Editing Wordpress Plugin after uploaded - wordpress

After developing a plugin for Wordpress, I have to submit it to appear in the plugins page in Wordpress, can I edit in the plugin after uploading?
Or do I have to upload when I absolutely done with that version?

If you are referring to submitting your plugin to WordPress.org, then you would want that version to be completed prior to upload. Any subsequent changes would be a new version of the Plugin and should be updated accordingly. So your first release would be version 1, and a minor change might be v1.0.1 if you want to follow Semantic Versioning.
If you are referring to changing it from within a WordPress site's admin page, then it is possible to edit the plugin file. However this is kind of a security risk.

The editing after uploading the plugin fully depends upon the file permission which you have given. Check the WordPress Plugin Editor Screen for editing online after upload. And also this link to for more details.


When saved, WordPress editor automatically adds "rel=nofollow" to every external link

currently I'm running into this issue, where external links are automatically set to no-follow by WordPress. As of now I wasn't able to detect the source of this behaviour.
The page uses the Classic Editor (v1.6.2) Plugin - however, the problem still occurs without the use of this Plugin.
There are a bunch of other plugins installed but those are not directly involved with the post editin feature of WordPress. Are there any clues which might cause this issue?
If you need any information I can provide.
Which other Plugins are you using?
Are you maybe using RankMath or another SEO Plugin?
These have a setting to make all external links with "rel=nofollow". You would need to deactivate this or add an exceptions for specific domains.
Check the settings.

How do I remove/unpublish my plugin from https://wordpress.org/plugins?

I would like to remove my plugin from the plugin directory of wordpress because I dont want any new installs made with it. I can't find any solution from Google.
As of April 2020 you have the ability to close your own plugins without needing to contact them via email. Go to the ADVANCED VIEW link on sidebar of your plugin page and scroll down to the CLOSE THIS PLUGIN section. Read the warning. If that is acceptable to you, then click the button that says "I Understand..."
To remove a plugin from the WordPress repository, first delete the code via SVN. Then email plugins#wordpress.org using the email you registered with at wordpress.org (for the account that is the author of the plugin). They will delete it within a few days and email you back to confirm. They basically hide the plugin pages. The plugin slug remains blocked and your project can be resurrected if you can convince them to re-open it.

How to delete all plugin references in database?

How does one completely remove a plugin from WordPress?
I have deleted the plugin via WordPress admin and then reinstalled, problem persists.
I see 8 records in cmsoptions table referencing the offending plugin. Since WP Admin drags to a grinding crawl with the plugin active, and for weeks the plugin was working just fine, I have to conclude that the problem exists due to the plugin references in the DB.
If anyone has the inside word on completely obliterating a plugin from WP, please do share.
The the options API (http://codex.wordpress.org/Options_API) is open to the plugin to store whatever data it wishes (under whatever name it wishes). You'd have to search the plugin code to see what it is storing (and how) in order to get rid of the offending data.
The issue isn't with WordPress, it's with the plugin. WordPress is a framework and can't take responsibility for whatever gets built on top of it (ie plugins). It's like blaming a hammer for a poorly built house.

WordPress Blank Screen Issue

I'm running a WordPress website with a custom template that is showing me a blank screen when I have not viewed the site in a few days. I've cleared the browser cache and I've empited all cache using w3 total cache. Once I cleared the cache,I typed in the URL each time, and it loaded the website perfectly. I did not copy and paste the URL. The URL combinations are listed below;
I've also provided a list of plugins that are currently installed on the website.
all in one slideshow v1.3.1
ckeditor for wordpress v3.6.2.1
contact form 7 v2.2
contact form to db extension v2.2.4
duplicate post 2.0.2
easy picasa v1.1
events calendar pro 1.3.3
featured image widget v0.2
get the image v0.6.2
gravity forms v1.6.2
gravity forms + custom post types v3
gravity forms css ready class selector v1.0.1
latest news widget 1.0.1
mailchimp v1.2.4
members list v3.5.6
nextgen gallery v1.7.4
page restrict v2.03
picasa express x2 v1.5.3
really simple captcha
registration form widget v1.0
search everything v6.7
shortcode exec php v1.33
si captcha anti-spam v2.7.5
sidebar login v2.2.7
the excerpt re-loaded v0.3.2
w3 total cache
wordpress https v2.0.4
wp custom login logo v1.0
wp fade in text news v4.0
wpml cms nav v1.2.4
wpml multilingual cms v2.3.4
wpml string translation v1.2.2
wp user registration v2.4
Just wondering if there may be a plugin conflict or maybe a conflict between a plugin and wpml 2.3.4? I've got no issues disabling and re-enabling the plugins one by one, but if I cannot replicate the blank screen issue 100% of the time, disabling/enabling plugins will not be of any use.
I'm also running other websites on my server none of which are showing me this problem. The server I'm running is Ubuntu 10.04 with Apache and MySQL.
Any ideas on what might be causing this issue will be very much apppreciated.
by FTP - temporarly rename your plugin folder to something else (like plugin_new) AND your theme folder and css file (like mytheme.css.old) . that will revert to to the default theme and will disable all plugins . if you do not have default theme - install it.
If nothing terribly serious has happened (like some code hack) - It will give you access to the admin area to start troubleshooting.
Add this to your wp-config.php file:
Right after the following line:
/* That's all, stop editing! Happy blogging. */
Then you can check on the log after the white screen appears, and know for sure what happened.
Thank you for all of your suggestions. I somehow managed to repeat the blank screen with no information, which then allowed me to slowly disable and enable the plugins. Found out it had to do with the updating of WPML CMS Nav, WPML String Translation and WMPL Multilingual CMS. Once I updated them, the site worked fine, without the blank screen with no code.
Just in case anyone ever runs into this problem with W3 Total Cache, I found a fix for the random blank-page issue: just turn off ALL of the "Debug Options" under General Settings.
That fixed it for me after spending countless hours searching for the issue. Good luck!

Wordpress add plugin version alert

In creating a plugin, how can I add a version update reminder for anyone using my plugin? This plugin will not be on Wordpress.org but on my own site. I am assuming the plugin checks on my server for a specific file and if the check version is same, no alert but if it is different an alert message will show? But how? Any direction would be appreciated.
The second part of this question is how to write the plugin to allow auto update like any plugins on wordpress? This way they can just click update and the plugin will just update.
I wouldn't host the plugin on your site for security reasons. There have been cases of malware hidden in plugins in the past and it's advised to get plugins from wp.org.
As for the alert system, you should use wp-cron.php to regularly check the txt file hosted on your server.
