Adobe LiveCycle Designer Numeric Field set value - adobe

To Whom it may concern:
In a Adobe Form there is a Exchange Rate field, the rawValue is based on numeric field that has to be completed by the user.
The following code is what is used to do this under (formCalc, Client):
if (Paid2.selectedIndex == "Cash")then
Exch2.rawValue = AdvCash.rawValue
elseif (Exch2.selectedIndex == "Card") then
Exch2.rawValue = ""
The problem with above code is that once the user type in there own value for Card Exchange rate Exch2.rawValue and made a mistake and reselect "Cash" it does not run the first line of the If statement.
the last part of the question is how to add the following code into the above if then statement
Exch2.rawValue.ui.oneOfChild.border.fill.color.value = " *, *, * "
if (Paid2.selectedIndex == "Cash")then
Exch2.rawValue = AdvCash.rawValue
Exch2.rawValue.ui.oneOfChild.border.fill.color.value = "229, 229, 229"
elseif (Exch2.selectedIndex == "Card") then
Exch2.rawValue = ""
Exch2.rawValue.ui.oneOfChild.border.fill.color.value = "255, 255, 153"
The above fill.color does not provide the desired results.
Hope anybody can assist in this regard

To your first issue:
You are probably running the script in "wrong"(change?) event. Try to run in on exit event of the drop-down list.
To your second issue:
Remove rawValue in the Exch2.rawValue.ui.oneOfChild.border.fill.color.value = "255, 255, 153" and it should be good.


My custom code doesn't work in Elementor while in the browser it does

I created a simple calculator that converts two coin currencies. Everything seems to work just fine in my browser.
When I insert the HTML, CSS, and JS code into one of my pages on Elementor the functionality doesn't seem to work. When I click on the "Calculate" button nothing happens.
On my browser, the console.log(amount) shows the input number I entered while in Elementor it always shows 1 and the button doesn't do the calculation.
Does anyone have an idea what could be the issue?
Thank you.
function getExchangeRate(){
let amount = document.querySelector("form input");
const exchangeRateTxt = document.querySelector("form .exchange-rate");
// if user don't enter any value or enter 0 then we'll put 1 value by default in the input field
const amountValue = amount.value || "1";
amount.value = amountValue;
amount = parseFloat(amountValue);
if(amount == "" || amount == "0"){
amount.value = "1";
amount = 1;
exchangeRateTxt.innerText = "Getting exchange rate...";
if(fromCurrency.value == 'ILS'){
result = (amount * 3);
return exchangeRateTxt.innerText = `${result} MAD`;
if(fromCurrency.value == 'MAD'){
result = (amount /3);
return exchangeRateTxt.innerText = `${result.toFixed(2)} ILS`

D365 New Button creates price line with empty line

After adding logic about creating price for object in grid it's always created "one line more" which is empty.
So, if there is need to be created two lines, it will be created 3 lines and that one addition will be empty.
Is there something what I missing in code?
class AreaActionPaneNew
void clicked()
PMCParameters contractParameters = PMCParameters::find();
PMETmpRentalObjectArea groupedAreaList; // Group by area_type and cost_type
PMERentalObjectPrice priceList;
date workingDate = currWorkingDate.dateValue();
// Get grouped area values. Values are summed up by area_type and ancost_type
groupedAreaList = PMERentalObjectAreaCl::getRentalAreaPrCostType(pmeRentalobject.RentalObjectId, userSetting.validFrom(), userSetting.validTo() , workingDate);
while select groupedAreaList
select forupdate firstonly priceList
where priceList.RentalObjectId == pmeRentalObject.RentalObjectId &&
priceList.RentalCostType == groupedAreaList.RentalCostTypeId &&
priceList.AreaType == groupedAreaList.Areatype && priceList.ValidFrom == pmeRentalObject.ValidFrom;
if (!priceList)
priceList.RentalObjectId = pmeRentalObject.RentalObjectId;
priceList.RentalCostType = groupedAreaList.RentalCostTypeId;
priceList.ValidFrom = pmeRentalobject.ValidFrom;
priceList.AreaType = groupedAreaList.Areatype;
priceList.Amount = groupedAreaList.Price;
priceList.Area = groupedAreaList.AreaValue;
priceList.Quantity = groupedAreaList.RentalQty;
if (!priceList)
priceList.Period = contractParameters.ReportPeriod;
if (priceList)
The code looks like it only updates/inserts without creating a blank line.
From your attribute, you are using a Command Button (see here), which may have an associated command, such as New, which effectively pushes Ctrl+N, and would explain why you have a blank line.
The simplest way to check is just create a regular Button and override the clicked method, then copy/paste your code and push both buttons and see if they have different behavior.
Check the Command property on the button and see if there's something there. Try commenting out the super(); call.
You should perhaps consider just a Button or a Menu Item Button with an associated object.

AutoIT WinWaitActive doesn't uderstands that window is active

I want to get pixel color from a game and react.
So I have this sript:
#include <Color.au3>
Local $pause = False;
$WinName = "Game" ; Let's say there is a game with this name =)
$hwnd = WinGetHandle($WinName) ; Checked handle with powershell and Au3Info, handle is correct
local $res
Opt("PixelCoordMode", 2);
HotKeySet("{F10}", "exitNow");
HotKeySet("{F11}", "Pause");
While 1
;WinWaitActive($hwnd) ; The script stops here if it is uncommented no matter if window is active or not
if ( $pause ) Then
$res = GetPos();
ConsoleWrite ( StringFormat ("Result color: %s %s", $res[0], $res[1] ) )
Sleep (1000)
Func exitNow()
Func Pause()
$pause = Not $pause
Func GetPos()
local $var = Hex(PixelGetColor(5, 5, $hwnd)) ; Only works in windowed mode, FullScreen return some random colors like 00FFFFFF or 00AAAAAA
$var = StringTrimLeft($var,2) ; Removing first 2 numbers they r always 00
local $var1 = Hex(PixelGetColor(15, 5, $hwnd)) ; Only works in windowed mode, FullScreen return some random colors like 00FFFFFF or 00AAAAAA
$var1 = StringTrimLeft($var1,2) ; Removing first 2 numbers they r always 00
local $result[2] = [ $var, $var1 ]
return $result
Main script should before window is active and only then should try to GetPixelColor but that never happens, no matter what I do, i've tried WindowActivate still no result.
a) - What am I doing wrong ? Or may be there is another way to check if window is currently active ?
So at the moment I start script disabled, and when I activate window manually I press F11 to enable.
b) - PixelGetColor only works if game is running in Windowed mode, if it's a fullscreen mode result is unpredictable. Is there a way to make PixelGetColor work in fullscreen.
I've tried to run game x32, x64, DX9 and DX11 in different combinations Fullscreen result is just wrong.
Now While looks like this and that works :)
Thanks to Xenobeologist!!!
While 1
$hwnd = WinGetHandle('[Active]');
If ( $pause ) Then
If WinGetTitle($hwnd) <> $WinName Then
$res = GetPos();
ConsoleWrite ( StringFormat ("Result color: %s %s", $res[0], $res[1] ) )
Sleep (1000)
If WinGetTitle($hwnd) = $WinName Then
a) is now solved
b) is still not solved. One more thing, topic of this question doesn't say anything bout this question, should add info bout this into the topic or it's better to start a new thread? a) was my main question, it would be prefect to solve b) as well but I can live without it. As far as I understood it's much more complicated. What do you think?
As far as I understand problem b) can be solved by using more complex code. Here was discussed pretty same problem. It's AHK and ImageSearch function, but im pretty sure that the reason I get wrong colours in fullscreen is the same. I don't want to complicate code that much and PrintScreen is too slow so I'll use windowed mode and wont be bothering with b).
Does this help?
#include <MsgBoxConstants.au3>
$handle = WinGetHandle('[Active]')
ConsoleWrite('!Title : ' & WinGetTitle($handle) & #CRLF)
ConsoleWrite('!Process : ' & WinGetProcess($handle) & #CRLF)
ConsoleWrite('!Text : ' & WinGetText($handle) & #CRLF)
Sleep(Random(10, 3000, 1))
If WinActive($handle) Then MsgBox($MB_SYSTEMMODAL, "", "WinActive" & #CRLF & "Scite ")

adobe acrobat XI pro javascript

i am calling an javascript function when out of focus on the form field. So what i am tying to do is the if i ticked required this field as required field it will have a red border around it, can i write a script to remove the required option when there are value inside the field?
var thisValue = this.getField("companyName").value;
var regexLetter = /[A-Z]+$/;
var Icon = "0"; //0 — Error (default) // 1 — Warning // 2 — Question // 3 — Status
var Type = "0"; //0 — OK (default) // 1 — OK, Cancel // 2 — Yes, No // 3 — Yes, No, Cancel
if (thisValue == ""){
cMsg:"this is an warning",
cTitle: "thsi is title",
nIcon: Icon,
nType: Type
} else if(!regexLetter.test(thisValue)){
app.alert('Type alphanumeric character');
This is going to be rather late, but this is how I do it in my documents:
var _companyName = this.getField("CompanyName");
_companyName.required = (_companyName.value === "");
You can also impose other dependencies, like:
var _companyName = this.getField("CompanyName"),
_companyLicense = this.getField("CompanyLicense");
_companyLicense = ((_companyLicense === "")
&& (_companyName !== ""));
Having your scripts split into a couple of files could help. I use a "shared" script which contains a vast majority of the logic and the a "specific" script to round of each individual document. Also, make sure when adding the scripts to just name them 1, 2, 3, etc. in the correct order or Acrobat will be stupid. Hope this helps you.

Converting from Sql to Linq

I have, what I thought was a pretty straight-forward query.
In normal Sql this would read:
SELECT [column names]
FROM agentscheduledetail
WHERE (date = '2012-07-04') AND
exception = 'Break (No Sign Off)' OR
exception = 'Break' OR
exception = 'Break (Signed Out)'
This returns approx 900 records.
However, when I try to enter this into my controller, I end up with around 300,000 records - so I think my AND and ORs are not working. I've tried Linqer, but can't get it to work (I'm aware this may not be actual LINQ but the equivalent query in VS - if there is a linq version... I'd be grateful for that too if possible).
My controller query is:
var dte = DateTime.Today;
return View(db.agentscheduledetails.Where
d => == dte && d.agentName.StartsWith("ta") &&
d.exception == "Break (No Sign Off)" ||
d.exception == "Break" ||
d.exception == "Break (Signed Out)"
Can anyone either a) let me know where I'm going wrong with my && || (and/or), or b) is there a way of stepping through the code in VS, to see what the above query translates to in normal SQL so I can try to figure out where I'm going wrong?
Thanks for any help,
The following is perhaps a simplified version of what you are trying to do, also your LINQ contains an additional statement compared to the SQL where it is comparing the agent name?
var currentDate = DateTime.Today;
var exceptionTypes = new List<string>() { "Break (No Sign Off)",
"Break", "Break (Signed Out)" };
db.agentscheduledetails.Where(d => == currentDate &&
One thing that you could try is getting hold of a copy of LinqPad, this will let you run your LINQ statement against a database and will show you what the generated SQL statement is.
Aside from anything else,
does not appear in your original sql...?
