Slow Wordpress Website - wordpress

my website is taking ages to load since I installed the WooCommerce Subscriptions plugin and I cannot see why.

It takes really long for your server to respond - you assets are loading pretty fast tough. So its probably because of your server setting. Where are you hosting? Is it a webspace,vserver,dedicated server,...
Interesting article:


How to reduce ttfb time in wordpress sites?

How to reduce ttfb time ?
my wordpress site has very long ttfb time.
i tested result several time and result absolutely confuse me sometimes is lower than 200ms sometimes more than 5s !
what is the problem ?
network configuration or server side scripts ? or something else ?
It is not really a Wordpress specific problem as all websites should try to have a ttfb time as little as possible.
Generally speaking when you use a tool like Google page Speed or PingDom (to name a few), you should get some advices on how to improve your ttfb time.
Like using a cache system, compress and regroup JS/CSS files, reduce images size, using a CDN, etc...
Now on Wordpress ecosystem, you have a lot of plugins what can help you with that (especially if you're not a developper).
Here is a list of some I know and have already used that may help you:
W3 Total Cache (caching plugin) - A good free solution for setting a cache system on your WP (realivelly complicated to handle though)
WP Rocket (caching plugin) - an excellent non-free solution. Work pretty well (much easier to handle than W3 Total Cache). Affordable.
Imagify (image compression plugin) - this plugin re-compress and optimize you medias. It is developped by the same company as WP Rocket, you need to create an account on there service to use it. And they have a free plan.
In any case, if you're not a developper, I encourage you to get help from one because some caching options can produce unwanted effects like a JS component that doesn't work anymore of stuff like that so you need to test if your website still works each time you make a change.
Note: long ttfb time can also be related to the server itself (mutualized one for example).
Hope it help.

Managed Wordpress website hosted on Aruba slow

my problem is that I have a site built with wordpress hosted on Aruba with a wordpress managed hosting plan. Today it started to go very slow. The loading time is over 13 seconds. Until yesterday it was fine. What can it be? Thanks.
Many things can be causing your WordPress to be slow: configuration of your server, WordPress configuration, images and videos, theme and plugins's code, external scripts.
So, within that list, here are some of the tasks you should consider doing:
Speed test the website again
Use latest PHP version
Make sure all updates are done
If you create backups, make sure that they are only run during low traffic time
Install a caching plugin
Optimize images
Reduce as much as possible videos which costs bandwidth
Analyze if the theme is optimized for speed
Analyze if plugins are poorly coded
Reduce external HTTP requests and DB calls
Optimize the DB
If none of this works, contact your hosting provider and explain what you've done so far. If they don't care for the situation or are not capable to serve your needs, consider changing your hosting provider.

optimize wordpress site sharing with bluehost

my site takes so time to load how can I fix this problem, I have a wp site it's shared with Bluehost when I run the site take so time to load any idea how to solve this issue?!
A lot of factors are involved in website speed, use some tool to scan your site and have some information:
Google PageSpeed help you to understand if image are too big, if the server response time id too high etc.. and also give you some information about the possible fix.
Other thing that may help you to speed up your site is a cache plugin like:
w3 total cache
wp super cache
this plugin have a default settings that help also unexperienced user to have a little benefit.

What is causing my Wordpress site to load so slowly?

So I recently setup a Wordpress site that is being hosted through HostGator with their business share-hosting plan. The website was experiencing very slow load times, sometimes up to 30-45 seconds.
I went ahead and scaled down/resized all the images that are currently on the site, added a caching plugin (W3 Total Cache), an optimization plugin (WP-Optimize), a CDN (Truespeed CDN), minified js/css, and added expires headers.
The site scores much better on site speed tests after I made these changes
Pingdom: 87
GTmetrix: 92%/87%
and it seems that the timing to the first byte is pretty quick too.
Loading the site in its current state still feels pretty slow and after taking these measures, I'm unsure of what could be causing the issue, or if possibly the host might be too slow. Any help and suggestions would be much appreciated.
The url for the site is:
I am also using Shopisle Theme with Woocommerce and WPML.

Wordpress Running slowly

My wordpress site has suddenly started to run stupidly slowly and the only thing that has changed is the header of the site. I placed in a new photo slider and just moved the twitter feed. So i thought it would have something to do with this but the speed of the site is still slow when i disabled them both.
Which makes me think that it is a problem with wordpress or that i've taken something out of the header that i wasnt meant to.
link to the site:
Any help would be brilliant
According to the Network tab on Chrome's inspector & Pingdom, the majority of your loading time is waiting for your server to respond. Could just be extra latency from accessing a UK host from the US, or your server might be overloaded with a zillion other sites.
Try tinkering around with the W3 Total Cache plugin, but if that doesn't help you might need to call your host, upgrade to a better server, or change hosts.
Also: You're loading jquery twice.
