Content region & block not being rendered in drupal 8 - drupal

I created region for sidebar and render it but it wont show up any pages
i'm not sure where this issue belongs, but this seemed a good place to start.Thanks in advance

This is not a very good question since you did not provide any details on how exactly you created the region (should be defined in your or how you are trying to render it in your template (should be something along the lines of {{ page.region_name }}).
Since you have not provided example markup, I will assume that you did everything correctly and the region still does not show up anywhere (for example, when showing the region render preview or when trying to assign blocks to regions).
In that case, try clearing the cache (go to /admin/config/development/performance and click "Clear all caches"), then see if the region shows up. If it does not, try and activate a different theme, then reactivate your theme again.
If after performing these actions your region still, does not show up, see above: Please provide example code.


Block Theme Template parts - Why saving a part updates the other ones?

I was wondering what could be wrong with this...I am building some parts of "new" Full Site Editing and notice that when I am going to save one of its parts, on the sidebar it shows other parts to save/update.
In the example in the screenshot, I am just editing the navbar template part, but see the other things present to be altered, even if they are not available in this part to be edited. There is another model "Header", there is a page "Home" and seven reusable templates to be saved!
The issue with updating the whole site this way is that I don't know what is being changed.
Do you know any configuration which should be done not to this occur? Or is there any documentation that explains this new paradigm? Or is it a bug to be fixed anytime?
In fact, I did press the button one with all the checkboxes marked and some of the other template parts went away emptied (I gone nuts).
See in the second attachment that I could go back and retore previous state (thank goodness!)

Fixed Sidebar / iFrame targetings

I will start by saying that I'm not a programmer but a tweaker of code and for the most part that has served me well. On this project:, I have created one long page that is actually made up by several pages that are pulled into one using widgets in this WordPress theme:
I'm happy with the page but I need a navigational sidebar like was used for previous years: and that has me stuck.
I tried making a new page with a sidebar and pulling in the main page as an iframe: but that doesn't work at all. I'm trying to get something like from last year (I did not create that or I wouldn't need to ask lol).
So maybe there's just some tweaks to the code I need but I'm also open to a plugin or any easy solution to integrate. If it needs to be custom programmed then please let me know so I'm not wasting time.

no template defined wordpress masterstudy

I'm trying to do the layout of a course on masterstudy in wordpress, but I'd like to make a template for certain parts of the course, lets say for example when I hover over the title, show an image, when I click on a paragraph, make another one appear next to it etc... I think it is possible to have shortcuts for these and not have to copy paste the code each time I want to have these effects. I think this icon(see image) might do the trick (not sure) but I can't seem to save a template in my dashboard. So if it is indeed this button, can you please explain me how to save templates, and if it is not the solution can you explain me where to look ? The screenshot shows the Tiny MCE editor
Thanks screenshot

Can't edit drupal block

I'm trying to add this block but can't see the content...
I have try to change the input type from filtered html to full and to php but still can't see the content to edit it...
Thank you
See image
Answer to the original question
From the limited details you provided, it "appears" to me that what you are trying to say is something like this: "I want to edit the content of some block, but the block is not shown anywhere (and therefor I cannot edit it either)".
If I'm correctly interpreting your problem, then I'm about sure that you should navigate to admin/structure/block within your site. Then select the TAB (near the top) that corresponds to the Drupal "theme" that you are using. Probably the very first tab to the left is what you need to be looking at. Scroll down to the bottom of that page, towards the set of blocks below "Disabled". There you should then see the block listed that you are looking for. Edit the selection list to the right of it, and select a "region" like left column, 1st column, or whatever other region you want (just NOT disabled). And hit the "save" button near the bottom of that list. Then verify if the block starts to show up.
If this is NOT what you are looking for, then consider editing your question to better explain what your problem really is.
Answer to the extra comment
The comment added to this answer seems to be a completely different question. This is what the coment looks like (slightly reformatted to enhance readability):
... I have a views that shows one post per category at and need to remove the 2 last ones (Μπόμπες and Γκολ - Γκολ). This views is showing like a block but when I tried to edit this block I can't see the content to edit. I just can't find a way to remove the 2 last categories.
Some things to address this:
this "block" (as you call it) is shown because you probably have nothing specified within "Site Information" (within configuration) as the relative path of your homepage. So therefor you use the default, which is relative path "Node", and which shows a list of "teasers" of nodes that have been marked as "promoted to the frontpage".
if you do not want to include any of these teasers of specific nodes (like the 2 nodes you mentioned with Μπόμπες and Γκολ - Γκολ), then for each of these nodes you have to edit them and uncheck the flag that says "promoted" to frontpage. After you do so, those 2 specific nodes will no longer be shown in the list of teasers of nodes promoted to the front page.
Curious to hear if this somehow helps ...
PS: the layout of that ticker-bar near the top of your page is way to long (at the right), and causes a terrible display of your entire site on (at least) my mobile device ... you may want to work on that as well ...

Drupal6: Theming Node Edit pages / Opening within Lightbox

I'm trying to display all node_edit form neatly within a lightbox without any of the excess content I don't want. No sidebars, footer, header, nothing. Just the content. So I created a page-node-edit.tpl.php file.
I have two problems daunting me, but for now I'll only mention the first since its more important.
1) From any drupal page, clicking on the "edit" link for the node doesn't activate the lightbox like it should. Instead it clicks-thru the link as normal.
With jQuery in the header I added a rel attribute for the lightbox to the links, but the box still doesn't activate. I tested the lightbox on a link I hardcoded into the page, and it activated just fine. For elements generated by Drupal, like the node edit link/button the problem seems to be timing.
I think the rel attribute needs to be built with the page, with the link, rather than appended onto it. The catch is, the link lacks an id and class, so I don't see how the hook_alter_link() function can help me.
I'm willing to try anything. Perhaps someone has done this before? Opened a node/edit form within a lightbox.
Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.
I've seen the Modal Frame API used in a few modules (Node Relationships uses it to do something very similar to what you're doing); might be helpful...
