auto-generating MailChimp emails when posting on a Wordpress blog - wordpress

I have a wordpress (WP) blog and wish to integrate it with my MailChimp (MC) Account. I need it to do the following:
whenever I publish a post on my WP blog, I want an email to be sent to the relevant MC list. the email should be auto-generated, and contain the design of the blog post, and the beginning of the content (with a "read more" link to the post itself on my blog).
Subscribing and list syncing is of course relevant too, but as I understand - these are trivial tasks and many plugins offer this functionality.

It's probably going to be easiest to handle this at the MailChimp end - MailChimp have an RSS to email service that does most, if not all, of what you need and they've written this tutorial.


How to create an offline form for submitting WP posts

You may have seen WP plugins that allow guests to submit posts. Those submissions proceed to the WP posts area where the admin can edit/publish them.
I want to create a form like this that I can install on my (and other people's) computers, so they can fill out the form fields for a WP post, save offline, then send to my WP site when ready.
Can anyone tell me the steps involved, and, if there is a description for what type of thing this is, please let me know to aid my search.
I am learning code at present and want to learn while building tools.
Hi hope I can give you some hints with this answer.
I don't know what programming language you would like to use, but for the communication with your Wordpress blog you could use the WP API to create a post over REST API. It offers a API to create and edit your Wordpress Posts over HTTP.
Your programm just have to check if an connection is possible and then execute the API calls.
You could use an database to store all created post and then call the Create Post Task with the POST Method over HTTP for each post saved offline.
When the creation was successful you could update your offline database, so that the post is marked as already created.

I want to a wordpress newsletter plugin

I have a blog site. I want to setup a "subscribe" option.
Newsletter Specification.
1. A man who subscribe my site, he accept all new blog post shortly with this post link.
2. I want to mail subscriber at a time regularly. Such as 6.00am GMT.
Well if you searched on google you would have got this for sure as the first link:

Wordpress Admins are notified by email when blog is posted or edited

I'm trying to find a way to alert all admins when a blog is posted. My client has multiple admins setup for his Wordpress site and wants to be alerted when one of them submits a new blog post or edits one so he can double check it for spelling errors and to make sure he approves the content and he wants to be notified with an email. I searched for a plugin for this but came up empty. Does anyone know how to do this or if their is a plugin to accomplish this that I just couldn't find?
Thank you.
You should take a look at the subscribe2 plugin. I use it on one of my membership sites to notify subscribers when something new has been posted. You can define the notification list to include whatever email addresses you like. By default, all new posts will be emailed to those addresses.
As for edits, I don't think the plugin does it by default, however it does add a checkbox at the bottom of the post editor that allows an notification to be forced.
For other developers, who are facing same issue, here is a pretty cool plugin. It is very light weight and easy to configure. Below is the link

Wordpress Email subscribtion?

I have Wordpress blog site and I wanted the users to enter their email to subscribe to my blog.If i add any new post in the blog the subscriber should to get the email alerts.
I know this is possible since I have seen in many blogs.
If anyone know how to implement this in Wordpress, let me know.
There are a few good options for implementing an email subscription service for your WordPress blog. (I am assuming you are using the self hosted WordPress and not
Google FeedBurner gives you the most options and works great with WordPress.
To set up email subscriptions click the publicize tab in the FeedBurner settings:
To seamlessly integrate with FeedBurner you will need to add a redirect to your .htaccess file or you can use a plugin to do this for you.
Also has a plugin that integrates with Feedburner and also provides additional functionality.
There is plugin called "Email capture wordpress plugin" which will be populated when unique user came to your site.This plugin asking for news latter subscription.
Once user subscribe to news latter you can send email to multiple users.Admin also can delete email users.
You can get more from and screenshort from here...

Wordpress Update through email

I have a blog, that is update pretty often. I like, while on the road to be able to use my blackberry or any eepc to prepare my post, review it, and send and email to somewhere that will be able to update my blog
three solution come to my mind
offline blog, edit and resync when return (not super good)
send email, update blog with blackberry
write text doc, send it by email and manually copy-paste in new post after return
I like not to have a list of all the possible solution, but the best working solution that you have use/try and like...
I use wp 2.6
Note just as boj note, I discover the already there feature included in wordpress... but I like my post to be in a Drafts state, because some photos and later editing will be done, but most of the post will already there
I have found that list. Just as Weblog Client said, there is a tons of software to do that, i just like THE BEST ONE !
Post to your blog using email.
WordPress can be configured to use e-mail to post to a blog. To enable this functionality, you need to:
Create a dedicated e-mail account to be used solely for posting to your blog,
Configure WordPress to access that account, and
Configure WordPress to publish messages from the e-mail account
