This coupon is assigned to some other user, Please verify - wordpress

Woocommerce is giving the following error whenever a user tries to apply a coupon.
This coupon is assigned to some other user, Please verify !
I have tried everything. I have deleted all the coupons and then created them. I have tried to use coupon without any setting. Nothing is working.
What could be the possible cause of this?
Is this a woocommerce bug?


woocommerce: SOLD is not displayed for unregistered users

Having trouble since last wordpress and woocommerce updates.
Cant get any idea what my be reason for such behavior. While I'll registered on site all "SOLD" signs shows correctly, but as soon as someone whos not registered on site checks item it doesn't display SOLD on single product page (but on catalogue view it`s visible).
For me this doesn't make any since, as site doesn't have any extra role and permission plugins..
any idea where might be issue?

Edit specific woocommerce notification message

On our woocommerce store, we only allow new customers to access the shop after their new account has been manually approved.
However, after successfully registering a new account the user is shown this misleading notification by woocommerce - and I'm not sure where to edit this:
> Your account was created successfully and a password has been sent to your email address.
Any ideas on where this message is generated? and how I can change the text
I'm not sure how to edit this message, but I may know a workaround if you want it to make it disappear.
You can try to inspect the element to find out the class and set display: none to it in your theme's custom css.
It may buy you time until you find the actual solution.

Generate Email Coupon Wordpress

This might be off topic question but I would like to ask it anyway to the developers out there.
Is there a plugin or whatever, that can enable automatic single use coupon code delivery to a user on wordpress/page?
Basically WordPress will send an email to the customer and then the user takes an action (clicks button, clicks link from email), and can see a unique, single use, coupon code back to the wordpress site? Each user of course would see a unique coupon code because there would need to have been a list of unique coupon codes selected/uploaded to begin with.
Thanks for your kind answers if there is any. Please.
I am not sure if this is what you are looking for:

Woocommerce show me that coupon is not exist, but its in database?

I noticed one strange issue that dont can resolve myself. I have created coupon "welcome10" that i inserted into coupon area in Woocommerce dashboard.. But for some reason, when try to insert coupon in checkout page, write me that coupon is is not exist.
I contacted woocommerce, but they tell me too basic informations in style:
check if coupon exist in DB.
Check if coupon have valid expiring date.
check if have particular product settings
but from that i cant debug nothing. Allready tryed all possible debug things like:
changing the theme, disabling all plugins (except woo) etc, and problem is still there.
Current coupon settings:
But still same error occured. Any tips how to fix this? Link to site where problem is showing.

WooCommerce | After logout the cart getting empty

I am totally new on WooCommerce, and I have a client with an "issue", that I am not sure if that is really an issue.
What he described to me, was the following scenario:
The client comes in the web site,
The client add some product in the cart,
Then he goes in the cart, and he perform a login
then the client logou, and the cart is getting empty.
So the question is, this behavior is the normal procedure for WooCommerce ? If so, is there a way to avoid the empty cart after the user is getting log ou of his account ?
There is a setting "clear cart on logout". Probably is enabled.
