Comparing pointer values using reflect package - reflection

I have a struct with a lot of fields and I have to check if any of those fields is null without having to type every field name by hand. The field's type is always a pointer so I can check without having to worry about zero-values.
I'm trying to to this using the reflection package, but it doesn't seem to be working properly and I can't figure out why.
Here is a playground replicating my problem:
As you can see, if I check by hand everything works fine. When asked to print it prints null as well, but when comparing it evaluates to false.
Any thoughts on what is going on?
My main guess is because the return type of Interface() is, obviously, interface{}, and by storing "null" inside it, it doesn't make it "null" anymore. Any way around that?

Use IsNil() to determine if a pointer is nil.
The expression v.Interface() == nil is always false because Interface() returns a value with an associated type.
See the nil error FAQ for more information on this topic.


The method '[]' was called on null. Receiver: null. Tried calling: []("myuserId") [duplicate]

I have some code and when I run it produces an error, saying:
NoSuchMethod: the method 'XYZ' was called on null
What does that mean and how do I fix it?
Why do I get this error?
As a real world comparison, what just happened is this conversation:
Hey, how much gas is left in the tank of the car?
What are you talking about, we don't have a car.
That is exactly what is happening in your program. You wanted to call a function like _car.getGasLevel(); but there is no car, the variable _car is null.
Obviously, in your program it might not be a car. It could be a list or a string or anything else really.
Technical explanation
You are trying to use a variable that is null. Either you have explicitly set it to null, or you just never set it at all, the default value is null.
Like any variable, it can be passed into other functions. The place where you get the error might not be the source. You will have to follow the leads from the actual null value to where it originally came from, to find what the problem is and what the solution might be.
null can have different meanings: variables not set to another value will be null, but sometimes null values are used by programmers intentionally to signal that there is no value. Databases have nullable fields, JSON has missing values. Missing information may indeed be the information itself. The variable bool userWantsPizzaForDinner; for example might be used for true when the user said yes, false when the user declined and it might still be null when the user has not yet picked something. That's not a mistake, it's intentionally used and needs to be handled accordingly.
How do I fix it?
Find it
Use the stack trace that came with the error message to find out exactly which line the error was on. Then set a breakpoint on that line. When the program hits the breakpoint, inspect all the values of the variables. One of them is null, find out which one.
Fix it
Once you know which variable it is, find out how it ended up being null. Where did it come from? Was the value never set in the first place? Was the value another variable? How did that variable got it's value. It's like a line of breadcrumbs you can follow until you arrive at a point where you find that some variable was never set, or maybe you arrive at a point where you find that a variable was intentionally set to null. If it was unintentional, just fix it. Set it to the value you want it to have. If it was intentional, then you need to handle it further down in the program. Maybe you need another if to do something special for this case. If in doubt, you can ask the person that intentionally set it to null what they wanted to achieve.
simply the variable/function you are trying to access from the class does not exist;
above will give the error
NoSuchMethod: the method 'xyz' was called on null
because the class someClass does not exist
The following will work fine
// SomeClass created
// SomeClass has a function xyz
class SomeClass {
void xyz() {
void main() {
// create an instance of the class
final someClass = SomeClass();
// access the xyz function;

NoSuchMethodError: The getter 'hash' was called on null [duplicate]

I have some code and when I run it produces an error, saying:
NoSuchMethod: the method 'XYZ' was called on null
What does that mean and how do I fix it?
Why do I get this error?
As a real world comparison, what just happened is this conversation:
Hey, how much gas is left in the tank of the car?
What are you talking about, we don't have a car.
That is exactly what is happening in your program. You wanted to call a function like _car.getGasLevel(); but there is no car, the variable _car is null.
Obviously, in your program it might not be a car. It could be a list or a string or anything else really.
Technical explanation
You are trying to use a variable that is null. Either you have explicitly set it to null, or you just never set it at all, the default value is null.
Like any variable, it can be passed into other functions. The place where you get the error might not be the source. You will have to follow the leads from the actual null value to where it originally came from, to find what the problem is and what the solution might be.
null can have different meanings: variables not set to another value will be null, but sometimes null values are used by programmers intentionally to signal that there is no value. Databases have nullable fields, JSON has missing values. Missing information may indeed be the information itself. The variable bool userWantsPizzaForDinner; for example might be used for true when the user said yes, false when the user declined and it might still be null when the user has not yet picked something. That's not a mistake, it's intentionally used and needs to be handled accordingly.
How do I fix it?
Find it
Use the stack trace that came with the error message to find out exactly which line the error was on. Then set a breakpoint on that line. When the program hits the breakpoint, inspect all the values of the variables. One of them is null, find out which one.
Fix it
Once you know which variable it is, find out how it ended up being null. Where did it come from? Was the value never set in the first place? Was the value another variable? How did that variable got it's value. It's like a line of breadcrumbs you can follow until you arrive at a point where you find that some variable was never set, or maybe you arrive at a point where you find that a variable was intentionally set to null. If it was unintentional, just fix it. Set it to the value you want it to have. If it was intentional, then you need to handle it further down in the program. Maybe you need another if to do something special for this case. If in doubt, you can ask the person that intentionally set it to null what they wanted to achieve.
simply the variable/function you are trying to access from the class does not exist;
above will give the error
NoSuchMethod: the method 'xyz' was called on null
because the class someClass does not exist
The following will work fine
// SomeClass created
// SomeClass has a function xyz
class SomeClass {
void xyz() {
void main() {
// create an instance of the class
final someClass = SomeClass();
// access the xyz function;

When to use pointers when defining structs

Ive noticed in some libraries that when they define structs some values have pointers while others don't. I can't seem to find anywhere explaining when to use pointers and when not to.
type MyStruct struct {
FieldOne *int64
FieldTwo int64
FieldFour *AnotherStruct
FieldFive AnotherStruct
What are the benefits of using a pointer ?
From my experience, I will try to not use pointer value in a struct because it may be root cause of panic, if we forgot to check nil before use it. Have three reason when I use a pointer value in a struct:
This field is a big struct so I think it can help to reduce copy costs (It's correct in C/C++, but in go, some case the Benchmark test showed same result).
When I need to check and do some thing if this value is nil (Because of default values in go and the cost to compare with AnotherStruct{}).
When i need "omitempty" (ignore this field if it empty) to convert fields of struct to bson or json ...
I hope 2) and 3) can help to answers for your question. If you have any better idea please share me. Because I also new on go!

Why is fmt.Println not consistent when printing pointers?

I'm an experienced programmer but have never before touched Go in my life.
I just started playing around with it and I found that fmt.Println() will actually print the values of pointers prefixed by &, which is neat.
However, it doesn't do this with all types. I'm pretty sure it is because the types it does not work with are primitives (or at least, Java would call them that, does Go?).
Does anyone know why this inconsistent behaviour exists in the Go fmt library? I can easily retrieve the value by using *p, but for some reason Println doesn't do this.
package main
import "fmt"
type X struct {
S string
func main() {
x := X{"Hello World"}
fmt.Println(&x) // &{Hello World} <-- displays the pointed-to value prefixed with &
fmt.Println(*(&x)) // {Hello World}
i := int(1)
fmt.Println(&i) // 0x10410028 <-- instead of &1 ?
fmt.Println(*(&i)) // 1
The "technical" answer to your question can be found here:
As you can see, when printing pointers to Array, Slice, Struct or Map types, the special rule of printing "&" + value applies, but in all other cases the address is printed.
As for why they decided to only apply the rule for those, it seems the authors considered that for "compound" objects you'd be interested in always seeing the values (even when using a pointer), but for other simple values this was not the case.
You can see that reasoning here, where they added the rule for the Map type which was not there before:
I would guess this had to do with the fact that it is very common to use for example pointers to Struct to pass them around (so many times you'd just forget to de-reference the pointer when wanting to print the value), but no so common to use pointers to int or string to pass those around (so if you were printing the pointer you were probably interested in seeing the actual address).

Ada Actual for this must be a variable in out mode

I am making a program in Ada for Data Structures and Algorithms class.
My current problem is the error 'actual for "this" must be a variable'
I did some looking around and I read about it being because of in out mode, but I'm not entirely grasping why it's happening to me I guess.
The Examples I seen made sense but I guess since it's my coding I'm just not seeing it?
Procedure AddUnmarked(g:Grid; this:Linked_List_Coord.List_Type; c:Cell) is
cNorth : Cell := getCell(g, North(c));
cEast : Cell := getCell(g, East(c));
cSouth : Cell := getCell(g, South(c));
cWest : Cell := getCell(g, West(c));
if CellExists(g, cNorth) and not cNorth.IsMarked then
Linked_List_Coord.Append(this, cNorth.Coords);
elsif CellExists(g, cEast) and not cEast.IsMarked then
Linked_List_Coord.Append(this, cEast.Coords);
elsif CellExists(g, cSouth) and not cSouth.IsMarked then
Linked_List_Coord.Append(this, cSouth.Coords);
elsif CellExists(g, cWest) and not cWest.IsMarked then
Linked_List_Coord.Append(this, cWest.Coords);
end if;
End AddUnmarked;
before "this" is passed to the function it is a Linked_List of my self defined type Coord (2 integers). It is initialized and has had a Coordinate pair added to it before the list is passed to the function above in my code.
What it means is that the list cannot be modified unless you are passing it as a modifiable parameter, that is, in out.
To elaborate, think of LIST_TYPE as being a handle to a tagged-type object; in order to ensure that LIST_TYPE is valid you need to pass it in via an in parameter (or create/manipulate a local object), but to pass out your results you need an out parameter.
So, in order to do your operations on an already-existing object {and get the results back} you need in out.
In Ada, subroutine parameters all have a usage mode associated with them. The available modes are in, out, and in out*. If you don't specify a mode, (like you didn't in your code), then it defaults to in only.
The modes specify what you can do with that parameter on the inside of the subprogram. If you want to read a value passed in from outside the routine, it must have in on it. If you want to write to the parameter (and/or possibly have it read outside the routine), then it must have out on it.
Since none of your parameters have out on them, you cannot write to any of them.
(* - There's another possible mode: access, but that's an advanced topic).
