETURNVALUE to the column of the incremental ID of the table, so when it's executed automatically put the return value on the id field.
Hope this help
You need to tell your table's table-adapter to refresh the
data-table after update/insert operation.
This is how you can do that.
Open the properties of TableAdapter -> Default Select Query -> Advnaced options. and Check the option of Refresh the data table. Save the adapter now. Now when you call update on table-adapter, the data-table will be updated [refreshed] after the update/insert operation and will reflect the latest values from database table. if the primary-key or any coloumn is set to auto-increment, the data-table will have those latest value post recent update.
Now you can Call the update as TableAdapterObj.Update(ds.dataTable);
Read latest values from the DataTable(ds.dataTable) coloumns and assign respective values into the child table before update/insert. This will work exactly the way you want.
alt text http://ruchitsurati.net/files/tds1.png
