"ORA-03134: Connections to this server version are no longer supported." - asp.net

I am trying to understand why the same C# Oracle access code works under VS2010 environment but not under IIS.
I am building a web service to access Oracle 9.2 database on the remote machine. The web service must be hosted in the IIS under Windows 2003 machine. The same machine is hosting Oracle 9.2 database.
The web service must be compiled for x86 CPU because of Windows 2003 that is 32-bit architecture.
My Visual Studio project is WCF Application.
When I run the service under ASP.NET Development Server everything works fine. The database is connected and all CRUD operations are possible.
When I deploy everything under IIS on my machine or any other machine the I am getting "ORA-03134: Connections to this server version are no longer supported." at the time of connecting.
I supposed it is some kind of permission problem so I run the service under special Application Pool with LocalSystem account. I even gave to the Oracle client folder installed on my machine Full Control permissions for IIS users but this should not be needed because of LocalSystem account.
Anyway I tried and nothing. It is always the same error.
What could be the reason ?


WCF Service Migrated to IIS 10 - Consistent 503

A computer hosting a WCF service at my work was swapped out from a Windows 7 instance running IIS 7 to a Windows 10 instance running IIS 10.
The WCF service is a third party service that allows remote control of the robotic system the computer is connected to, so I have no access to the source code.
I've tried using MS Deploy to migrate, I've tried perfectly replicating every single setting in IIS and installing all the necessary .Net Framework versions, and I've completely re installed .Net Framework twice.
No matter what I do it always results in a 503 - Service Unavailable. The logs in HTTPERR simply state "N/A" for each failed request to the svc file.
Yes, I've added the svc Mime type and handler.
Also Server Manager has been no help, as it's Windows 10 and not actually a server.
Here are the settings I've copied over:
Application pool for default site uses .Net CLR 4.0, with Application Identity and 32-bit applications disabled.
Application pool for the WCF service uses .Net CLR 4.0, with Network Application as its identity and with 32-bit applications enabled.
It works perfectly fine on the old server, so I'm still at a loss as to why it doesn't work on the new one.
Thanks to Travis Acton for the suggestion to check netsh http show urlacl!
I decided to run the delete command for the port despite it not being shown, and it indicated that the port reservation was successfully deleted. For some reason it was unlisted by netsh.
So now it's all working fine! Thanks so much for the help!

Master Data Services Web Application Issue

I am trying to create a Master Data Service Web Application. So far, I have not succeeded with this activity.
I have check on internet for possible solutions but:
The .NET 3.5 and 4.5 features are checked, the svc file is present, but everytime I run the Master Data Configuration Manager I see the the warning about Internet Information Services.
I do not what else do I need to install or configure. When I try to access the URI of the web application, this does not show anything.
I am using Windows 8 and Sql Server 2014
When this happened to me I discovered I needed to execute the MDS Configuration Manager on the virtual machine's operating system rather than my local machine.
These IIS settings exist on that Windows Server, not your local machine.

Web Application deployed in IIS is unable to access Database

I have a web application developed in .net and deployed in IIS so that other systems on the LAN can access the application easily. It was all working fine but suddenly when i did some modification in application deployment services under world wide web under IIS in windows features on/off then my application unable to access database. I have checked everything i am able to access the same database in SQL server management studio.
Please help me
I have resolved my problem and it was very silly actually the problem with in the iis application pool i have stopped the application pool of my application and then started and the problem solved....!!!!

"Provider cannot be found. It may not be properly installed" using ORAOLEDB, IIS7, 32bit app, 64bit o/s

I have a classic ASP application which I've moved from a Windows 2003 server running IIS6.0 to 64-bit Windows 2008 R2 running IIS7. In IIS7 I've created a website and added an application to that and have set the application pool to enable 32-bit applications.
The application connects to an Oracle database using the ORAOLEDB driver - I've installed the 64-bit Oracle client to connect to the backend Oracle 11g database and can connect fine via the same user as the application using SQLPlus.
When I run the application though, its attempt to connect to Oracle fails with the IIS logs showing the error:
"Provider cannot be found. It may not be properly installed"
I've tried various possible things to try and get this working:
registering OraOLEDB11.dll manually
disabling 32-bit applications from the app pool
using the 32-bit drivers instead both with 32-bits apps enabled and disabled
reinstalling the drivers completely and trying all the above
So far without any luck. The asp code connects as follows:
objOracleConnection.CursorLocation = adUseClient
objOracleConnection.ConnectionString = "Provider=OraOLEDB.Oracle;Data Source=MYDATASOURCE;User ID=USER;Password=PASSWORD;PLSQLRSet=1;OLE DB Services=-2;"
EDIT: I've tried a simple VBS script (using essentially the same code as above) to connect and it gets the same error, so IIS may not be the problem. The exact same script works on the Windows 2003 box however.
I've reinstalled the Oracle client via the 'Troubleshoot Compatibility' option, indicating that the application works under Windows 2003 SP1 but still get the same issue from both the VBS script and the IIS application :(
This is an educated guess, but enabling 32 bit applications in IIS7 seems to disable 64 bit applications. If it's a 64 bit driver you may need to disable 32 bit in your app pool

Restart windows service on server (Windows 2008 R2) having UAC turned ON (from ASP.NET application)

I am trying to restart a windows service (part of the application) from my ASP.NET (.Net 4) application but it fails with the error:
Cannot open <ServiceName> service on computer '.'.
Inner Exception: Access is denied
StackTrace: at System.ServiceProcess.ServiceController.GetServiceHandle(Int32 desiredAccess)
at System.ServiceProcess.ServiceController.Start(String[] args)
at NetClient.AvailabilityConfiguration.StartAvailabilityService(ServiceController serviceName, TimeSpan timeout)
The code is working fine on my development machine (Windoes 7) and test server (Windows 2008 R2) but fails on the production server. The only (and BIG) difference is that UAC is turned ON the production serevr where as it is OFF on the dev and test servers.
I have tried adding an app.manifest file to the web application to get elevated privileges but it does not seem to work. I've configured the app.manifest "requestedExecutionLevel" attribute to "requireAdministrator" but does not seem to have an effect.
Any help will be greatly appreciated.
I think that is clear that the account that runs the pool of your web have not rights to manage the services (especial the Start, Stop, Pause commands).
See under what account your pool is running, and give him the permission to manage the services of your server. You can do that using the group policy, or open the security template.
Read the official detailed steps for How to grant users rights to manage services in Windows Server
