Disable Aptana Red/Yellow Squiggly Lines - aptana

Ten minutes of Googling keeps returning the same answer that is not valid in my case. I want to disable whatever is Aptana is doing to make these squiggly lines.
I found several references directing to Window->Preferences->General->Editors->Text Editors->Spelling. Unfortunately, that is disabled:
Is there a fast way to disable those squiggly underlines?

I turned off the yellow squiggly lines at
Window->Preferences->General->Editors->Text Editors->Annotations->Warnings
Then uncheck the "Text as" option.


Visual Studio Code - Grey boxes

I am using VSC and I do get some strange grey boxes in my editor, they are dynamic and annoying. If I change my Theme to a light one they disappear. Anyhow I would like to have it a dark thme and I could not find a solution for it.
Picture 1
Picture 2
I had similar issues, mine turned out to be an HDR issue.
I went into Display Settings and turned off Play HDR Games and Apps and the boxes went away.
It looks like you are running into this bug: https://github.com/Microsoft/vscode/issues/12473
We're looking into the root cause of this issue. As a workaround, try changing your color profile as documented here: https://github.com/Microsoft/vscode/issues/12473#issuecomment-269024219

How to turn off syntax highlighting in R-studio

I am very new to R-Studio. I was used to RGui, where there was no syntax highlight and the letters were very contrasty:
In R-Studio, the letters seem to be very dim, even the "black ones" doesn't seem as black as in RGui:
I don't have a clue how to change the colors (do you?) so I decided to turn off the syntax highlight completely. But I haven't found any way to do it. I tried Tools / Global Options, Appearance and Code Editing, but haven't found anything to change colors or turn off syntax highlighting.
I don't know of a way to turn off syntax highlighting completely. But it is possible to choose a different theme. Go to Tools - Global Options - Appearance and try the various settings for Editor theme. Maybe changing the font or font size could also improve readability.
Another option is to turn off syntax highlighting in a open file. In the lower right corner of the editor window, you should see R Script (or something else, if you are not currently editing an R Script) with two little arrows next to it:
When you click it, you can choose the language to use for syntax highlighting. If you pick Text File, there should be no highlighting at all. But you will have to redo this step whenever you load a file. At least, when you keep a file open in the editor and close RStudio, the setting will be kept when you start RStudio the next time.
I'm afraid you can't turn off syntax highlighting. There is only option to show syntax highlighting in console input. But you can still change the colors :)
Tools -> Global Options -> Appearance -> Editor Theme

Adobe Brackets 0.41 - CSS auto-completion error while in Live Preview

Live Preview is running
I'm writing CSS
& I hit Enter to use an auto-completion recommendation
The auto-completion occurs
The cursor skips down a line & indents
I usually work around this annoying cursor movement by closing Live Preview, but I'd really rather not. Is this a bug or am I missing something? How can I fix it to where it just simply fills in the auto-completion recommendation?
Brackets 0.41
Windows 7
Brackets doesn't normally behave this way - you may have an extension installed that's causing trouble. Try using Debug > Reload Without Extensions and see if the problem still happens. If that fixes it, you can systematically disable individual extensions until you find which one was causing the problem. I believe the "Emmet" extension has caused some similar issues in the past, so that might be a good one to check first.
Once you know which extension causes the problem, I can walk you though filing a bug with the extension's author so it can be fixed.
If you're seeing the issue even after Debug > Reload Without Extensions, then it would be good to get more specific with the steps that trigger the problem. For example:
Open the default "Getting Started" project and open its main.css file
Start Live Preview
Add a new line to the end of the body rule
Type font-w and press Enter
type b and press Enter
When I do these steps, no extra newline is inserted. What steps should I use instead to see the problem?
I found this as I was experiencing the exact same issue. Try disabling any scripts called in your html one by one to see if it goes away. My issue was a script I was loading from a Wu

qt creator unwanted disassembly

I had this very annoying problem that while debugging, suddenly it started to show the disassembled code rather than the C++ code, via google I found several with the same problem, and a suggested weird solution here which I'm not sure how to interpret. I tried things similar to that post and found a solution:
Shut down and restart QT Creator
In left-hand tab "Projects", untick then re-tick "Shadow build"
Seems like voodoo right? But I noticed that step 1 clears all breakpoints, and step 2 temporarily changes some paths after which it says "evaluating" for a second in the lower right corner. So perhaps it's not as weird as it sounds, apparently a few things are cleared during this process.
I don't think I'm supposed to write answers to my own problems here but I thought it would be a waste not to post this solution to this very annoying problem that apparently more than I have encountered. The next guy hopefully finds my post.
I cant post links to others with similar problems since I need a higher reputation then.. :-/
It probably helps if you uncheck options to break debugging on Thread creation and Thread exit if you have these options checked for the Debugger. These options will certainly pop the disassembler view up when you start debugging even if you haven't set any Breakpoints in your code. You find these options in menu Tools/Debugger/CDB. If you want to break on C++ exceptions leave that option checked, otherwise uncheck that too.

XCode 4 - Build settings : default values are still bold

I have a project with 2 targets.
On both, there are some build settings I've changed to Yes, then back to No.
The iOS default is NO, the project is on NO, each build setting is on NO... but the setting is still bold (value changed).
As for settigns that takes strings, like Search pathes. I've put some search pathes, then removed them, and the line is still bold, even the green cell is shown to outline... no change.
How may I fix this to have a good visual ?
In Xcode 4 you can use the Delete key on your keyboard. In Xcode 3, there is an item in the action menu about deleting the setting from this level. I can't remember the wording exactly.
Counterintuitive as it looks, solution is to select the whole setting line and hit cmd-delete
Sometimes, especially with multi-line items, hitting delete or cmd-delete does not work. For those items I just resort to setting the first line to $(inherited). This means the item is still bold, but it will otherwise have the correct value.
