Wordpress Running slowly - wordpress

My wordpress site has suddenly started to run stupidly slowly and the only thing that has changed is the header of the site. I placed in a new photo slider and just moved the twitter feed. So i thought it would have something to do with this but the speed of the site is still slow when i disabled them both.
Which makes me think that it is a problem with wordpress or that i've taken something out of the header that i wasnt meant to.
link to the site: www.finderskeepersuk.com
Any help would be brilliant

According to the Network tab on Chrome's inspector & Pingdom, the majority of your loading time is waiting for your server to respond. Could just be extra latency from accessing a UK host from the US, or your server might be overloaded with a zillion other sites.
Try tinkering around with the W3 Total Cache plugin, but if that doesn't help you might need to call your host, upgrade to a better server, or change hosts.
Also: You're loading jquery twice.


Webiste "Stalled" status

About two weeks ago I implemented a simple one-page website using WordPress and Elementor for a friend of mine.
The page was loading slowly due to a shared FTP, which hosted another website, so I assumed that after the page is migrated to a dedicated FTP, the loading problems will be gone.
Unfortunately, the issue remains - it's a simple website, yet it takes ages to load, and its not due to its weight, but the delay between the request is processed by the client's browser.
After looking up the Network tab in Chrome console I discovered that the page remains in "Stalled" status for almost 6 seconds before the request is passed over and the website begins to load.
Do you have any idea how to solve this issue? I was certain that Elementor bundles and minifies the final files before serving them over FTP and Chrome is not forced to exceed the TCP limit of 6 files downloaded at the same time, as described here ( Understanding Chrome network log "Stalled" state ). I'm a purely front-end dev and have no in-depth knowledge regarding the back-end, so I'm pretty stuck at this point and any help will be highly appreciated.
Check your database foreign keys or index

Very Slow Wordpress Performance after moving to VPS?

We are struggling with the speed on our wordpress website. Have just moved to a VPS and this hasn't helped the speed at all.
Can anyone offer any recommendations on what needs to be done?
link to the website >> salon99.co.uk
You have some javascript errors, looks like not loading properly. How much ram your vps have, thats other issue might be. Avoid 404 on resources (images, css, js)
Check some tips from here
Provide more information on your setup.
Try install Google PageSpeed and test your site here
Running your site through Pingdom shows a 4 second time to first byte. This suggests you main issue is definitely server side. There's a couple of diagnosis plugins that you can install which will reveal which plugins may be slowing things down*, and which DB queries are expensive:
Query Monitor
Debug Bar
Once you've worked out where the slow downs are coming from, you'll be in a better position to solve them. You might find you have one query in particular that is especially slow.
* I've always found WooCommerce to be on the sluggish side, but them's the breaks.

Site is abnormally slow

My site is running on Wordpress and uses Woocommerce to display most of the content. See my site here, I have a lot of images that could be part of the problem...
Google PageSpeed says I'm 0/100 for mobile speed and 11/100 for desktop speed, with a 44.5 server response time..
GTmetrix gives me an F for my speed, recommending I serve scaled images, leverage browser caching, add expired headers, make fewer http requests, and more.
I'm trying to interpret all of these poor scores, and would like some help on how to dramatically speed up my site.
Does anyone have any tips, or know what I can do to help increase the speed and improve my scores on these sites?
That site is certainly slow, however the load times appear to be primarily from the server (I'm seeing about a 3-5s load time before the server responds with content for the home page). This has nothing to do with how many images you are loading, it probably means you have a really slow plugin or piece of code.
I'm not sure how technical you are, but I'd recommend profiling your code. An easier solution may be to disable your plugins one-by-one until your site suddenly loads faster. Then re-enable every plugin except the last one to be disabled, and verify your site still loads fast. If it does, then the disabled plugin is likely the issue.

How do I troubleshoot caching

I'm having an issue with the caching of a WordPress site. I am getting inconsistent displays of the site. I have changed my DNS server from my ISP to Google and the site has no chaching. I've viewed the site on a different ISP and it is still inconsistent. My browser cache is set at 0 and I'm using "?" in the URL. Is there any way to determine where the caching is originating? The site is on a budget shared hosting account.
Try a different web browser. That'll tell you if the cache is because of a plugin like W3 Total Cache or your browser's cache. Maybe try disabling all of your plugins and themes and see if that makes any difference. The DNS is very likely not going to make a lick of difference.
I would recommend using Firebug or Web-Kit Dev Tools for this.
You can more fully disable/enable browser cache conveniently
You can use the Net panel to see what is loading, how fast it is loading, and where it is loading from.

Drupal 6 website is very slow

I've made this website for someone a while ago, using Drupal 6. The problem is that it's getting incredibly slow... When I optimize the database it seems to go faster for a while and then it's slow again... I tried almost everything that I found on Google, and nothing seems to work. Maybe someone here knows a bit more than Google? :p
One thing I noticed using PageSpeed, is that some of your images on this page (http://heuvelfolies.be/CMS/Producten) are resized using HTML and CSS, rather than displaying thumbnails. Not related to your db issues, but overall it will help with page loading.
Example output:
http://heuvelfolies.be/img/Producten_Netten.jpg is resized in HTML or CSS from 360x360 to 100x100. Serving a scaled image could save 74.7KiB (92% reduction)
Are you using other caching techniques such as Memcached? Drupal caching would be step one, which you mentioned you did, but the next step would be an intermediate caching system. I've had great luck with it.
UPDATE: Doesn't look like your host provides VPS so this would be something to do if you ever moved to a VPS. Having said that, being on a shared server has its limitations. Not knowing what the "other guys" on the server are running that may be slowing the whole thing down, is one of those limitations.
Are you using Drupal's built-in caching?
If not, turn it on -- it can make a big difference.
You may also want to look into a server-based caching solution such as Varnish.
What modules are you using?
It's possible that you're using a module with known issues. Google for speed problems related to the various modules you're using.
Are you displaying any dynamic content on every page?
This can slow things down, as dynamic pages can't be cached. Consider using AHAH or AJAX to load the dynamic parts of the page via Javascript after page load, so they are separated from the main page content, which you can then cache properly.
I can't event ping that server. Maybe you should consider changing a hosting?
Other things worth checking are cache enabled, JS and CSS file merging enabled. If layout consists of many graphics, consider using CSS sprite. Also make sure that connection to your DB is fast.
Before trying to improve anything, check the "Recent Log Entries" on the admin page.
There are so many reasons for a site being slow, first try to make sure that there's no errors.
I've just had a look at your site, it wasn't particularly slow, nor fast. Pages didn't seem to hang but thumbnails were not loading so quickly.
Check your site's health, check your hosting provider, look into caching, for solutions like Varnish, you will need Pressflow or Drupal 7 as well as root access, meaning at least a VPS...
