What is the use of http non persistent connection mode - http

It may seem to be a trivial question but still.. I have a confusion over it.
Almost at every site I have read that HTTP persistent or keep-alive connections are better than the non-persistent one.
Ques: So, why do non-persistent even exists?
Some says that persistent has disadvantage if server is serving many clients as users are deprived of connection.
Ques: All the popular websites server millions of clients, does that mean they don't use persistent mode?
As per my understanding I can think search engines may not be using persistent connections.
Can someone please enlighten me on this topic.
Another doubt I have is regarding the HTTP requests. I have read that if a page contains link to several objects then web browser makes that many request to fetch all those (this is why persistent connections are used). My doubt is why all the objects are not embedded in the page and sent as one object? If argument is that it makes page heavy and not bandwidth friendly then anyways the browser open parallel connections to fetch multiple objects which again putting the same load on the network.
OK, I understand that this cannot be done for like image search but if a page contains few objects then can we embed them into the page and send.
These may seem foolish questions but I can't help. I have a doubt and I need to clear that and you can help.

The original HTTP specification always uses non-persistent connections; HTTP/1.1 added persistence because it is more efficient for web pages that embed a lot of external objects (which were rare when HTTP/1.0 was written.)
However, even though HTTP/1.1 allows persistent connections there are implementations that don't support them, or which still only support HTTP/1.0. For this reason, HTTP/1.1 requires that the Connection: keep-alive header be sent in order to enable this feature, and Connection: close be sent to disable it.
It is possible to include media directly in the HTML by base64 encoding the data and including it in a data: URL. This is not usually done because it slows down your web browser. With a standard HTML page, the browser can start rendering the structure of the page without waiting for the (rather large) inline data: links to download.

As you say most of the webpages hosted over the internet will not only handle fewer data, and nobody can estimate that. The HTTP server should be generic and it should have a mechanism to avoid multiple requests in the name of dependencies. You say that the non-persistent method avoids the blocking of ports by a single client for a long time where as the server may have to serve more clients and it would give a lot of stress, that is not true. Persistent connections actually reduce the load for a server by limiting the number of queries it has to serve.
Hope this HTTP Persistent connection will help you understand.


Does SPDY/HTTP2 concatenates responses?

I have a question about SPDY/HTTP2:
Normally you concatenate multiple CSS and JS files into one file to save requests and to get a better performance. I heard that SPDY/HTTP2 combines multiple requests into a single response. Would that mean that I don't need to pre-concatenate CSS and JS files anymore, because this is handled by the protocol?
To say it in other words:
Can I use <script source="moduleA.js"></script> and <script source="moduleB.js"></script> with SPDY/HTTP2 in the same way as I would use <script source="allScripts.js"></script> with HTTP1? Is this the same from a response performance point of view, but with the benefit of caching each file on its own, so that I can change moduleB.js and keep moduleA.js cached?
HTTP/2.0 does not (AFAIK) exist yet - it's still a proposed standard. But it seems likely that it will use similar connection handling to SPDY.
SPDY doesn't concatenate them it multiplexes the requests across the same connection - from the network's point of view the effect is the same.
Yes, you don't need to merge the content files by hand, yes they will be cached independently.
SPDY3 and HTTP2 are multiplexing requests on the same physical connection.
But even multiplexed, requests may be sent sequentially for each resource, causing major slowdowns due to roundtrip time waits.
Both SPDY3 and HTTP2 have a feature called "Resource Push" (also known as "SPDY Push", not to be confused with "Server Push") that allows related resources to be pushed without the client requesting them, and the Jetty project - I am a committer - is the only one to my knowledge that implements that feature.
You can watch Resource Push in action in this video: http://webtide.intalio.com/2012/10/spdy-push-demo-from-javaone-2012/.
With Resource Push, you save additional roundtrips to get all the different JS files and still benefit of the browser cache per single file.
The whole point of resource concatenation is exactly to reduce the number of roundtrips necessary to get all the resources needed, and Resource Push helps to solve that problem.
HTTP/2.0 allows for multiplexing, where multiple request/response streams exchange data over the same TCP connection.
Because creating and starting TCP connections is expensive, HTTP/2.0's multiplexing will usually be faster than the semi-parallel downloading of HTTP/1.1, where a limited amount of TCP connections is (re)used by the browser to perform a given amount of requests for resources.
But your mileage may vary. Measure it.
As a sidenote, you might want to reference all your libraries separately when developing and debugging, but bundle and minify the JS/CSS into one file upon a deploy.

Is SPDY any different than http multiplexing over keep alive connections

HTTP 1.1 supports keep alive connections, connections are not closed until "Connection: close" is sent.
So, if the browser, in this case firefox has network.http.pipelining enabled and network.http.pipelining.maxrequests increased isn't the same effect in the end?
I know that these settings are disabled because for some websites this could increase load but I think a simple http header flag could tell the browser that is ok tu use multiplexing and this problem can be solved easier.
Wouldn't be easier to change default settings in browsers than invent a new protocol that increases complexity especially in the http servers?
SPDY has a number of advantages that go beyond what HTTP pipelining can offer, which are described in the SPDY whitepaper:
With pipelining, the server still has to return the responses one at a time in the order they were requested. This can be a problem if the client requests a resource that's dynamically generated before one that is static: the server cannot send any of the "easy" static responses until the dynamically generated one has been generated and sent. With SPDY, responses can be returned out of order or in parallel as they are generated, lowering the total time to receive all resources.
As you noted in your question, not all servers are able to deal with pipelining: it's not just load, some servers actually behave incorrectly when the client requests pipelining. Using a header to indicate that it's okay to do pipelining is too late to get the maximum benefit: you are already receiving the first response at that point, so while you can use it on future connections it's already too late for this one.
SPDY compresses headers using an algorithm which is specific to that task (stateful and with knowledge of what is normally in HTTP headers); while yes, SSL already includes compression, just compressing them with deflate is not as efficient. Most HTTP requests have no bodies and only a short GET line, so the headers make up virtually the entire request: any compression you can get is an improvement. Many responses are also small compared to their headers.
SPDY allows servers to send back additional responses without the client asking for them. For example, a server might start sending back the CSS for a page along with the original HTML, before the client has had a chance to receive and parse the HTML to determine the stylesheet URL. This can speed up page loads even further by eliminating the need for the client to actually parse the HTML before requesting other resources needed to render the page. It also supports a less bandwidth-heavy version of this feature where it can "hint" about which resources might be needed, and allow the client to decide: this allows, for example, clients that don't care about images to not bother to request them, but clients that want to display images can still request the images using the given URLs without needing to wait for the HTML.
Other things too: see William Chan's answer for even more.
HTTP pipelining is susceptible to head of line blocking (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Head-of-line_blocking) at the HTTP transaction level whereas SPDY only has head of line blocking at the transport level, due to its use of multiplexing.
HTTP pipelining has deployability issues. See https://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/html/draft-nottingham-http-pipeline-01 which describes a number of different workarounds and heuristics to mitigate this. SPDY as deployed in the wild does not have this problem since it is generally deployed over SSL (port 443) using NPN (http://technotes.googlecode.com/git/nextprotoneg.html) to negotiate SPDY support. SSL is key, since it prevents intermediaries from interfering.
SPDY has header compression. See http://dev.chromium.org/spdy/spdy-whitepaper which discusses some benchmark results of the benefits of header compression. Now, it's useful to note that bandwidth is less and less of an issue (see http://www.belshe.com/2010/05/24/more-bandwidth-doesnt-matter-much/), but it's also useful to remember that bandwidth is still key for mobile. Check out https://developers.google.com/speed/articles/spdy-for-mobile which shows how beneficial SPDY is for mobile.
SPDY supports features like server push. See http://dev.chromium.org/spdy/spdy-best-practices for ways to use server push to improve cacheability of content and still reduce roundtrips.
HTTP pipelining has ill-defined failure semantics. When the server closes the connection, how do you know which requests have been successfully processed? This is a major reason why POST and other non-idempotent requests are not allowed over pipelined connections. SPDY provides semantics to cancel individual streams on the same connection, and also has a GOAWAY frame which indicates the last stream to be successfully processed.
HTTP pipelining has difficulty, often due to intermediaries, in allowing deep pipelines. This (in addition to many other reasons like HoL blocking) means that you still need to utilize multiple TCP connections to achieve maximal parallelization. Using multiple TCP connections means that congestion control information cannot be shared, that compression contexts cannot be shared (like SPDY does with headers), is worse for the internet (more costly for intermediaries and servers).
I could go on and on about HTTP pipelining vs SPDY. But I'd recommend just reading up on SPDY. Check out http://dev.chromium.org/spdy and our tech talk on SPDY at http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TNBkxA313kk&list=PLE0E03DF19D90B5F4&index=2&feature=plpp_video.
See Difference between HTTP pipeling and HTTP multiplexing with SPDY

The number of HTTP requests need to be made for downing a webpage?

Are all assets (html files, js files, css files, images) in one webpage transmitted through a single HTTP request/response, or through multiple HTTP requests/responses, one for each asset?
Assumed no XHR in that webpage.
All the digital assets on a web document are transmitted on separate HTTP requests. However modern web servers and browsers are able to use the same TCP connection with HTTP keep-alive.
Conceptually, each asset is a separate request. In practise, most servers allow the browser to re-use the same physical socket connection for multiple requests (but they are still issued one after the other) and this can significantly improve performance (because you need extra round-trips to establish a connection, and subsequent requests can piggy-back on the ACKs for the previous request: you cut down on a lot of round-trips).
But yes, there is always one request/response per asset on the page.
On connections with high latency (e.g. Australia -> U.S.) the number of round-trips can be a significant bottleneck, and that's why things like CSS sprites are widely used.
It's one request per asset, but you can use multiple TCP connections to send multiple HTTP requests in parallel. In fact all browser do exactly that.
I'd recommend downloading Firebug for Firefox, then watching its 'Net' tab while you browser some sites. It would answer this question and so many more.

Understanding REST: REST as a high volume transport?

I'm designing a system that will need to move multi-GB backup images over TCP, and I'm looking at REST as an alternative to ONC RPC.
For example, I might have
POST http://site/backups/image1
where image1 is an 50GB file whose data is contained in the HTTP body.
My question: is this within the scope of what REST is meant for? Is it inappropriate to move massive files over HTTP? My preliminary testing shows that the performance isn't too bad, and I like the clean, debuggable protocol, as opposed to a custom ONC RPC server. But is this overloading the role of a webserver?
HTTP has about the same overheads as FTP.
An HTTP server if often asked to do more work than an FTP server. But otherwise, using HTTP to send a large file is about the same as using FTP.
The only consideration is making sure your web server and web application framework are configured to do this kind of thing without needlessly expanding the entire 50Gb file inside Apache.
HTTP has a look-before-you-leap 'feature' that allows the client to ask the server whether it will accept the data submission before it actually sends out the data. I'd look into using this to avoid transferring GBs of data only to find out that the server is currently not willing to handle them. Look at the HTTP Expect header and 100 Continue status codes.
Also, you can use FTP within a RESTful approach, IOW, think along the lines of
<backup-store href="ftp://example.org/site/backup/images/"/>
and make your clients understand the ftp URI scheme.
Finally, the T in HTTP means transfer and not transport - an important distinction to make because the former is an application semantic (HTTP is an application protocol) and the latter is a not.
REST has nothing to do with how large your data is or which method you use to transport it.

Why can HTTP handle only one pending request per socket?

Being curious, I wonder why HTTP, by design, can only handle one pending request per socket.
I understand that this limitation is because there is no 'Id' to associate a request to its response, so the only way to match a response with its request is to send the response on the same socket that sent the request. There would be no way to match a response to its request if there was more than one pending request on the socket because we may not receive the responses in the same order requests were sent.
If the protocol had been designed to have a matching 'Id' for requests and responses, there could be multiple pending requests on only one socket. This could greatly reduce the number of socket used by internet browsers and applications using web services.
Was HTTP designed like this for simplicity even if it's less efficient or am I missing something and this is the best approach?
Not true. Read about HTTP1.1 pipelining. Apache implements it and Firefox implements it. Although Firefox disables it by default.
To turn it on in Firefox use about:config and write 'pipelining' in the filter.
see: http://www.mozilla.org/projects/netlib/http/pipelining-faq.html
It's basically for simplicity; various proposals have been made over the years that multiplex on the same connection (e.g. SPDY) but none have taken off yet.
One problem with sending multiple requests on a single socket is that it would cause inefficient queuing.
For instance, lets say you are in a store and there are 2 cashiers, and 10 people waiting to be checked out. The ideal way to make the line is to have a single queue of 10 people and the next person in line goes to a cashier when they become available. However, if you sent all the requests at once you would probably send 5 people to cashier A and 5 to cashier B. However, what if you sent the 5 people with the largest shopping carts to the same cashier? That's bad queuing and what could happen if you queued a bunch of requests on a single socket.
NOTE: I'm not saying that you couldn't use queuing well, but it keeps it simple to do it right if there is no queuing on a single socket.
There are a few concidertaions I would review.
The first is related to the nature of TCP itself. TCP suffers from 'head-of-line' blocking issue where there can only be a single outstanding (unacknowledged) request (connection/TCP level) in flight. Given traditional latencies this can be a problem from a load time user experience perspective compared to results of parallel connection scheme browsers employ today. The higher the latency of the link the larger the impact of this fundemental limitation.
There is also a concurrency issue in that sometimes you really want to load multiple resources incrementally / in parallel. Back in the day one of the greatest features mozilla had over mosaic was that it would load images and objects incrementally so you could begin to see what was going on and use a resource without having to wait for it to load. With fewer connections there is a risk in that for example loading a large image on page before a style sheet can be catastrophic from an experience point of view. Expecting some kind of mitigating intelligence or explicit configuration to optimally order requests may not be a realistic or ideal solution.
There are proposals such as HTTP over SCTP that will more or less totally correct the issue you raise at the transport level.
Also realize that HTTP doesn't necessarily mandate a Content-Length header to serve data. Even if each HTTP response was ID'd, how would you manage streaming binary content with no content length (HTTP/1.0 style)? or if the client sent the Connection: close header to have the client close due to non-known lengths?
To manage this you would have to HTTP chunk (already present) in multiplex (I don't think anyone implements this) and add some non-trivial work to many programs.
