Copy paste image into wordpress editor + import in media library? - wordpress

I am building a blog, and one of the category is based on images.
Yet I haven't found the solution to this simple question :
How do I import pictures in my media library via a simple copy paste in my post editor?
So far I've tested OnePress ImageElevator & ImagePaste but both of them simply paste an image from the website source and do not import it in my media library.
I would be eternally grateful if someone has the solution.

The easiest and free way I've found is to install OnePress Image Elevator and then use Firefox. Using the WP editor in Firefox, you can add images in the following three easy ways:
1) drag a file from desktop and drop it in the editor,
2) clip an image to clipboard and paste it in the editor, and
3) drag an image from an open Firefox browser and drop it in the editor
Also, you can view the step in this brief video


Embed Swiffy file into wordpress post

I have converted a SWF banner to HTML5 using Swiffy.
How can I embed it in a post? Moreover, I have several banner sizes, how can I make it responsive?
Go to Then upload swf file . You can download by pressing "ctrl + S"
You can use javascript or media queries (css) for checking device width.
When using the HTML Swiffy Insert Plugin you might want to check out this post:
However, I haven't tried the steps mentioned there went with their own plugin instead:
ER Swiffy Insert
I used the online Swiffy converter and downloaded the output, which included a runtime.js. Make sure to open it and check the version on line 4, mine was Swiffy runtime version 7.4.1.
Use that version in the shortcode as described in the documentation linked above. I'm on wordpress 4.5 and using the shortcode [swiffy n="1" w="700" h="300" v="7.4.1"] worked for me. Using a version that's different from the one in the runtime.js you downloaded may result in nothing being displayed.
Paste your Swiffy code into a custom field named swiffy_1.
Minor caveat: contrary to the documentation – which obviously was written for Swiffy 5.x, not 7.x – my Swiffy code starts with swiffyobject = {"as3":false,"frameRate":25,"frameCount":1...

Tool to create css and div from template layout

I'm looking for a tool that can help me generate css / div information through a UI / live preview.
For example, I'd like to just create the UI (top part of the image) and have the tool provide the css (bottom part of the image).
I've seen a lot of stuff for webpage layouts, but what I'm looking for is for "components".
Download HTTrack from
Install the .exe and run the app.
Provide the link of the page you want HTML and CSS for and start
copying code.
You can use "Brackets".
You have few features like :
Code Hints from PSD
Inline editors
Live preview
Link :

Dreamweaver CSS code erased

After I preview my website, the CSS code suddenly disappear and was saved. Does anyone know how to recover it?
I still have the website correctly preview in Chrome. Is there any way that I could get the code from there?
I was almost ending the website, so another 3 weeks battling.
View the source code with Ctrl + U, then click external stylesheet link, copy the code and paste it in a new stylesheet.
NOTE: Don't refresh before doing this.
If you have it on a separate css file, you should be able to go into Chrome developer tools and select Sources. This will show you the attached css files. You can then copy and paste it.

Wordpress Plug-In for Documents Library

I need a very easy to use plug-in which will help me have this effect in Wordpress. Please note that simple page editing is not working -- add text and set hyperlink (this is not working). We need PDF & PPT files for now, however if there is a solution with wider variety of file type it would be great.
Please see the below reference hyperlink for more visual explanation - TAB "Manuals" (I do not need the tabs, justthe list):-
You can try

How to display image into each recent post in drupal front page?

I am very new to drupal. As I have seen many of drupal free theme can show image in the recent post on the first page of drupal
I tried searching some ways to do but seem my keyword search was mismatched.
If you don't want to install any modules, you can simply use a standard HTML <img> tag to put an image in your node body (make sure your selected Input Format allows for the use of that tag). You can then use FTP to upload the linked images to your /sites/default/files directory.
The modules mentioned by Nikit (especially IMCE) can ease this process greatly. A the very minimum, IMCE allows you to upload files to your server without using FTP and adds a handy "insert image" link after your "body" input fields. Clicking that link uploads your image and then generates the <img> code for you.
You can simply style it in node body (wysiwyg + imce can help to quickly upload image and style it).
But recommend to you use image or cck + imagefield, and theme it via node-{CONTENTTYPE}.tpl.php
Little help here:
But recommend to learn theming in drupal.
If you don't want to use HTML or change any PHP files then use the admin console.
