Woocommerce show me that coupon is not exist, but its in database? - wordpress

I noticed one strange issue that dont can resolve myself. I have created coupon "welcome10" that i inserted into coupon area in Woocommerce dashboard.. But for some reason, when try to insert coupon in checkout page, write me that coupon is is not exist.
I contacted woocommerce, but they tell me too basic informations in style:
check if coupon exist in DB.
Check if coupon have valid expiring date.
check if have particular product settings
but from that i cant debug nothing. Allready tryed all possible debug things like:
changing the theme, disabling all plugins (except woo) etc, and problem is still there.
Current coupon settings:
But still same error occured. Any tips how to fix this? Link to site where problem is showing.


woocommerce: SOLD is not displayed for unregistered users

Having trouble since last wordpress and woocommerce updates.
Cant get any idea what my be reason for such behavior. While I'll registered on site all "SOLD" signs shows correctly, but as soon as someone whos not registered on site checks item it doesn't display SOLD on single product page (but on catalogue view it`s visible).
For me this doesn't make any since, as site doesn't have any extra role and permission plugins..
any idea where might be issue?

WooCommerce - a single product url without permalink

I recently discovered that a single product in my WooCommerce shows up in search results without its permalink. I cannot find this product anywhere, and therefore I cannot fix the permalink issue.
The link should read as: /nb/butikk/adheseal-2/
But it reads as: /nb/?product_variation=adheseal-2
Which of course just reroutes to the main page. I cannot find this entry in the system so I have noway of fixing the issue. It's a single post problem because every other item works as expected. Not just this particular link. Seeing as clicking the link doesn't work, I cannot find the post ID either.
I have tried to clean up the DB, resetting permalinks etc. but to no awail.
Any ideas?
It was a cache issue that prevented the permalink update.

WooCommerce Cart not updating after one product added

I have a WordPress site in which when I add first product it adds but after that cart does not update.
I have tried almost everything like deactivating cache, checking database for not having ID in auto increment mode, deactivating/activating plugins, headers expiry and all. If there is any other way than these, please help me out.

Woo commerce - variable product prices missing from WP

hoping for some help.
We use the following - Wordpress/ woo commerce /wcvendors pro. Prices for variable products are disappearing from wp engine view despite being in the product variation information. It doesn't impact every product on our site but a fair few. How it occurs is, the price is disappearing when you go in and edit the product. If we quick edit the product the price reappears. But it will dissapears again if we use the edit button. Initially the problem started because under the "Products" and "Inventory" We had checked the following setting: "Hide out of stock items from the catalog". Now this button is not ticked but it is still causing us issues.
It seems you have an error on the product page which cause the price not to be saved.
There can be some reasons, here are two I see occasioanlly:
PHP error is caused during the save, and therefore the data is lost. WordPress and WooCommerce works flawlessly together, so the first suspects are other plugins and your theme. Try first to turn off all your plugins and switch to another theme to see if this happens again. If not try to activate your theme, and recheck, and then the plugins one after the other, and check after each activation, until you find the one makes the problem.
Too many data is being saved at one time. It can be too many variations or too many custom fields. This can be fixed by changing some PHP settings. Please have a look here especially under the WPEngine note, and also check this plugin.

This coupon is assigned to some other user, Please verify

Woocommerce is giving the following error whenever a user tries to apply a coupon.
This coupon is assigned to some other user, Please verify !
I have tried everything. I have deleted all the coupons and then created them. I have tried to use coupon without any setting. Nothing is working.
What could be the possible cause of this?
Is this a woocommerce bug?
