tinyMCE Editor Margins on tinyMCE container - css

This may be a stupid question but how do i add a margin to the bottom of the tinyMCE editor. I have a margin on the bottom of the textarea I am targeting with tinyMCE but i assume it is being replaced with the editor and my styling on the textarea is moot. I opened the css files for the advanced theme but I can't seem to find what tag needs the margin added to it.
The answer to this is probably staring me in the face. But its just one of those programming days. I can't burn up anymore hours trying to figure this out I'm moving on but if anyone has any insight that would kick ass.

I just applied the following to the "full featured example" on the TinyMCE website via Firebug, it worked nicely. The textarea element is indeed replaced, though you might choose to add margin to the bottom of that too - for when TinyMCE hasn't replaced the element yet, to avoid jumping layout.
table.mceLayout { margin-bottom:100px; }


How to style answer box / add a new topic box

I’m designing a wordpress website however I have no experience with html and CSS so when I need to fix bits and bobs of my website, I copy and paste CSS code that I manage to find online and it has been working so far.
The problem I have at the moment is I’m using a forum plugin called wpforo and I would like to edit how the reply / create new topic box looks. It looks very cluttered and unattractive (https://prnt.sc/paccv8).
What CSS could I add such that I could hide a few buttons? Here are some screenshots of how the answer box is laid out on my website. (divs and classes)
Hiding some buttons would be the quick fix, if possible – what CSS could I add such that I could reveal the hidden buttons with an ‘advanced’ button then unreveal it with a ‘basic button’, here are two screenshots to demonstrate what I mean.
Thank you.
I think the default you have is fine to be honest. If you want some space between elements, then you can use margin-top, margin-bottom, margin-left, margin-right for an element. For example #div-name{margin-bottom: 1rem}. Also, if you want the same amount everywhere then insetad of specifying all top,bottom,left, right, you can just use margin: 1rem which will do it for all.
If you want the background colour to change like in one the examples then background-color: blue on the title div would work.
As for the basic and advance button options, you wont be able to do this with CSS. It would require Javascript/jQuery. There will be many tutorials online for how to hide/show elements using jquery, but I think (I haven't used Wordpress enough to know if this is true) you will need to create some javascript file and then attach it to the page somehow. It's a lot of new stuff for a beginner to learn. I would just stick with what you have.
I would also suggest W3Schools as a quick way to learn some basic CSS, which might give you enough to get what you want.
Remember, CSS is for styling, Javascript is for functionality.

Why my page is too wide when using RTL?

This is a WordPress issue and I'm asking this question here because I believe it is a CSS problem.
I'm using Wordpress and a theme named ShootinStar but I have to do my website in an RTL language. The theme supports RTL though.
Everything is perfect when the language of WordPress is English but once I change it to Farsi, then the width of my theme increases by maybe 4 times.
The website is visible and clear but you can actually swipe to left and see the rest of the background in a wide area.
Pages are fine, no problems with that. But the 'Post page' where I do my blogging which is my main page, is facing this issue. I tried assigning it to a page, but then that page will have the same problem.
I tried disabling plug-ins and changing themes, but nothing happened. I'm guessing that it is a CSS problem, but where is it exactly? I attached screenshots and highlighted the parts with red arrows.
This is after using element inspector:
What shall I do?!
You can add this CSS code to remove the unwanted space in the x-axis direction.
#container {
overflow-x: hidden;

Web page's text is cutting off in browser

I recently imported CSS Bootstrap into my website, so that I could add a toolbar to it. All went well, except that the text of my website now cuts off at the bottom. I set the overflow of the body to scroll, to no avail. The website scrolls a little bit, but then the scroll bar stops before the end of the content. If you zoom out on the browser, you can see all of the content.
The home page is a fairly long chunk of code, especially if I include the bootstrap, so I am not inclined to copy it here. Have any of you encountered this, and do you remember / can you suggest how to rectify it?
Some of you suggested a link, and you're right. Here is the page in question: http://www.zipcodeconquest.com/home.php
In your CSS, try changing your body height to "auto". Just a guess without seeing your code or a screenshot...
look for a white-space:nowrap or white-space:pre property. Your container might have one of these styles and forces your text content to be displayed in a way that overlap it.

CSS woes in IE6/7

I have created a Wordpress child theme based on Thematic and I'm currently trying to debug the site in IE 6/7. My suspicion is that the problem is hasLayout, as that seems to be very common and the symptoms are congruent, however I have checked many of the broken elements and added hasLayout properties to those that did not already have them with no advancement.
I did have z-index set in several of the CSS classes, which I have now removed, and I'm wondering if any of you have some other suggestion about other debugging approaches.
The site is: http://032b4a6.netsolhost.com/WordPress/
I have posted here instead of the Wordpress forum as I believe my problem is more related to a standard CSS issue than anything specific to WP.
To detail the kind of errors I experience in IE6/7:
The header, which is an anchor with a css background property, pushes down on the search box, causing large gaps.
The nav displays as if it has an extra 75px of margin under it, causing another large gap.
The right sidebar is missing. It can be found just barely peeking from the left side of the container below the left sidebar.
The left sidebar appears to have an extra 15px of left margin, pushing it onto the main content div.
To check if a layout problem in IE6 / IE7 is hasLayout-related problems, I sometimes find it useful to use a rule like this for debugging - it's propably not something you want to use in your final stylesheet (as it will probably introduce new problems), but often it can reveal what elements needs to be given layout:
* {
zoom: 1 !important;
Welcome to the world of conditional comments and IE stylesheets: http://codex.wordpress.org/Conditional_Comment_CSS You need to tweak the CSS for IE and test with native IE, not browser shots.
Try taking the slider out for a minute to see if there is a CSS conflict.
And you have a few minor html errors, one having to do with an inline style sheet:
[Invalid] Markup Validation of 032b4a6.netsolhost.com WordPress - W3C Markup Validator. Scroll down in the validation report to see line numbers and source code.

Wordpress Over-riding My Formatting

I've ported the Wordpress app from wordpress.org to my web site. I've changed the html and the css to conform to my existing design. I've placed the entry data in my 'main' div, which has a left margin of 19em to keep it to the right of my navigation div. This margin appears to be overridden somehow by the generated html within the 'main' div. I've patched some of the elements by adding the margin back to them, but would prefer a cleaner fix. I've looked at the page using Firebug, but I can't identify the appropriate entry. What is overriding my margin setting?
The problem page is here. Notice the Tags at the bottom.
Another page that doesn't use WordPress code doesn't have this problem. It is here.
Thanks for any help
I want to keep my acceptance rate high so I don't appear ungrateful for all the great help on this site. The answer was that the css was defined as a class and the html was using 'id='. Sometimes it helps to make sure the computer is plugged in.
