Upper and/lower queriable values jdeveloper - oracle11g

I have a query form in a jspx file and i'm trying to define some of the values as case sensitive, meaning that i want to be able to find, for example, a name with all letters upper case and/or lower case and obtain the values that i would obtain if i've inserted the name correctly.
Can someone indicate me where can i find something to accomplish that?
Thanks in advance
Code from my jspx file
<af:query id="qryId1" headerText="Search" disclosed="true"
maxColumns="3" rows="2" fieldWidth="30%"
displayMode="compact" saveResultsLayout="never"
saveQueryMode="hidden" modeChangeVisible="false"/>

In a view criteria, for each criteria item there is a check box Ignore Case. Uncheck it if you want to make that search field case sensitive.
If you are using All Queriable Attributes to create your search then you can set it in queryListner method of the query component. Here are the steps:
Create a queryListener method for your query component
<af:query id="qryId1" headerText="Search" disclosed="true"
Make query attributes case insensitive in queryListener method
public void queryListener(QueryEvent queryEvent)
QueryDescriptor qdesc = (QueryDescriptor) queryEvent.getDescriptor();
ConjunctionCriterion conCrit = qdesc.getConjunctionCriterion();
//access the list of search fields
List<Criterion> criterionList = conCrit.getCriterionList();
for (Criterion criterion: criterionList)
((AttributeCriterion) criterion).setMatchCase(false);
invokeMethodExpression( "#{bindings.ImplicitViewCriteriaQuery.processQuery}", queryEvent);
private void invokeMethodExpression(String expr, QueryEvent queryEvent)
FacesContext fctx = FacesContext.getCurrentInstance();
ELContext elContext = fctx.getELContext();
ExpressionFactory eFactory =
MethodExpression mexpr =
eFactory.createMethodExpression(elContext, expr, Object.class,
new Class[]
{ QueryEvent.class });
mexpr.invoke(elContext, new Object[]
{ queryEvent });


X++ assign Enum Value to a table column

I am trying to pull the Enum chosen from a dialog and assign the label to a table's column.
For example: Dialog opens and allows you to choose from:
These are 0,1,2 respectively.
The user chooses OutOfSpec (the label for this is Out Of Spec), I want to put this enum's Name, or the label, into a table. The column I'm inserting into is set to be a str.
Here's the code I've tried, without success:
SysDictEnum dictEnum = new SysDictEnum(enumNum(SDILF_ScrapReasons));
reason = dialog.addField(enumStr(SDILF_ScrapReasons),"Scrap Reason");
if (!dialog.closedOk())
// For now, this will strip off the order ID from the summary fields.
// No longer removing the Order ID
batchAttr = PdsBatchAttributes::find(itemId, invDim.inventBatchId, "OrderId");
orders = SDILF_BreakdownOrders::find(batchAttr.PdsBatchAttribValue, true);
if (orders)
orders.BoxProduced -= 1;
// Adding a batch attribute that will include the reason for scrapping
select forUpdate batchAttr;
batchAttr.PdsBatchAttribId = "ScrapReason";
//batchAttr.PdsBatchAttribValue = any2str(dictEnum.index2Value(reason.value()));
batchAttr.PdsBatchAttribValue = enum2str(reason.value());
batchAttr.InventBatchId = invDim.inventBatchId;
batchAttr.ItemId = itemId;
Obviously this is not the whole code, but it should be enough to give the issue that I'm trying to solve.
I'm sure there is a way to get the int value and use that to assign the label, I've just not been able to figure it out yet.
To add some more information about what I am trying to accomplish. We make our finished goods, sometimes they are out of spec or damaged when this happens we then have to scrap that finished good. When we do this we want to keep track of why it is being scrapped, but we don't want just a bunch of random reasons. I used an enum to limit the reasons. When the operator clicks the button to scrap something they will get a dialog screen pop-up that allows them to select a reason for scrapping. The code will then, eventually, put that assigned reason on that finished items batch attributes so that we can track it later in a report and have a list of all the finished goods that were scrapped and why they were scrapped.
I'm not entirely sure of your question, but I think you're just missing one of the index2[...] calls or you're not getting the return value from your dialog correctly. Just create the below as a new job, run it, make a selection of Open Order and click ok.
I don't know the difference between index2Label and index2Name.
static void Job67(Args _args)
Dialog dialog = new dialog();
SysDictEnum dictEnum = new SysDictEnum(enumNum(SalesStatus));
DialogField reason;
SalesStatus salesStatusUserSelection;
str label, name, symbol;
int value;
reason = dialog.addField(enumStr(SalesStatus), "SalesStatus");
if (dialog.closedOk())
salesStatusUserSelection = reason.value();
// Label
label = dictEnum.index2Label(salesStatusUserSelection);
// Name
name = dictEnum.index2Name(salesStatusUserSelection);
// Symbol
symbol = dictEnum.index2Symbol(salesStatusUserSelection);
// Value
value = dictEnum.index2Value(salesStatusUserSelection);
info(strFmt("Label: %1; Name: %2; Symbol: %3; Value: %4", label, name, symbol, value));

How is the field SourceBaseAmountCur from TmpTaxWorkTrans table computed?

I need to find how is the SourceBaseAmountCur being computed, in my case I am getting an error in Amount Origin on the SST window where it doesn't show 0 when it needs to be.
I am coming from General Ledger > Journals > General Journal > (select a record, going to Lines) > then SST window. Then, the Amount Origin field.
The Amount Origin is a display field:
display TaxBaseCur displaySourceBaseAmountCur(TmpTaxWorkTrans _tmpTaxWorkTrans)
return taxTmpWorkTransForm.getSourceBaseAmountCur(_tmpTaxWorkTrans);
As seen on the code above, it already passes a TmpTaxWorkTrans record. Going to that method on the class TaxTmpWorkTransForm this is the method:
public TaxAmountCur getSourceBaseAmountCur(TmpTaxWorkTrans _tmpTaxWorkTrans = null, TmpTaxRegulation _tmpTaxRegulation = null)
if (_tmpTaxRegulation)
return _tmpTaxRegulation.SourceBaseAmountCur;
return _tmpTaxWorkTrans.SourceBaseAmountCur * _tmpTaxWorkTrans.taxChangeDisplaySign(accountTypeMap);
I found this article: https://dynamicsuser.net/ax/f/technical/92855/how-tmptaxworktrans-populated
and I started from there Class\Tax\insertIntersection and unfortunately I couldn't find what I was looking for, been debugging for days.
An important distinction is tax calculation for a posted vs non-posted journal. It appears you are looking at non-posted journals.
I don't have great data to test this with, but I just hacked this POC job together in 20 minutes, but it should have enough "bits" that you can run with it and get the information you need.
static void Job3(Args _args)
TaxCalculation taxCalculation;
LedgerJournalTrans ledgerJournalTrans;
TmpTaxWorkTrans tmpTaxWorkTrans;
TaxAmountCur taxAmountCur;
ledgerJournalTrans = LedgerJournalTrans::findRecId(5637293082, false); // Use your own journal line
// The reason we call the below stuff is `element.getShowTax()` and is called from `\Forms\LedgerJournalTransDaily\Designs\Design\[ActionPane:ActionPane]\[ActionPaneTab:ActionPaneTab]\[ButtonGroup:ButtonGroup]\MenuItemButton:TaxTransSource\Methods\clicked`
// This is from `\Classes\LedgerJournalEngine\getShowTax`
taxCalculation = LedgerJournalTrans::getTaxInstance(ledgerJournalTrans.JournalNum, ledgerJournalTrans.Voucher, ledgerJournalTrans.Invoice, true, null, false, ledgerJournalTrans.TransDate);
taxCalculation.sourceSingleLine(true, false);
// This is from `\Classes\TaxTmpWorkTransForm\initTax`
// This is the temporary table that is populated
while select tmpTaxWorkTrans
// This is from `\Classes\TaxTmpWorkTransForm\getSourceBaseAmountCur`
taxAmountCur = (tmpTaxWorkTrans.SourceTaxAmountCur * tmpTaxWorkTrans.taxChangeDisplaySign(null)); // I pass null because the map doesn't appear used...investigate?
// This just outputs some data
info(strFmt("%1: %2", tmpTaxWorkTrans.TaxCode, taxAmountCur));

xBestIndex malfunction (passing non-literal parameters to table valued function)

I'm trying to implement a table valued function (as a SQLite virtual table).
It's a function that would take a string and return a table with all the words of the string.
If I call it with literal values like below, it works fine.
SELECT word FROM splitstring("abc def ghi")
If, however, I call it with a column from another table it doesn't work:
SELECT a.Name, word FROM article a, splitstring(a.Text)
The xBestIndex method gets called all right, but right after that, I get an exception from the ExecuteReader method. The exception message is "xBestIndex malfunction". The xFilter method does not get called because of the exception.
My xBestIndex implementation is simple, it just marks the parameter so I can see it in xFilter:
public override SQLiteErrorCode BestIndex(SQLiteVirtualTable table, SQLiteIndex index)
index.Outputs.ConstraintUsages.ElementAt(0).argvIndex = 1;
index.Outputs.ConstraintUsages.ElementAt(0).omit = 1;
return SQLiteErrorCode.Ok;
Am I'm doing something wrong or is it impossible to pass non-literal parameters to table valued functions?
Found the issue! I was using constraints that had usable=0. The BestIndex method gets called multiple times by SQLite, the second time with a non-usable constraint.
Here is the fixed body of the BestIndex method.
public override SQLiteErrorCode BestIndex(SQLiteVirtualTable table, SQLiteIndex index)
if (index.Inputs.Constraints.Count() != 2)
throw new ArgumentException("The generate_series function requires two integer (long) parameters!");
if (index.Inputs.Constraints.All(c=>c.usable == 1))
index.Outputs.ConstraintUsages.ElementAt(0).argvIndex = 1;
index.Outputs.ConstraintUsages.ElementAt(0).omit = 1;
index.Outputs.ConstraintUsages.ElementAt(1).argvIndex = 2;
index.Outputs.ConstraintUsages.ElementAt(1).omit = 1;
index.Outputs.IndexNumber = -1;
index.Outputs.EstimatedCost = double.MaxValue;
return SQLiteErrorCode.Ok;
Now I check the usable flag. When BestIndex gets called with a constraint with usable=0 I skip it i.e. return a high estimated cost for that index so it doesn't get used.

Getting a cmdlet's dynamic parameters via reflection

Powershell exposes some parameters, "dynamic parameters", based on context. The MSDN page explains the mechanism pretty well, but the skinny is that to find out about these one must call GetDynamicParameters(), which returns a class containing the additional parameters. I need to get these parameters via reflection, and (here's the crux of it), in a ReflectionOnly context (that is, the types are loaded with ReflectionOnlyLoadFrom). So, no Assembly.InvokeMember("GetDynamicParameters").
Can this be done?
No. Reflection works against static assembly metadata. Dynamic parameters in powershell are added at runtime by the command or function itself.
Perhaps this helps:
1: Defintion of the dynamic parameters
# SYNTAX: #{ <FF-Name>=#(<FF-Number>,<isMandatory_CREATE>,<isMandatory_UPDATE>); }
$usedFFs = #{
"defaultSMTP"=#(2,1,0); `
"allowedSMTP"=#(3,1,0); `
"secondName"=#(100,1,0); `
"orgID"=#(30001,1,0); `
"allowedSubjectTypeIDs"=#(30002,1,0); `
# FF-HelpMessage for input
$usedFFs_HelpMSG = #{ 2="the default smtp domain used by the organizaiton. Sampel:'algacom.ch'"; `
3="comma seperated list of allowed smtp domains. Sampel:'algacom.ch,basel.algacom.ch'"; `
100="an additional organization name. Sampel:'algaCom AG')"; `
30001="an unique ID (integer) identifying the organization entry"; `
30002="comma seperated list of allowed subject types. Sampel:'1,2,1003,10040'"; `
2: definition of function that builds the dynamic parameters
# Build-DynParams : Used to build the dynamic input parameters based on $usedFFs / $usedFFs_HelpMSG
function Build-DynParams($type) {
$paramDictionary = New-Object -Type System.Management.Automation.RuntimeDefinedParameterDictionary
foreach($ffName in $usedFFs.Keys) {
$ffID = $usedFFs.Item($ffName)[0]
$dynAttribCol = New-Object -Type System.Collections.ObjectModel.Collection[System.Attribute]
$dynAttrib = New-Object System.Management.Automation.ParameterAttribute
$dynAttrib.ParameterSetName = "__AllParameterSets"
$dynAttrib.HelpMessage = $usedFFs_HelpMSG.Item($ffID)
switch($type) {
"CREATE" { $dynAttrib.Mandatory = [bool]($usedFFs.Item($ffName)[1]) }
"UPDATE" { $dynAttrib.Mandatory = [bool]($usedFFs.Item($ffName)[2]) }
$dynParam = New-Object -Type System.Management.Automation.RuntimeDefinedParameter($ffName, [string], $dynAttribCol)
$paramDictionary.Add($ffName, $dynParam)
return $paramDictionary
3. Function that makes use of the dynamic params
# aAPS-OrganizationAdd : This will add a new organization entry
Function aAPS-OrganizationAdd {
[Parameter(Mandatory=$true,HelpMessage="The name of the new organization")]
[Parameter(Mandatory=$false,HelpMessage="The name of the parent organization")]
[Parameter(Mandatory=$false,HelpMessage="The status of the new organization [1=Active|2=Inactive]")]
[int]$Status = 1,
[Parameter(Mandatory=$false,HelpMessage="If you want to see the data of the deactivated object")]
DynamicParam { Build-DynParams "CREATE" }
Begin {}
Process {
# do what oyu want here
End {}

Error: FormatException was unhandled by user code in Linq how to solve?

Look please below this codes throw me : FormatException was unhandled by user code
satis.KDV = Decimal.Parse((from o in genSatisctx.Urun where o.ID == UrunID select o.Kdv).ToString());
How can i rewrite linq query?
You are calling ToString on the query rather than a single result. Even though you may expect only one value to match your query, it will not return just a single value. You have to instruct it to do so using Single, First, Last or the variations of these that also return a default value (SingleOrDefault, FirstOrDefault, LastOrDefault).
In order to avoid an exception, you could change it to use Decimal.TryParse or you could change your code to use a default value if the LINQ query returns something that won't parse properly. I'd recommend the former or a combination.
Note that in the following example, I have added the call to SingleOrDefault. This ensures that only one value is parsed, even if no value is found, and that if there are multiple results, we get an exception (i.e. it enforces that we get exactly zero or one result to the query).
decimal parsedValue;
if (Decimal.TryParse(
.Where(o => o.ID == UrunID)
.ToString(), out parsedValue))
satis.KDV = parsedValue;
You're calling ToString() on an IQueryable<T> - what did you expect the string to be? It's very unlikely to be anything which can be parsed as a decimal number!
My guess is that you want to call First() or Single(), but we can't really tell without more information. What's the type of o.Kdv?
I suspect you either want:
satis.KDV = (from o in genSatisctx.Urun
where o.ID == UrunID
select o.Kdv).First();
string kdvString = (from o in genSatisctx.Urun
where o.ID == UrunID
select o.Kdv).First();
decimal kdv;
if (decimal.TryParse(kdvString, out kdv))
satis.KDV = kdv;
// What do you want to do if it's not valid?
When I use debug mode I see the data is update when over mouse, after end of this method ( it's show this message [input string was not in a correct format]
/* protected void GridView1_RowUpdating(object sender, GridViewUpdateEventArgs e)
TextBox name = (TextBox)GridView1.Rows[e.RowIndex].FindControl("txtEditName");
SqlDataSource2.UpdateParameters["Name"].DefaultValue = name.ToString();
TextBox age = (TextBox)GridView1.Rows[e.RowIndex].FindControl("txtEditAge");
SqlDataSource2.UpdateParameters["Age"].DefaultValue = age.ToString();
TextBox birthday = (TextBox)GridView1.Rows[e.RowIndex].FindControl("txtEditBirthday");
SqlDataSource2.UpdateParameters["Birthday"].DefaultValue = birthday.ToString();
DropDownList country = (DropDownList)GridView1.Rows[e.RowIndex].FindControl("DropEditCountry");
SqlDataSource2.UpdateParameters["CountryID"].DefaultValue = country.SelectedValue;
TextBox mobile = (TextBox)GridView1.Rows[e.RowIndex].FindControl("txtEditMobile");
SqlDataSource2.UpdateParameters["Mobile_No"].DefaultValue = mobile.ToString();
catch (Exception j)
/* }
