Use .NET WebForms for project rebuild -

I'm working on a fairly big .NET WebForms application. Now we have to rewrite parts of the application (and over some time the whole thing).
Should we stick around with WebForms or should we use MVC for the newer parts?
Does somebody has information what the plans from Microsoft are with WebForms?


When Web Forms won't be supported from Microsoft

We are going to create new application using Web Forms and we want to know when Web Forms (ASPX pages) Technology going to be obsolete or not be supported from Microsoft.
So WebForms is part of .Net Framework.
“.NET Framework 4.8 is the last version of .NET Framework. .NET Framework is serviced monthly with security and reliability bug fixes. .NET Framework will continue to be included with Windows, with no plans to remove it. You don't need to migrate your .NET Framework apps, but for new development, use .NET 5 or later.”
So it's baked into Windows at this point if you want to use it. Everyone will discourage you from using it, as you are essentially mastering out-of-vogue and increasingly obsolete technology, and maybe not doing your career any favors. But if, like me, you have some huge WebForms app for which there is no time nor money to rewrite, then you can at least rest assured that it will continue to run on Windows.
Microsoft will be continuing to support ASP.Net WebForms for some time to come since much of it's functionality is based into the core .Net Framework. There are several locations to get information on which ASP.Net features/technologies such as ASP.Net MVC 4 will be going out of support soon. lists many of the technologies. For ASP.Net Webforms, it's tied to the Framework versions as best as I understand.
Support policy for ASP.NET is documented here:

which version of mvc is using in core 2.0? is is MVC 6 or use different name?

which version of mvc is using in core 2.0? is is MVC 6 or use different name ?
What is .net 5?
what is .net standard ?
these questions are from an interview.plz help
The .NET Standard is a formal specification of .NET APIs that are intended to be available on all .NET implementations. .ASP.NET5.0 Is Called ASP.NET Core 1.0 and In the ASP.NET Core 1.0 release, Web API is merged with ASP.NET MVC, termed as MVC 6
They're totally unrelated. "MVC 6" was sort of like a codename for Core when it was still in early stages. ASP.NET MVC and ASP.NET Web Api are totally separate from ASP.NET Core. Now, it's just "Core". There is no "MVC" or "Web Api", because Core controllers do both functions. ASP.NET MVC and ASP.NET Web Api live on and although they will probably eventually be deprecated, they could presumably (though not likely at all) get new releases. At the very least, they'll be patched for the foreseeable future.
ASP.NET Core is a complete rewrite from the ground up. It was originally created simply to be a cross-platform alternative to ASP.NET, and I think the original plan was to keep both ASP.NET and ASP.NET Core as potential development options. However, as ASP.NET Core became more competent, it has pretty fully eclipsed ASP.NET; we now have a cross-platform framework that can run on Windows, Mac and Linux and can do virtually anything the Windows-only framework can. Therefore, why keep the Windows-only framework? Core 2.0 is MVC 6 and The framework is 4.6.1
To start with development you need to have VS-2017 and for 1.X you can start with VS-2015.
Please refer the below link for clear presentation of .NetCore 2.0 so that you can get good knowledge to kick start your development.
Official Asp.Net Core Documentation Url web form migration to dot net core

I have an application in 2.0 web forms.
I want to migrate it to core web forms.
Is it feasible?
I did not see any link on internet for migration of web forms.
Please provide any link or insight for this.
ASP.NET Core doesn't have a web forms part. It's an old model and won't be includeded in the ASP.NET Core according to Microsoft. The new and recommended model is MVC. There is no interoperability between them, because they have a differt architechture and behavior.
You have two opportunities. First: you don't migrate, everything will work as it has been. Second: you re-implement your solution with ASP.NET Core and with MVC architecture.
Have you seen DotVVM?
It is not Web Forms on .NET Core, but:
many concepts in DotVVM are similar to ASP.NET Web Forms (postbacks, server controls, master pages, even the names of the controls and page lifecycle events)
it is easy to learn for ASP.NET Web Forms developers
no cryptic viewstate hidden field
the controls don't produce ugly HTML
the MVVM pattern is used
no need to know or write JavaScript - C#, HTML and CSS is enough to start coding
DotVVM supports both .NET Core and full .NET Framework
can be added to existing ASP.NET Web Forms or MVC applications on .NET Framework
DotVVM is open source
Visual Studio extension with IntelliSense and project templates
Disclaimer: taken from
There are some useful resources I'd like to share with the StackOverflow community just in case you are having troubles to decide what to do:
modernization of your existing Web Forms app
migration to MVC or Core
or whether to start a new project on Web Forms, MVC and Core.
Here you go:
Modernizing ASP.NET Web Forms Applications by Tomáš Herceg (Microsoft MVP ) -
Migrating Old ASP.NET Applications to .NET Core by Edi Wang (Microsoft MVP) -
Choose between ASP.NET and ASP.NET Core (Microsoft docs) - -
Migrate from ASP.NET to ASP.NET Core (Microsoft docs) -

What is ASP.NET vNext?

Can anybody tell me what is ASP.NET vNext?
Every new version on .Net is something like .NET 1.0, .NET 2.0, .NET 3.0, .NET 3.5, .NET 4.0 then why this version is not something like ASP.NET 6.0?
vNext is just the name given to product in the pre-release mode, like c# vNext which will apparently be released as C# 6.0, maybe ASP.NET vNext will have a numbering when it releases.
What is ASP.NET vNext?
Microsoft ASP.NET vNext is a smaller and efficient framework as a result of rebuilding the libraries from ground up.
What's new in vNext
Cloud-optimized versions of MVC, Web API, Web Pages, SignalR, and Entity Framework.
MVC, Web API, and Web Pages will be merged into one framework, called MVC 6.
MVC 6 has no dependency on System.Web. The result is a leaner framework, with faster startup time and lower memory consumption.
vNext is host agnostic. You can host your app in IIS, or self-host in a custom process.
Dependency injection is built into the framework. Use your preferred IoC container to register dependencies.
vNext uses the Roslyn compiler to compile code dynamically. You will be able to edit a code file, refresh the browser, and see the changes without rebuilding the project.
vNext is open source and cross platform.
More information:
Overview on
Getting started with ASP.NET vNext
Blogpost by Scott Hanselman
Blogpost by David Fowler
Contributing to ASP.NET vNext
Sample ASP.NET vNext applications
ASP.NET vNext is the next version of ASP.NET, but it hasn't shipped yet, so it is not an official version. "vNext" is just a working title.
ASP.NET vNext was the code-name for the next generation of ASP.NET, whose official name is ASP.NET 5. As of now ASP.NET 5 is not yet finished and documentation about can be found at
ASP.NET 5 is not just an evolution of the previous version(s), it is rebuilt from the ground. Existing ASP.NET applications will run on ASP.NET 5 without modifications, but to take advantage of the new features, such applications will have to be ported to the new version.
Here's a little excerpt of what has to say about ASP.NET 5:
ASP.NET 5 is a lean .NET stack for building modern web apps. We built it from the ground up to provide an optimized development framework for apps that are either deployed to the cloud or run on-premises. It consists of modular components with minimal overhead, so you retain flexibility while constructing your solutions.
ASP.NET 5 includes the following features:
New flexible and cross-platform runtime
New modular HTTP request pipeline
Cloud-ready environment configuration
Unified programming model that combines MVC, Web API, and Web Pages
Ability to see changes without re-building the project
Side-by-side versioning of the .NET Framework
Ability to self-host or host on IIS
New tools in Visual Studio 2015
Open source in GitHub
The changes we made for ASP.NET 5 were based on customer requests and feedback. These changes simplify development, hosting, and maintenance, and are targeted to modern web apps.
Your legacy apps will run on the new version of the ASP.NET without any modifications. However, to take advantage of the new features in ASP.NET 5, you will need to port your existing code to the new framework. You will find many similarities between ASP.NET 5 and earlier versions of ASP.NET, so porting code involves fixing particular issues rather than re-writing the app.

What is the difference between asp and

I am developing web application using, but i want to work on asp i have to install asp or can we write the code using, what is the main difference between these two asp, Thank you
ASP is the legacy version of active server pages that was created before the .NET framework. It works on IIS and is written in VBScript or Javascript.
ASP.NET is the newer version built on top of the .NET framework and is written in VB.NET or C#
IMO, you should spend your time learning and using ASP.NET as classic ASP is rather ancient in terms of web technologies and will likely not be supported for much longer (merely guessing there..)
You may also want to consider looking at ASP.NET MVC as a possible solution as well.
You should be able to use classic ASP in a .NET environment running IIS. If that is what you're asking.
