Why my page is too wide when using RTL? - css

This is a WordPress issue and I'm asking this question here because I believe it is a CSS problem.
I'm using Wordpress and a theme named ShootinStar but I have to do my website in an RTL language. The theme supports RTL though.
Everything is perfect when the language of WordPress is English but once I change it to Farsi, then the width of my theme increases by maybe 4 times.
The website is visible and clear but you can actually swipe to left and see the rest of the background in a wide area.
Pages are fine, no problems with that. But the 'Post page' where I do my blogging which is my main page, is facing this issue. I tried assigning it to a page, but then that page will have the same problem.
I tried disabling plug-ins and changing themes, but nothing happened. I'm guessing that it is a CSS problem, but where is it exactly? I attached screenshots and highlighted the parts with red arrows.
This is after using element inspector:
What shall I do?!

You can add this CSS code to remove the unwanted space in the x-axis direction.
#container {
overflow-x: hidden;


How to remove the little bird icon in Concrete5 Tweetcrete

Recently someone has asked me to solve a little problem on a website of theirs, but I can't really figure out where it comes from. The site uses Concrete5 with Tweetcrete installed, and I use a tweetcrete block to display tweets, both on the homepage and on a dedicated social media page. In all the blocks though, the tweets are displayed with a little bird icon attached, which doesn't work well when the window is resized - it obscures the text. I cannot find where that icon coms from though, there doesn't seem to be anything in that block that causes it. There is nothing special about the code either, no styles.
To see the the problem, visit the homepage.
It'll be on the right hand side, towards the bottom.
You can override it via CSS like so:
.ccm-tweetcrete-timeline ul li {

using responsive wordpress theme but content is cut off on left side in mobile versions

I made a wordpress site using the responsive theme "hueman".
For the integration of the content I used the plugin "pixgridder" (don`t know if that is relevant)
For testing the site an all devices I use this tool: quirktools.com/screenfly
My site is: http://www.traumbad-muenchen.de
When testing the site http://traumbad-muenchen.de/portfolio/ in the mentioned tool above I can see that for apple I phone 5 the content is cut off on the left side while the page titel is displayed correctly.
I tried to find out the problem with firebug and so on but can`t find a way to make the content appeare like the page titel does that means not do be cut off.
I tried to play around with different settings redarding padding and margin but whenever I do this the content is mooved to the middle also on the desktop versions so that these versions look stupid.
What I want to achieve is that the edge of the content always starts exactly where the edge of the page titel does. I don`t have any problem displaying the page title.
Would be so thankful if anybody could help me.
Thanks a lot in advance
The problem occurs because there is no padding.
You can overcome this problem by adding a padding-left in your responsive.css on line 171.
.entry { font-size: 15px; }
.entry { font-size: 15px; padding-left:10px;}
In my case, I had to add padding to the span settings. One easy solution would be to load the website on a 'website responsive testing' site and then try to solve your issue by using the 'inspect element' on your browser.

New checkout pages won't resize to ipad and mobile

Developers made new checkout section on our website but the pages don't size to ipad or smart phone. There are checkout buttons and important elements on the pages that need to be seen by buyers, but they are being left off (pages cut off the right third of page) --
I've been researching briefly for a quick answer -- the rest of our site uses tables and this section uses css and divs only -- is that why it doesn't do it automatically? I'm not talking about media queries -- just the full page resizing to the screen width automatically...
I don't want to use scrollbars but even that solution at this point would give a visitor the ability to actually checkout on these pages...
Can anyone help? It would be greatly appreciated.. If it is more complex, that's fine, but I suspect something can be done to make the pages fit (and zoom if need be) or (gasp) scroll..fairly easily.
Thank you in advance for your help!
Ok, that section does not allow scrolling because is disabled from the css stylesheet.
You can get back the scrolling by editing the css. Look in the css file for the styles of .section. It will have a overflow: hidden; property. (it seem that is stored on file screen.css, line 435)
Replace it with overflow: auto;
You'll then be able to do horizontal scroll. But in the end, that is not a real solution. Since it seems you are not a coder, you need to get someone to recreate the styles of your website in order to make it actually responsive.
I recommend you to use on your website bootstrap, which can be used to create a responsive navigation.

tinyMCE Editor Margins on tinyMCE container

This may be a stupid question but how do i add a margin to the bottom of the tinyMCE editor. I have a margin on the bottom of the textarea I am targeting with tinyMCE but i assume it is being replaced with the editor and my styling on the textarea is moot. I opened the css files for the advanced theme but I can't seem to find what tag needs the margin added to it.
The answer to this is probably staring me in the face. But its just one of those programming days. I can't burn up anymore hours trying to figure this out I'm moving on but if anyone has any insight that would kick ass.
I just applied the following to the "full featured example" on the TinyMCE website via Firebug, it worked nicely. The textarea element is indeed replaced, though you might choose to add margin to the bottom of that too - for when TinyMCE hasn't replaced the element yet, to avoid jumping layout.
table.mceLayout { margin-bottom:100px; }

Wordpress Over-riding My Formatting

I've ported the Wordpress app from wordpress.org to my web site. I've changed the html and the css to conform to my existing design. I've placed the entry data in my 'main' div, which has a left margin of 19em to keep it to the right of my navigation div. This margin appears to be overridden somehow by the generated html within the 'main' div. I've patched some of the elements by adding the margin back to them, but would prefer a cleaner fix. I've looked at the page using Firebug, but I can't identify the appropriate entry. What is overriding my margin setting?
The problem page is here. Notice the Tags at the bottom.
Another page that doesn't use WordPress code doesn't have this problem. It is here.
Thanks for any help
I want to keep my acceptance rate high so I don't appear ungrateful for all the great help on this site. The answer was that the css was defined as a class and the html was using 'id='. Sometimes it helps to make sure the computer is plugged in.
