Get Unicode Text from SQLite DB - sqlite

I have an SQLite database that contains values with strange characters like ü, é, etc. SQLite is UTF8 by default and the values look good in a database tool.
Now I need to fill an option menu in Livecode with these values.
When I do
put uniencode ("Krüger", "utf8") into tData
set the text of button "option" to tDAta
I get the correct value in the option button but looking strange with big spacings like "K r ü g e r" instead of "Krüger"
Edit: It appears to be that the Text is displayed in "full width". I am using Tahoma but changing the font does not make a difference.
If I don't do uniencode I get "Krüger".
I also tried set the unicodetext of button "option" to tData but that gave me one line of chinese or japanse chars or so.
Where is my mistake?
I am using Livecode 7.0.6.

put textDecode(MyVariable,”UTF8”) into NewVariable

The uniencode and unidecode functions are deprecated as of LiveCode 7. In your example, try:
put revDataFromQuery(,, tConnectionId, tQuery) into tUTF8data
set the text of button "option" to textDecode(tUTF8data,"utf8")


How to customize the look of currently selected(highlighted) completion in zsh?

Main question
I would like to add powerline characters at the start and at the end of the selected completion, like this:
Started the completion menu by inserting c and pressing the TAB key.
Moved right in the completion menu by pressing the right arrow key.
Moved down in the completion menu by pressing the down arrow key.
Is there any way to make zsh look/behave like in the pictures?
Added powerline triangle + blank character at the beginning and blank character + powerline triangle at the end should somehow be accounted when columns are created to keep the alignment correct.
Add 2 blanks at the beginning of every completion in the list, so that when the completion is selected it doesn't look like the text was moved to the right.
( This issue can be seen by comparing the completion with and without the selection. )
Alternative question
In case that previously explained behavior is impossible to get without changing the zsh source code, is it at least possible to add powerline triangle only at the end of the selected completion?
My unsuccessful attempts
I have tried using the lc, rc, and ec variables in the list-colors style but that didn't help:
Completion list was badly aligned and it created all kinds of visual problems.
Symbols were inserted in all elements of the completion list, not just the selected one.
I have also tried using the ma variable, but I couldn't properly insert a character at the beginning:
The variable expects only a number that represents a color and it is probably wrapped in some escape sequences, so the output did not look as expected.
This works for me.
zstyle ":completion:*:default" list-colors ${(s.:.)LS_COLORS} "ma=48;5;153;1"
Uses my LS_COLORS and then ma sets the background of my selection to bold and color 153 from
Found from

Why do I see the ASCII symbols in Notepad++?

(I am new with this) I see these weird black text-boxes and, as far as I know, they are ascii symbols, but I don't know how to see it in a "normal" view, if possible. Thanks in advance!
It was a bit hard to follow your link, I included the screenshot in your question. The ESC indicates a non-printable character. In this case it is the Escape character (ASCII 27), which from the screen shot appears to be part of escape sequences to change text color.
Unfortunately, Notepad++ does not have the means to render them as intended. One option is that you select one and find/replace with nothing. If you want to get rid of not only the ESC but also its associated "parameters" you can use this regular expression to find and replace them

Adding glyphs to Fontforge

When I open Fontforge to create a new font, it only lists a limited set of characters / glyphs. In the font I create, I need some glyphs that are missing from that default set, e.g. "single right-pointing angle quotation mark" (U+203A) and "single left-pointing angle quotation mark" (U+2039).
How can I add "slots" for these glyphs, or rather:
What is the proper way to add glyphs that are defined in the Unicode table?
Ah, well, just go to Encoding > Add encoding slot, then there will be a dialog to set how many slot(s) you want to add.
Ah, well, just go to Encoding > Reencode and choose an encoding that contains the relevant slots.

How can I disable string decoration (or however this is called) in Aptana?

When I mark a string within a php file and then type a ', ", ( or [, then the marked text will not be replaced by the typed in character. Instead it well be enclosed by '…', "…", …
I know this is a feature, of course. But I want to turn off this feature because I don't like it. Can you tell me how?
Window > Preferences > Aptana Studio > Editors - Deselect 'Wrap selected text with matching characters'.
This used to drive me crazy too, but it has grown on me.

What is the best invisible character can I use to replace ?

I use some telerik report to print some report.
I need to use Telerik.Reporting.TextBox to print labels.
Some labels are stock in .txt files, like " Apple".
When I see a label with spaces, it means I have to indent it in the report, so in the TextBox.
The thing is when we export the report in pdf, we have the indentation, but not when we see in the browser. If I replace the spaces by "& nbsp;", we see the indentation in the browser, but when exporting to pdf, we see the "& nbsp;".
One way to do this is to use HtmlTextBox, so both the browser and the export works fine, but we have other constraints that says we must keep the TextBox.
My idea is to replace the spaces by a blank character, an invisble one, like alt+0160, but there is a lot of choice, and I want the one that will work in any browser, any export (TIFF, PDF, Excel...).
Is someone have a good clue about this choice ?
You could use Unicode code point U+00A0 (non-breaking space), which is what the entity represents. How this should be encoded in your document depends on the character set in use.
You can replace the with ""
