how to install cocos2d-x v2.2.5 & create a new project on mac - cocos2d-x-2.x

i just downloaded Cocos2d-x Version 2.2.5,now i want to install
it's template in my Xcode plus i want to create sample new project
but i searched a lot but i don't find single guidelines on how to
create new project in this new version. Really need help in this.
i searched even on cocos2d-x forum but still no help . So please kindly help on previous version we could install it this way.
To install the templates fire up a Terminal, navigate to the Cocos2D-x directory:
In order to install the templates you need to have root privilege, so we will call:
sudo ./
But In this Version , i don't know how to do it & also having
no idea on how to create a new project. please help.

Cocos2d-x 2.2.5 setup summary of the solution that worked for me :
-use the existing projects (helloworldCpp and TestCpp) or create a project using the supplied python script the {cocos2d_root}/tools/project-creator directory:
user$ python -project AppTest -package com.appsomniacs.test -language cpp
-follow the instructions in the that every new project has in it's {project root}/ folder that is made with
Note: I will recommend to use latest Cocos2d-x SDK i.e. 3.2 which is with awesome new features & better performance.


How to install the module in alfresco?

Help install the eisenvault-esign module.
I tried to install files
in the "\amps" folder
in the "\amps_share" folder
But when you start apply_amps.bat module is not installed.
Alfresco version 5.2
Below is the execution process.
When you run you need to pass in the -force flag because the module you are trying to install overwrites shipped libraries as indicated by your console screenshot.
You should also file an issue with the owner of that project to ask them to adjust their AMPs so that they can be installed without the force flag.

Reinstall Active Meteor Project

I suddenly started getting a Meteor error:
~/.meteor/packages/meteor-tool/.1.4.0-1.1b1o7uq++os.osx.x86_64+web.browser+web.cordova/mt-os.osx.x86_64/dev_bundle/lib/node_modules/fibers/bin/darwin-x64-v8-4.5/fibers.node is missing. Try reinstalling node-fibers?`
After extensive searching, I came to the conclusion that there isn't a known, straight-forward solution to this problem.
Possible Solution
I created a new Meteor project and that works. This is because it is at the latest version of Meteor, and fibers.node is properly installed in the 1.6 (latest version) directory.
The best solution looks to be removing my live project directory and recreating it with the same name (at Meteor's latest version) and then retrieving all the packages, settings and files (HTML, JS, CSS)
What is the best way to do this so that:
I preserve all the packages that I have installed (there are many)
I preserve all the custom settings that have changed from default
I am able to bring all my files (I am assuming this will be simple copy of *.html, *.css and *.js from the original project)
I was able to resolve the error:
~/.meteor/packages/meteor-tool/.1.4.0-1.1b1o7uq++os.osx.x86_64+web.browser+web.cordova/mt-os.osx.x86_64/dev_bundle/lib/node_modules/fibers/bin/darwin-x64-v8-4.5/fibers.node is missing. Try reinstalling node-fibers?
so did not need to go down the reinstalling project path.
I followed the steps in the accepted answer on this thread:
How can I completely uninstall and then reinstall Meteor.js?
mv .meteor .meteor.bak
sudo rm /usr/local/bin/meteor
sudo chown -R $(whoami) ~/.npm/
curl | sh
meteor --version -> This will pull the required package for the version your project is at.

How can I force SBT to download and use a later version of itself?

I am using SBT on Fedora 25, which comes with version 0.13.1. This is an old version, and has bugs that prevent it from working with Java 8.
Is there a way to tell SBT to download a new copy of itself, then use the new copy?
Create a file called in the project directory in your sbt project's root with the version you want set:
See the relevant page in the manual for more info.

omega 4.x sub theme creation

I have spent lots of time to search good tutorial or documentation for creation omega 4.x sub theme, But did't found. Like How to create a layout templates using with node types, taxonomy, user pages. Any help appreciable
If you are a windows user, you will first need to set up a virtual box with linux. While linux is the preferred choice to theme with Omega 4, you can also use mac but will need homebrew, etc.
Windows user:
Drupalpro is a prebuilt linux environment for drupal. Follow the directions for install then complete the drupalpro update that is documented in the middle of the page. Make sure and update drush as per the update directions as Omega 4 needs more recent version. Last, update ubuntu with sudo apt-get update (don't use the package manager)
The directions below have been tested with Drupalpro (source for rvm install)
Install Always check for the most recent/stable version!
$ \curl -L | bash -s stable
$ source /home/drupalpro/.rvm/scripts/rvm
$ rvm requirements
Next build and install the latest version of Ruby (this might take awhile). As of Aug 2013, this is the latest build. Please change as needed.
$ rvm install 1.9.3
$ rvm use 1.9.3
$ rvm rubygems latest
Verify rvm install:
$ rvm -h
$ rvm list
$ ruby -v
You should get a message similar to: ruby 1.9.3p448 (2013-06-27 revision 41675) [i686-linux]
Now you are set up and ready to install an Omega4 subtheme. Cd to the root of your drupal site.
drush dl omega --select
Choose the appropriate Omega4 version. This will automatically download and place Omega 4.x in sites/all/themes/omega. Omega4 comes with it's own drush commands which is why it is important to have a recent version of drush. Clear drush cache then view the new omega drush commands.
drush cc drush
drush help --filter=omega
Create your subtheme
drush omega-wizard
Follow the set-up directions.
Please enter the name of the new sub-theme [Omega Subtheme]: Yoursubthemename
Please enter a machine-readable name for your new theme [yoursubthememachinename]
Please choose a base theme for your new theme
2 : Omega - A powerful HTML5 base theme framework utilizing tools like
Sass, Compass, Grunt, Bower, Ruby Version Manager, Bundler and more.
Please choose a starterkit for your new theme
1 : Default: Comes with a well organized Sass setup with heavy use of
partials. (Provided by Omega)
Please choose a destination. This is where your sub-theme will be placed
Please choose a destination type.
1 : Site (e.g. 'all' or '')
Please choose a site.
1 : all
Do you want to keep the starterkit's readme files? (y/n):
Do you want to enable your new theme? (y/n):
Do you want to make your new theme the default theme? (y/n):
If everything went as it should you will see the following message:
You have successfully created the theme Yourthemename (yourthememachinename) in sites/all/themes. [success]
After finished, inside your subtheme run:
bundle install
trouble shooting If you receive an error at bundle install or at bundle exec guard, you may need to change your terminal preferences. terminal > profile preferences > title and command > check-mark "run command as login shell" image. Close terminal, cd back to the root of your site and run bundle install.
cd into root of sub-theme:
bundle exec guard
You have now created your Omega Subtheme. Documentation for creating custom layouts here
leveluptuts are making great tuts right now for omega 4.x
here is the playlist at Youtube : with something like a new video per week !

Plone4 - Installing addons

I am new to Plone and I am having trouble understanding how to install addons. I have read the documentation provided on their site, but I am still a bit confused.
The addon that I am trying to install is
In the documentation, I see them using a something like cmd.exe, but I am not really sure what it is. Is it the python.exe located in the python folder?
Also, I am not clear if the addon that I wish to install is in an "egg" form.
Could someone please provide me with a detailed process for installation?
Thank you.
Find, then edit your buildout.cfg file per instructions above to add the uwosh.timeslot egg.
Re-run bin/buildout (or bin\buildout on windows) from the main plone directory on the command-line (do not run from the bin directory as your current working directory).
Answering your other questions:
Yes, packages listed on are "eggs" in the sense that you install them as eggs in buildout, not classic "Products".
cmd.exe is MS Windows command-line, assuming you are using Windows, not Unix.
This is only useful if you know where your Plone installation is located on disk -- you should.
