Cannot pass data from signup form to installation profile - aegir

I have recently installed Aegir (6.x-2.1) on a Debian 6.0.10 (squeeze) following the instructions found here
I have followed the instructions found here:, to pass data from signup form to platform's installation profile, but with no luck.
in more details I created a drush script in my hosting_school module and inside the script i have implemented hook pre_hosting_task, drush_hosting_school_pre_hosting_task . Then I created drush script in .drush folder and I have implemented hook pre_provision_install, drush_school_name_pre_provision_install.
The problem is that while method drush_hosting_school_pre_hosting_task is properly invoked, method drush_school_name_pre_provision_install is not.
Am i missing something from the instructions ?


Running Chimp with Meteor

Installed Chimp globally and locally for my app. Created features directory at the root of my app. Put in a feature file insertContract.feature with the following scenario.
Feature: Input contact information
As a contract admin
I want to input contact information
So that I can save it in a database
Scenario: Go to the contract insert page
Given I have visited Contract Insert page
Then I see an input "supplierName"
Ran chimp.
chimp --ddp=http://localhost:7001 --watch
Chimp says it is running and watching tages #watch, #focus, #dev. But it does not pick up anything from the feature file.
Sudis-MacBook-Pro:contract tupun$ chimp --ddp=http://localhost:7001 --watch
[chimp] Watching features with tagged with #dev,#watch,#focus
[chimp] Running...
It is supposed to provide me with the stubs for step-definition. What am I doing wrong?
I just started to use chimp too, and i use #focus instead #watch for get the definitions
I hope, this helpt you.

Sylius eCommerce installation in existing project

I have successfully installed SyliusCartBundle and "add-to-cart" functionality is working fine on product page. So for next process checkout page I need SyliusWebBundle as mentioned in
So I installed SyliusWebBundle through composer and When I configured SyliusWebBundle in Appkernel.php then I got this error -
ServiceNotFoundException in CheckExceptionOnInvalidReferenceBehaviorPass.php line 58:
The service "sylius.menu_builder.frontend" has a dependency on a non-existent service "sylius.authorization_checker".
I am installing this bundles in my existing project for online Buy Option.
Is it not possible to install SyliusWebBundle and other's SyliusBundle in Symfony 2+ Existing project ?
And Please also help me which sylius bundles required for creating a eCommerce system in existing project.
And I am also using Symfony2.6 + SonataAdminBundles
Any Help Will be highly Appreciated !
Thanks !
sylius.authorization_checker is defined in SyliusRbacBundle. Since it is required by SyliusCoreBundle and SyliusCoreBundle is required by SyliusWebBundle all you need to do is enable it in kernel:
new \Sylius\Bundle\RbacBundle\SyliusRbacBundle()
Then configure it.
Check docs for more details.

Meteor custom oauth package

I'm need a create custom package for using oauth with external service, but have no idea how to make it. I'm tryed to clone accounts-github package into my project and modyfy it, but it not working.
Some code here.
<template name = 'test'>
'click .gitLogin': function() {
return Meteor.loginWithGithub();
Error here:
Meteor.loginWithGithub is not a function
My steps for installing accounts-github package:
—clone from repo to app/packages directory
—modifyed name of package in package.js file
—meteor add my:package
—Donewithout any errors
But as you can see it not working.
Main question: how to create or modify existing package to use another oauth provider?
Provider is is not providing secret code like a facebook or google.
p.s. and i'm using windows
There are two packages for each oauth service. The other one has all of the logic related to the service. Check out the github package

Delete created meteor package from atmospherejs

I created a package for
Everything worked as expected but now I want to delete it.
How can I remove it from atmosphere?
I found the following explanation but I guess its not up to date:
Prevent packages from showing up in meteor search with meteor admin set-unmigrated. Checkout their blogpost on here.
A new administrative command hides packages from the results of meteor search and meteor show. This is designed to remove mrt-era packages that didn't correctly auto-migrate into the new package system and for cases where authors have changed the name of a package and don't want new developers using the old name. To hide a package, run meteor admin set-unmigrated. Please note that hiding a package does not prevent users from explicitly adding it.
There is no way to do so on the new packageserver as mentioned by tmeasday at the end of the issue.

Opensky Symfony2 Intetegration

Is there any Step by Step tutorial to configure ZF2 Client in Symfony2?
Since I want to integrate Opensky LDAP bundle in my case.
Have you read the README file from Github?
If you don't already have the ZF2 codebase available in the vendor path of your Symfony2 application, you may be interested in using git-subtree to pull in the LDAP client by itself. Instructions for this process are documented in this thread from the symfony-devs mailing list.
