Share Brackets config with teammembers - adobe-brackets

I've configured my Brackets-installation with different extensions and it would be nice if I could provide a ready-to-go bundle of brackets with all extensions to all team-members, so that they don't have to install and configure all plugins manually.
Is that possible?

You could try the Extension Bulk Installer.
For sharing the settings, put the settings into a .brackets.json file in your project root and include it in your version control.


How to know which ZSH configuration framework is installed?

I'm trying to automate installing a ZSH plugin depending on which configuration framework the user is running (For example - prezto or oh-my-zsh) since the install location of the plugin changes with the change in config framework.
For example, for oh-my-zsh the plugins must be installed in ~/.oh-my-zsh/custom/plugins folder whereas in prezto they must be installed in the ~/.prezto/modules folder.
Is there a way I could determine the configuration framework or a workaround to install the plugin in both these cases? Thanks in advance.
Regardless of the framework in use, the location of the plugins is configurable by the user, so detecting a framework only lets you predict the default location of the plugin directory, not the directory actually in use.
Just use an environment variable like PLUGINDIR in your installer, and let the user be responsible for setting its value to ~/.oh-my-zsh/custom/plugins or ~/.prezto/modules or ~/.config/zsh/oh-my-zsh-plugs, etc., as appropriate.

How to add Meteor framework/platform support to existing module in Intellij IDEA (14.1.5)?

I need to add Meteor framework to existing module.
As I can see this option is available for new modules (static web->Meteor app).
But I can't find how to make this with existing module.
You just ope the project containing .meteor folder and make sure the meteor plugin is active.
Settings->Languages & Frameworks->Javascript->Templates
Tick "Open HTML files as Handlebars/Mustache" option.

Install symfony2 bundle without composer

I had like to install a bundle in Symfony : FOSUserBundle
All search end up using composer.
I'm working in a company behind a proxy with authentication.
I can't write down my password in a config file as it would be on a shared files server.
So, i'd like to install a Bundle without using composer. What is the best way to achieve that task ?
Thank you for reading my poor english and spending time answering me.
You can deploy the same project on your local machine, install all vendors using composer, and when it is set and done - upload all project files to the shared file server.
i dont know why you have to store your password in a config file. If you working behind a proxy, you have to type your password only in installation. If you don't want to use composer you have to download the bundle and add it to AppKernel.php. but the problem is that if your bundle depend of other library you will have some noise.

Where to put the LICENSE file in a Symfony application?

I have a web application made with Symfony2 and I want to add my license choice in the repository. The thing is that the default Symfony2 project has a LICENSE file in the root directory and I don't know where I am supposed to put my LICENSE file and if I should delete the Symfony2's one. Also happens with README file.
I guess that you Symfony2 programmers sure know how to handle this.
Your own application code should be located mostly in the src folder. If you take a look at some Bundles or other components of Symfony2 you can see that they all have a separate LICENSE file in their bundle root directory. So the correct choice for your file would be:
In this case your LICENSE file would also be included if you install your bundle via composer on a different project. In that case it would be at:

PHPStorm - Link external SFTP-folders into project

the issue i am fighting through is a bit complicated. Ill explain the setup envoironment to you first.
I am using PHPStorm to work on a Symony2 Project.
My Apache is hosted on a Debian-VM connected to PHPStorm via "Deployment Tool".
/* So far: I can edit code and update the server automaticaly on save. Works*/
My problem now is, that i am using the composer, which is ment do get me the right bundles into the vendor folder.
I WANT to create kind of a symlink from the server directly into the project.
I DONT WANT to download the vendor folder from the server hard into the project.
I want to create a symbolic link within a PHPStorm project. Linking a folder from a server into the Project. The linked in folder should be unidirectional updated on source change. The Classes and Namespaces should be known to the Project.
Is there any native way to get this done?
Or does anyone know a plugin which could handle such affairs?
I hope i expressed my point clearly :/ Please ask, if anything is unclear.
Greetings and thanks upfront.
It's not possible to do directly from PhpStorm, see the related issue. You can use some third-party tool like ExpanDrive to map a server directory to the drive letter by SFTP and then add this local directory as a content root to your PhpStorm project. Note that it may affect the performance dramatically.
