nignx rewrite with or without if - wordpress

I recently enabled nginx + php-fpm on our centos plesk server. Apache has been stopped and i'm looking for a way to disable it completely.
I run a wordpress site that should be getting quite a bit of traffic in the next few days (1000+ concurrent). Here is my question:
I have these two options as far as i can tell regarding wordpress permalinks with nginx
rewrite /$ /index.php break;
if (!-e $request_filename) { rewrite ^(.*)$ /index.php break; }
The first one work, and really fast at that too, but it breaks index.htlm in subdirectories, robots.txt, xml sitemap etc (404)
The second one works exactly like a want it but i get a performance hit. It takes about a sec more to start loading the page.
Any of you fine lads have any ideas as I couldn't find anything?

You should give this a read it answers your question in the "Check IF File Exists" section.
A much better way than using if is to use a location match and try_files
location / {
try_files $uri $uri/ /index.php?$args;


Removing path from urls in Nginx

My site works correctly as
I would like to remove the /website/page part so that end users would see etc.
I read on Nginx website that rewrites are not preferred so I tried:
Location / {
try_files $uri /website/page$uri;
I get an internal serval error. What is the right way?
Consider using a rewrite like:
# rewrite to
rewrite ^(/.*) /website/page$1 break;
This should work similarly:
rewrite ^/(.*) /website/page/$1 break;

NGINX conditional Rewrite extensionless URLS

I am trying to provide extensionless URLs for a client. The systems URLs will be generated without the extension in the navigation elements and links so I will have links that look like.
lets pretend for a moment that the calls will be either routed to a proxy that can handle a defined file extension or simply serve the html page if it exists. If the url is correctly rewritten then I would think a location command with a matching regex for the extension should work.
so behind the scenes we have.
with Apache .htaccess I can solve this problem by first testing for the existence of the page with a desired filetype.
RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME}.abc -f
RewriteRule ^(.*)$ $ [L]
I would also make sure that directory browsing is off and that trailing slashes would be removed
#ensure trailing slash is removed
RewriteRule ^(.*)(?:/)$ $1 [R=301,L]
all well and good for Apache, and for me relatively intuitive, but this is NGINX and quite frankly I have no idea how to solve this use-case.
All the similar use cases I have found deal with html & php (How to remove both .php and .html extensions from url using NGINX?) and simply use try_files until they fall-through to a named location that rewrites the uri with .php extension. This would work if one is only dealing with a single dynamic language and fails miserably if we have two dynamic languages.
So the question is how do I do something similar in NGINX like can be done with the .htaccess condition/rewrite above
any help would be appreciated!
I have been able to get it "mostly" working by using the standard php approach. The issue is is being directed to instead of serving the default document. Trailing slashes are also being removed correctly.
so to recap: - not working - - working - working - working
here my config:
location / {
index index.php index.html
autoindex off;
#remove trailing slash
rewrite ^/(.*)(?:/)$ /$1 permanent;
#try html files or route to named location
try_files $uri $uri.html #php;
location ~ \.php$ {
location #php {
rewrite ^(.*)$ $1.php last;
in other posts the try_files block looks like this: try_files $uri $uri.html $uri/ #php; the problem is if I add $uri/ it will work for the default document e.g. serve but all other urls like or , which are also directories and have files of the same name, will be redirected to infinity instead of their respective pages.
Assuming that you have three ways to process an extensionless URI, you would need three location blocks. You can use try_files to test for the existence of a file by type, and cascade to the next location block in the chain, if the file is not found. See this document for details.
For example:
root /path/to/document/root;
location / {
try_files $uri $uri.html $uri/ #php;
location #php {
try_files $uri.php #proxy;
fastcgi_pass ...;
location #proxy {
proxy_pass ...;
The first block processes normal files within the document root. You probably have a location ~ \.php$ block to process PHP files, and the second block is essentially a replica. The third block sends everything else upstream.

phpBB rewrite rules and php parser rules conflicting on nginx

Guys I am so bad at this nginx rewrite rules. Sad thing is that nginx is sooooo lightening fast that I cannot also quit using it.
Please help me.
I have installed SEO urls on the forum.
But i am unable to control the php files and the SEO urls both together.
If i open the SEO urls then php parser stops working and i can download the php source files instead.
BUT if i open php URLs in format below they work fine.
I have spent hours trying to make both work but have just given up.
location ^~ /forum/ {
# forum will run separate
# rewrite rules for forum
rewrite ^/(.*)-f([0-9]*)/(.*)-t([0-9]*)-s([0-9]*).html /forum/viewtopic.php?f=$2&t=$4&start=$5&$query_string break;
rewrite ^/(.*)-f([0-9]*)/(.*)-t([0-9]*).html /forum/viewtopic.php?f=$2&t=$4&$query_string break;
rewrite ^/(.*)-f([0-9]*)/index-s([0-9]*).html /forum/viewforum.php?f=$2&start=$3&$query_string break;
rewrite ^/(.*)-f([0-9]*)/ /forum/viewforum.php?f=$2&$query_string break;
rewrite ^/(.*)-f([0-9]*) /forum/viewforum.php?f=$2&$query_string break;
# app rewrite rules for the INSTALLATION
#try_files $uri $uri/ /forum/install/app.php?$query_string;
location ~ \.php$ {
include snippets/fastcgi-php.conf;
fastcgi_pass unix:/run/php/php7.0-fpm.sock;
Please help

NGINX Server block when MediaWiki in subdirectory

MediaWiki installation was in and worked with Apache as the server.
Pages were found
The server was changed to NGINX the other night. WordPress and XenForo work fine but the location block for MediaWiki isn't working properly.
Since I'm new to NGINX and the configuration file inner workings, I'm not sure how to write the location block to get the results equal to the Apache page layout (index.php shows).
This is my latest attempt (failed, of course).
location /subdirectory/ {
try_files $uri $uri /index.php?query_string;
This writes to and the index.php is missing.
The documents show writing to a subdomain and this is not what I'm wanting. The index.php also needs to remain.
Thank you for providing as much information so this is solved. For example, I'm not sure if LocalSettings needs modification.
Try adding
index index.php index.html;
location /subdirectory/ {
index index.php index.html;
Using Rewrite
rewrite ^ /index.php?$request_uri;
this will forward requests to /subdirectory/index.php?
In your case, /subdirectory/index.php?/Main_Page

Please help me understand simple nginx rewrite issue for subdomain robots.txt

For my subdomain I wanted to point to a different robots.txt file. I had hoped the following code would work:
if ($host ~ subdomain) {
rewrite ^/favicon.ico$ /favicon.ico break;
rewrite ^/robots.txt$ /robots.subdomain.txt break;
rewrite ^/([^\/]*)?/?(.*)?$ /index.php?in1=$1&in2=$2&$query_string last;
favicon.ico works fine, all other extensions are rewritten to index.php just fine, but so is robots.txt.
I spent [wasted] a lot of time trying to solve it, which I did by adding the following line after the robots.txt rewrite.
rewrite ^/robots.subdomain.txt$ /robots.subdomain.txt break;
Can someone please help me why it only works when I add this line, also any improvements to my config would be welcomed if you see any obvious inefficiencies! Thank you.
This should be what you're looking for:
location / {
rewrite ^/robots.txt$ /robots.$host.txt; # rewrites robots.txt
try_files $uri $uri/ #php; # try_files serves statics and sends everything else
# to your front controller (index.php)
# files such as favicon.ico get served normally
location #php {
rewrite ^/([^\/]*)?/?(.*)?$ /index.php?in1=$1&in2=$2 last;
The only caveat is that your robots.txt needs to be named after the full host, so in the example above your needs to have a file in the document root. This seems a bit ugly, so I'd do it this way instead:
rewrite ^/robots.txt$ /$host.robots.txt;
and then you name your file
