I am using the following R code, taken from a published paper (citation below). This is the code:
int2=function(x,r,n,p) {
integrate(f=int2,lower=0,upper=Inf,n=530,r=sqrt(.245),p=3, stop.on.error=FALSE)
When I run it, I get the error "non-finite function value". Yet Maple is able to compute this as 4.046018765*10^27.
I tried using "integral" in package pracma, which gives me a different error:
Error in if (delta < tol) break : missing value where TRUE/FALSE needed
The overall goal is to compute a ratio of two integrals, as described in Wetzels & Wagenmakers (2012) "A default Bayesian hypothesis test for correlations" (http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3505519/). The entire function is as follows:
jzs.pcorbf = function(r0, r1, p0, p1, n) {
int = function(r,n,p,g) {
bf10=integrate(int, lower=0,upper=Inf,r=r1,p=p1,n=n)$value/
The issue is that your integral function is generating NaN values when called with x values in its domain. You're integrating from 0 to Infinity, so let's check a valid x value of 1000:
int2(1000, sqrt(0.245), 530, 3)
# [1] NaN
Your objective multiplies four pieces:
x <- 1000
r <- sqrt(0.245)
n <- 530
p <- 3
# [1] Inf
# [1] 0
# [1] 3.162278e-05
# [1] 0.7672059
We can now see that the issue is that you're multiplying infinity by 0 (or rather something numerically equal to infinity times something numerically equal to 0), which is causing the numerical issues. Instead of calculating a*b*c*d, it will be more stable to calculate exp(log(a) + log(b) + log(c) + log(d)) (using the identity that log(a*b*c*d) = log(a)+log(b)+log(c)+log(d)). One other quick note -- the value x=0 needs a special case.
int3 = function(x, r, n, p) {
loga <- ((n-1-p)/2) * log(1+x)
logb <- (-(n-1)/2) * log(1+(1-r^2)*x)
logc <- -3/2 * log(x)
logd <- -n/(2*x)
return(ifelse(x == 0, 0, exp(loga + logb + logc + logd)))
integrate(f=int3,lower=0,upper=Inf,n=530,r=sqrt(.245),p=3, stop.on.error=FALSE)
# 1.553185e+27 with absolute error < 2.6e+18
The code below estimates pi in R, now I am trying to find the minimum number of terms N_Min
you would have to include in your estimate of pie to make it accurate to three decimal places.
pi_Est<- function(NTerms){
NTerms = 5 # start with an estimate of just five terms
pi_Est = 0 # initialise the value of pi to zero
Sum_i = NA # initialise the summation variable to null
for(ii in 1:NTerms)
Sum_i[ii] = (-1)^(ii+1)/(2*ii - 1) # this is the series equation for calculating pi
Sum_i = 4*Sum_i # multiply by four as required in the formula (see lecture notes)
pi_Est = sum(Sum_i)
cat('\nThe estimate of pi with terms = ', NTerms ,' is ',pi_Est)
First of all, I would change some things about your function. Instead of getting it to print out a message, get it to return a value. Otherwise it becomes very difficult to do anything with its output, including testing it for convergence to pi.
Also, no matter what the value of NTerms is you feed this function, you are immediately over-writing NTerms inside the function.
You could rewrite the function like this:
pi_Est <- function(NTerms) {
pi_Est <- 0
Sum_i <- numeric()
for(ii in seq(NTerms))
Sum_i[ii] <- (-1)^(ii+1)/(2*ii - 1)
return(sum(4 * Sum_i))
And to show it converges to pi, let's test it with 50,000 terms:
#> [1] 3.141573
Now, if we want to find the first value of NTerms that is correct to 3 decimal places, we are going to need to be able to call this function on a vector of NTerms - at the moment it is only working on a single number. So let's define the function f that vectorizes pi_Est:
f <- Vectorize(pi_Est)
Now, let's create the estimate for all values of NTerms between 1 and 2,000 and store them in a vector:
estimates <- f(1:2000)
We can see that the values of estimates seem to oscillate round and converge to pi if we plot the first 100 values:
plot(estimates[1:100], type = 'l')
abline(h = pi)
Our answer is just the first value which, when rounded to three decimal places, is the same as pi rounded to three decimal places:
result <- which(round(estimates, 3) == round(pi, 3))[1]
#> [1] 1103
And we can check this is correct by feeding 1103 into our original function:
#> [1] 3.142499
You will see that this gives us 3.142, which is the same as pi rounded to 3 decimal places.
Created on 2022-01-31 by the reprex package (v2.0.1)
1000 terms are required to make the estimate accurate to within 0.001:
pi_Est1 <- function(n) {
if (n == 0) return(0)
neg <- 1/seq(3, 2*n + 1, 4)
if (n%%2) neg[length(neg)] <- 0
4*sum(1/seq(1, 2*n, 4) - neg)
pi_Est2 <- function(tol) {
for (i in ceiling(1/tol + 0.5):0) {
est <- pi_Est1(i)
if (abs(est - pi) > tol) break
est1 <- est
list(NTerms = i + 1, Estimate = est1)
tol <- 1e-3
#> $NTerms
#> [1] 1000
#> $Estimate
#> [1] 3.140593
tol - abs(pi - pi_Est2(tol)$Estimate)
#> [1] 2.500001e-10
tol - abs(pi - pi_Est1(pi_Est2(tol)$NTerms - 1))
#> [1] -1.00075e-06
Created on 2022-01-31 by the reprex package (v2.0.1)
Perhaps we can try the code below
pi_Est <- function(digits = 3) {
s <- 0
ii <- 1
repeat {
s <- s + 4 * (-1)^(ii + 1) / (2 * ii - 1)
if (round(s, digits) == round(pi, digits)) break
ii <- ii + 1
list(est = s, iter = ii)
and you will see
> pi_Est()
[1] 3.142499
[1] 1103
> pi_Est(5)
[1] 3.141585
[1] 130658
Why not use a single line of code for the calculation?
Pi <- tail(cumsum(4*(1/seq(1,4*50000000,2))*rep(c(1,-1), 50000000)),1)
While working on an Rcpp program, I used the sample() function, which gave me the following error: "NAs not allowed in probability." I traced this issue to the fact that the probability vector I used had NA values in it. I have no idea how. Below is some R code that captures the errors:
N = 22670
count = 0
for(i in 1:dim(beta.grd)[1]){ # iterate through 600 possible beta values in beta grid
beta.ind = 0 # indicator for current pair of beta values
for(j in 1:N){ # iterate through all possible Nsums
logit = beta.grd[i,1]/N*(j - .1*N)^2 + beta.grd[i,2];
phi01 = exp(logit)/(1 + exp(logit))
count = count + 1
cat("Total number of invalid probabilities: ", count)
Here, $\beta_0 \in (-0.3, 0.1), \beta_1 \in (-7, 0), N = 22670, N_\text{sum} \in (1, N)$. Note that $N$ and $N_\text{sum}$ are integers, whereas the beta values may not be.
Since mathematically, $\phi_{01} \in (0,1)$, I'm assuming that NAs are arising because R is not liking extremely small values. I am receiving an overwhelming amount of NA values, too. More so than numbers. Why would I be getting NAs in this code?
Include print(logit) next to count = count + 1 and you will find lots of logit > 1000 values. exp(1000) == Inf so you divide Inf by Inf which will get you a NaN and NaN is NA:
> exp(500)
[1] 1.403592e+217
> Inf/Inf
[1] NaN
> is.na(NaN)
[1] TRUE
So your problems are not too small but to large numbers coming first out of the evaluation of exp(x) with x larger then roughly 700:
> exp(709)
[1] 8.218407e+307
> exp(710)
[1] Inf
Bernhard's answer correctly identifies the problem:
If logit is large, exp(logit) = Inf.
Here is a solution:
for(i in 1:dim(beta.grd)[1]){ # iterate through 600 possible beta values in beta grid
beta.ind = 0 # indicator for current pair of beta values
for(j in 1:N){ # iterate through all possible Nsums
logit = beta.grd[i,1]/N*(j - .1*N)^2 + beta.grd[i,2];
## This one isn't great because exp(logit) can be very large
# phi01 = exp(logit)/(1 + exp(logit))
## So, we say instead
## phi01 = 1 / ( 1 + exp(-logit) )
phi01 = plogis(logit)
count = count + 1
cat("Total number of invalid probabilities: ", count)
# Total number of invalid probabilities: 0
We can use the more stable 1 / (1 + exp(-logit)
(to convince yourself of this, multiply your expression with exp(-logit) / exp(-logit)),
and luckily either way, R has a builtin function plogis() that can calculate these probabilities quickly and accurately.
You can see from the help file (?plogis) that this function evaluates the expression I gave, but you can also double check to assure yourself
x = rnorm(1000)
y = 1 / (1 + exp(-x))
z = plogis(x)
all.equal(y, z)
[1] TRUE
I have fitted a function to my data:
BCF.plot <- function(x) {
vv[2] +((vv[3]/(2*(1-vv[4])))*(cos(x-vv[1])-vv[4]+abs(cos(x-vv[1])-vv[4])))
It is a baseline (b) cosine wave, i.e. a baseline with a cosine wave on top of it. Now I have a certain value on the Y-axis (dlmo_val) and I want to know which x value corresponds to it. I have tried something like this:
BCF.dlmo <- function(x, dlmo_val = 0) {
vv[2] +((vv[3]/(2*(1-vv[4])))*(cos(x-vv[1])-vv[4]+abs(cos(x-vv[1])-vv[4])))-b-dlmo_val ## find point where function minus baseline & dlmo_val is 0
vv = c(2.3971780, 2.0666526, 11.1775231, 0.7870128)
b = 2.066653
H = 11.17752
dlmo_val = 0.4*H ## dlmo*peak height above baseline, H is result from optimisation
uniroot(BCF.dlmo, c(0.2617994, 6.021386), dlmo_val=dlmo_val) ## lower & upper are min(x) and max(x)
However, uniroot tells me
"...values at end points not of opposite sign"
I am not really sure how to go about this. Any recommendations are more than welcome!
As described in this post, uniroot() is designed for finding only one zero in a function, while you have two zeroes. You could call it on a smaller interval:
uniroot(BCF.dlmo, c(0.2617994, 2.5), dlmo_val = dlmo_val)$root
# [1] 1.886079
As that post describes, you can instead use the unitroot.all function in the rootSolve package to find both zeroes:
uniroot.all(BCF.dlmo, c(0.2617994, 6.021386), dlmo_val = dlmo_val)
# [1] 1.886084 2.908276
I am using the following R code, taken from a published paper (citation below). This is the code:
int2=function(x,r,n,p) {
integrate(f=int2,lower=0,upper=Inf,n=530,r=sqrt(.245),p=3, stop.on.error=FALSE)
When I run it, I get the error "non-finite function value". Yet Maple is able to compute this as 4.046018765*10^27.
I tried using "integral" in package pracma, which gives me a different error:
Error in if (delta < tol) break : missing value where TRUE/FALSE needed
The overall goal is to compute a ratio of two integrals, as described in Wetzels & Wagenmakers (2012) "A default Bayesian hypothesis test for correlations" (http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3505519/). The entire function is as follows:
jzs.pcorbf = function(r0, r1, p0, p1, n) {
int = function(r,n,p,g) {
bf10=integrate(int, lower=0,upper=Inf,r=r1,p=p1,n=n)$value/
The issue is that your integral function is generating NaN values when called with x values in its domain. You're integrating from 0 to Infinity, so let's check a valid x value of 1000:
int2(1000, sqrt(0.245), 530, 3)
# [1] NaN
Your objective multiplies four pieces:
x <- 1000
r <- sqrt(0.245)
n <- 530
p <- 3
# [1] Inf
# [1] 0
# [1] 3.162278e-05
# [1] 0.7672059
We can now see that the issue is that you're multiplying infinity by 0 (or rather something numerically equal to infinity times something numerically equal to 0), which is causing the numerical issues. Instead of calculating a*b*c*d, it will be more stable to calculate exp(log(a) + log(b) + log(c) + log(d)) (using the identity that log(a*b*c*d) = log(a)+log(b)+log(c)+log(d)). One other quick note -- the value x=0 needs a special case.
int3 = function(x, r, n, p) {
loga <- ((n-1-p)/2) * log(1+x)
logb <- (-(n-1)/2) * log(1+(1-r^2)*x)
logc <- -3/2 * log(x)
logd <- -n/(2*x)
return(ifelse(x == 0, 0, exp(loga + logb + logc + logd)))
integrate(f=int3,lower=0,upper=Inf,n=530,r=sqrt(.245),p=3, stop.on.error=FALSE)
# 1.553185e+27 with absolute error < 2.6e+18
I have written this function that computes the MLE from a Cauchy distribution numerically based on the Newton-Raphson algorithm:
mlec <- function(x,theta0=median(x),numstp=100,eps=0.01){
numfin <- numstp
ic <- 0
istop <- 0
ic <- ic+1
ltheta <- -2*sum((x-theta0)/(1+(x-theta0)^2))
lprimetheta <- -2*(sum(2*(x-theta0)^2/
theta1 <- theta0-(ltheta/lprimetheta)
check <- abs((theta1-theta0)/theta1)
if(check < eps ) { istop <- 1 }
theta0 <- theta1
The goal is then to generate observations from a Cauchy distribution with scale parameter 2 and see how the MLE performs. The problem is that while for some samples, the MLE runs wonderfully for others I get the strange error
Error in if (check < eps) { : missing value where TRUE/FALSE needed
What is going on here? I have defined what "check" is so that shouldn't happen.
Thank you.
I've added a little bit of instrumentation (see the cat() statement in the middle), and fixed the second-derivative expression (fixed: see below):
mlec <- function(x,theta0=median(x),numstp=100,eps=0.01,
numfin <- numstp
ic <- 0
istop <- 0
ic <- ic+1
ltheta <- -2*sum((x-theta0)/(1+(x-theta0)^2))
lprimetheta <- -2*(sum(2*(x-theta0)^2/
if (!fixed) {
theta1 <- theta0-(ltheta/lprimetheta)
} else theta1 <- theta0-ltheta/ff(theta0)
check <- abs((theta1-theta0)/theta1)
if (debug) cat(ic,ltheta,lprimetheta,theta0,theta1,check,"\n")
if(check < eps ) { istop <- 1 }
theta0 <- theta1
x <- rcauchy(100,2)
Here's the tail end of the output:
## ic ltheta lprimetheta theta0 theta1 check
## 427 -4.48838e-75 -2.014555e-151 -4.455951e+76 -6.683926e+76 0.3333333
## 428 -2.992253e-75 -8.953579e-152 -6.683926e+76 -1.002589e+77 0.3333333
## 429 -1.994835e-75 -3.979368e-152 -1.002589e+77 -1.503883e+77 0.3333333
## 430 -1.32989e-75 0 -1.503883e+77 -Inf NaN
Now, why is it happening? Either you've got a bug somewhere, or the algorithm is unstable. tl;dr it turns out the answer is actually "both"; your second-derivative expression seems wrong, but even it were correct the N-R algorithm is extremely unstable for this problem.
Here are your derivative and second-derivative functions (I'm wrapping them with Vectorize() for convenience so I can evaluate these at multiple theta values simultaneously):
lthetafun <- Vectorize(function(theta) {
lprimethetafun <- Vectorize(function(theta) {
A negative log-likelihood function based on the built-in dcauchy function:
thetafun <- Vectorize(function(theta) -sum(dcauchy(x,theta,log=TRUE)))
Check differentiation (at an arbitrarily chosen point):
all.equal(grad(thetafun,2),lthetafun(2)) ## TRUE
Check second derivative:
hessian(thetafun,2) ## 36.13297
lprimethetafun(2) ## 8.609859: ???
I think your second-derivative expression is wrong.
The following alternative second-derivative function is based on lazily cheating with Wolfram Alpha, differentiating your gradient function (which matches with the finite-difference approximation):
ff <- Vectorize(function(theta)
ff(2) ## matches hessian() above.
But it looks like you may have further problems.
The negative log-likelihood surface looks OK:
curve(thetafun, from=-10,to=10,n=501)
But trouble is on the horizon:
curve(lthetafun, from=-10,to=10, n=501)
This looks irregular, and going up one level to the second derivative shows that it is:
curve(ff, from=-10, to=10, n=501)
Here's the curve of N-R updates:
ff2 <- function(x) x-lthetafun(x)/ff(x)
curve(ff2, from=-10, to=10, n=501,ylim=c(-100,100))
Yikes! This indicates why the Newton-Raphson method could go wrong unless you start close enough to the minimum (any time the likelihood surface has an inflection point, the N-R updating curve will have a pole ...). Further analysis of the problem would probably tell you why the second derivative of the Cauchy is so scary.
If you just want to find the MLE you can do it by some more robust 1-D method:
## Call:
## mle2(minuslogl = x ~ dcauchy(location = m), start = list(m = median(x)),
## method = "Brent", data = data.frame(x), lower = -100, upper = 100)
## Coefficients:
## m
## 1.90179
## Log-likelihood: -262.96
If you start close enough, N-R seems to work OK:
## $theta1
## [1] 1.901592
## $check
## [1] 5.214763e-05
## $realnumstps
## [1] 37079