SQLite Get Weekday Date from Field - sqlite

I am trying to get the equivalent of this query in SQL in SQLite
SELECT DATE_ADD(now(),INTERVAL (DAYOFWEEK(S.start_date)+1) DAY) AS pymtdate FROM subscriptions
The purpose of this is that I have a start date and a weekly payment. I want to calculate the weekly payments for the next N days (in the example above this is for one week) for a number of start dates. In SQLite the nearest I can get to is
SELECT date('now', 'weekday stftime('%w', S.start_date)') AS pymtdate FROM subscriptions
but this isn't working as it blows out when I try to combine the weekday with a calculated value.
Any suggestions?
I did find the answer using this post: sqlite return as day of week
SELECT S.subscription_id AS subid,
case cast (strftime('%w',S.start_date) as integer)
when 0 then date('now' , 'weekday 0')
when 1 then date('now' , 'weekday 1')
when 2 then date('now' , 'weekday 2')
when 3 then date('now' , 'weekday 3')
when 4 then date('now' , 'weekday 4')
when 5 then date('now' , 'weekday 5')
else date('now' , 'weekday 6') end as pymtdate
FROM subscriptions AS S

In SQL, anything 'between quotes' is a string.
You do not want the string strftime(...), you want to execute this function, so you must write it outside the quotes (and append its return value to the other string):
SELECT date('now', 'weekday ' || strftime('%w', S.start_date)) ...


Get the MAX(value) using fiscal type years ie; 2016/2017, etc

My calendar year runs from 07-01-(of one year) to 06-30-(of the next year).
My SQLITE DB has a Timestamp column and it's data type is datetime and stores the timestamp as 2023-09-01 00:00:00.
What I'm trying to do is get the MAX date of the latest snowfall. For example, with my seasonal years beginning July-01 (earliest) and ending June 30 (latest), I want to find only the latest (MAX) date snowfall was recorded, regardless of the year, based on the month.
Say if out of five years (2017 to 2022) worth of data in the database and it snowed Mar 15, 2020. And there was no date greater than than this one in any year, then this would be the latest date regardless which year it fell.
I've been trying many variations of the below query. This query says it runs with no mistakes and returns "null" values. I'm using SQLITE DB Browser to write and test the query.
SELECT Timestamp, MAX(strftime('%m-%d-%Y', Timestamp)) AS lastDate,
snowDepth AS lastDepth FROM DiaryData
WHERE lastDepth <> 0 BETWEEN strftime('%Y-%m-%d', Timestamp,'start of year', '+7 months')
AND strftime('%Y-%m-%d', Timestamp, 'start of year', '+1 year', '+7 months', '- 1 day')
and this is what's in my test database:
Timestamp snowFalling snowLaying snowDepth
2021-11-10 00:00:00 0 0 7.2
2022-09-15 00:00:00 0 0 9.5
2022-12-01 00:00:00 1 0 2.15
2022-10-13 00:00:00 1 0 0.0
2022-05-19 00:00:00 0 0 8.82
2023-01-11 00:00:00 0 0 3.77
If it's running properly I should expect:
2022-05-19 00:00:00
What am I missing or is this not possible in SQLITE? Any help would be appreciative.
Use aggregation by fiscal year utilizing SQLite's feature of bare columns:
SELECT Timestamp,
strftime('%m-%d-%Y', MAX(Timestamp)) AS lastDate,
snowDepth AS lastDepth
FROM DiaryData
WHERE snowDepth <> 0
GROUP BY strftime('%Y', Timestamp, '+6 months');
See the demo.
I'd get season for each record first, snowfall date relative to record's season start date after this, and largest snowfall date relative to record's season start date finally:
data as (
, case
when cast(strftime('%m', "Timestamp") as int) <= 7
then strftime('%Y-%m-%d', "Timestamp", 'start of year', '-1 year', '+6 months')
else strftime('%Y-%m-%d', "Timestamp", 'start of year', '+6 months')
end as "Season start date"
from DiaryData
where 1==1
and "snowDepth" <> 0.0
, data2 as (
, julianday("Timestamp") - julianday("Season start date")
as "Showfall date relative to season start date"
from data
, data3 as (
, "snowFalling"
, "snowLaying"
, "snowDepth"
from data2
group by null
having max("Showfall date relative to season start date")
from data3
You can use the ROW_NUMBER window function to address this problem, yet need to apply a subtle tweak. In order to account for fiscal years, you can partition on the year for timestamps slided 6 months further. In this way, ranges like [2021-01-01, 2021-12-31] will instead be slided to [2021-06-01, 2022-05-31].
WITH cte AS (
PARTITION BY STRFTIME('%Y', DATE(Timestamp_, '+6 months'))
ORDER BY Timestamp_ DESC ) AS rn
FROM tab
SELECT Timestamp_,
STRFTIME('%d-%m-%Y', Timestamp_) AS lastDate,
snowDepth AS lastDepth
FROM cte
WHERE rn = 1
Check the demo here.

Impala - Working hours between two dates in impala

I have two time stamps #starttimestamp and #endtimestamp. How to calculate number of working hours between these two
Working hours is defined below:
Mon- Thursday (9:00-17:00)
Friday (9:00-13:00)
Have to work in impala
think i found a better solution.
we will create a series of numbers using a large table. You can get a time dimension type table too. Make it doenst get truncated. I am using a large table from my db.
Use this series to generate a date range between start and end date.
date_add (t.start_date,rs.uniqueid) -- create range of dates
join (select row_number() over ( order by mycol) as uniqueid -- create range of unique ids
from largetab) rs
where end_date >=date_add (t.start_date,rs.uniqueid)
Then we will calculate total hour difference between the timestamp using unix timestamp considering date and time.
unix_timestamp(endtimestamp - starttimestamp )
Exclude non working hours like 16hours on M-T, 20hours on F, 24hours on S-S.
case when dayofweek ( dday) in (1,7) then 24
when dayofweek ( dday) =5 then 20
else 16 end as non work hours
Here is complete SQL.
end_date, start_date,
diff_in_hr - sum(case when dayofweek ( dday) in (1,7) then 24
when dayofweek ( dday) =5 then 20
else 16 end ) total_workhrs
from (
select (unix_timestamp(end_date)- unix_timestamp(start_date))/3600 as diff_in_hr , end_date, start_date,date_add (t.start_date,rs.uniqueid) as dDay
from tdate t
join (select row_number() over ( order by mycol) as uniqueid from largetab) rs
where end_date >=date_add (t.start_date,rs.uniqueid)
group by 1,2,diff_in_hr

SQLite last 24h query with 2 rows date and time

I want to query last 24h in my database SQLite. I have 2 rows time example (18:04:56) and date (2020-12-06 ). When I use this query
SELECT name,cdate,ctime, * FROM {table} WHERE cdate >= datetime('now','-1 day') ORDER BY id DESC
I got only last queries in the same day. (LAST QUERY 00:00:46)
How deal with it ?
You should create a datetime value from cdate and ctime to compare with DATETIME('now','-1 day'):
SELECT name, cdate, ctime
FROM {table}
WHERE (cdate || ' ' || ctime) >= DATETIME('now','-1 day')

Oracle to_date return incorrect result

I have a table 4 columns - Code, Status, EffectiveDate (EFF_DT), EndDate (END_DT). All the columns are Varchar2 type. EFF_DT and END_DT has ISO format date (YYYY-MM-DD) with NULL values for few rows. Need to get the rows which has END_DT greater than today's date.
While executing the below query, it returns all the Not NULL rows for END_DT. Do not compare the END_DT at all.
select code, status, EFF_DT, END_DT
from (
select CODE, EFF_DT, Status,to_date("END_DT" ,'YYYY-MM-DD' ) as END_DT
from xxx.ZZZ
where to_date(TAB.END_DT ,'DD-MM-YY' ) > to_date(CAST(CURRENT_TIMESTAMP as Date), 'DD-MM-YY')
But the below query compares the END_DT and returns the result properly -
WHERE ( (to_date("TAB"."END_DT",'YYYY-MM-DD') > to_date(CAST(CURRENT_TIMESTAMP as Date), 'YY-MM-DD')) )
What is going wrong with the 1st query?
I see difference in return value of END_DT.
For the 1st query, the data is coming like -
while as for the 2nd query, the data is coming like

How to get all dates from current week in sqlite

I need to simple current week list from sale_detail and I am using
Sqlite ,but problem is that condition not work but I check that similer sqlite macth date if 2015-1-9 not equal to 2015-01-09 so may program generate this that sqlite is not compare what is the solution second Condition operator not working Please Help me !
SELECT sale.sale_id, sale_date, sale_type, sale_detail.Quantity, sale_status p_cate_name, p_cate_size, p_cate_price
FROM sale
JOIN sale_detail ON sale.sale_id = sale_detail.sale_id
JOIN p_category ON p_category.p_cate_id = sale_detail.category_id
WHERE sale.sale_date >= date('now', 'weekday 0','-7 days')
AND sale.sale_date <= date('now', 'weekday 0')
