out of proc session state when is it restored? -

We are using Session to save user specific information between requests and are now in the process of converting to an out of proc state server for load balancing. My problem is I do a lot of one time setup for each unique user in Session Start. With out of proc session state Session Start does not get fired for an existing user. For example if the web server gets cycled the app receives a BeginRequest but no SessionStart, however I still need to do some configuration with the newly restored session so need a way to know when it has been restored and can be accessed.
Any suggestions?

Found the answer here Session State Not Available In This Context - In Global.asax
Sorry for the question, should have read more carefully.


what will happen after browser closing

We know that when we closed the browser, session gets destroy.
Please help me with below query.
Lets say i have clicked on submit button on my registration page and internally it get called SQL store procedure, which takes more time to execute..
on same time if i closed the browse what will happen?
Does my sql connection still available ? if yes then after closing browser still my store procedure is in execute mode?
when exactly the session get destroy?
Would like to know more about this life cycle , Thanks
First have this in mind.
The session is connected with a cookie on the users browser.
The session have a time out.
If anything of this two gone, the session is gone, so let see them analytically.
If the cookie is a session cookie (temporary), then is gone when the user close the browser, if its not temporary then is gone when it expires, or of course if the user clears it, or if the user is in private mode is not even saved.
So when the cookie that is connected with the session is gone, you lose the session
The session can be lost even if the browser is not been able to read the session cookie for other reasons.
Session Data on server
The session that is connected with the cookie, is a Dictionary of data that lives on server.
The session have a timeout, so if the user did not update the call to the server inside this time, the server kills the session data on server.
Also, note that the session can be served on the SQL Server, or in a service that runs on background and keeps that data in memory.
If you save the session data on the memory, then they can be lost even before the session times out, from IIS recycle, from the service itself that clears it for their reasons.
Server Side Time Out
If you call a long time function, and the users ends their connection, then the procedure will be continue to runs until either ends either gets a time out. This is not so safe if your process takes 10 minute to execute, you probably gets timeout and never ends correct, even if the user is still connected. If you talk for few seconds, then its relative ok, the procedure will executed even if the users close his browser side.
Check the time out of the page and the time out of the sql server side. If you end well with the user connected, you will end the same and if the user close their connection in the middle.
Have in mind that in a heavy multi user call situation you may have a problem from the session locks, read this q/a ASP.NET Server does not process pages asynchronously
So take care the procedure to not take more than few seconds.
Last words
The most "secure way" to not lost your session in a time period is to use well setup cookie, that is not temporary and keep their life for some months (google keeps their cookie for two years), and use SQL Server to saves your session data.
More details to read at:
ASP.NET State Management Recommendations
Session would not retain values and always return null
Keeping a related ASP.NET application's session alive from another ASP.NET application
ASP.NET Session State Overview

ASP Session State Overview

I work on a classic ASP web site that uses ASP session state to hold sate information. We use the sql database implementation of ASP session state.
We are having problems where sessions are being left locked and then subsequent requests to that session pile up into big queues that are affecting our performance. I don't expect you to be able to fix this for me but maybe someone could give me an overview of session state, as I don't think that i fully understand it.
None of our pages are marked as read only so all of our requests to the session database are exclusive (TempGetStateItemExclusive3); which in turn places a lock on the session.
I understand that if a modification to session is made that we update the session in the database (TempUpdateStateItemShort) and part of that process removes the lock.
I also understand that if we abandon a session that the lock is removed by (TempRemoveStateItem).
I also understand that that a sql agent job occurs periodically to delete expired sessions.
What I don't understand is how we abandon a session or how we release locks on sessions that we have locked through a Get but dont update?
I have read the following to get this far in my understanding and
As always any help will be gratefully received and appreciated.
I have spent some more time looking into this and i think that i have figured it out.
Abandoning a session is an explicit action, Session.Abandon()
Releasing a lock is an implicit action
On the page_load event a call to TempGetStateExclusive3 is made to get the session object. Exiting the page_load implicitly calls TempReleasStateItemExclusive. As a developer you are only in control of abandoning a session, the locking is handled for you by the framework.
This does not fix my issue with sessions being left locked. But at least now I know how sql server session state should work.
Thanks Session in SQL or cookie

I deployed an web site to two servers and put them behind the load balanced environment. Now that problem is that the performance is really slow. Even for just simple button event, it takes long time to finish the simple button event. However, if I access the site separately (by its server’s address), performance is good. What our system engineer told me was that the application handles session state in process as if it runs on only one server, it could not handle clustering. So, he suggested that I should use the session object in the code to store the session in SQL server, or cookie.
I am currently using session variables to store the session.
I am kind of a new to and I am not sure exactly what this mean and how I can accomplish this in my .net code (C#)?
Here is a good link to start you off: ASP.NET Session State
You would probably want to go with the Out of process mode where the servers all access 1 session process on a designated server, if speed is your top priority or SQL Server mode where all servers access 1 database if reliability is your top priority as with out of process mode if the process dies your session data is lost similar to how in-process session handling works.
No coding changes for storing session data would be needed, just the initial configuration of the environment and a web.config change.
First off, you need to configure sessionstate in your web.config for what you want to do. Here is a step by step tutorial on storing sessionstate in sql server. Hope it helps!

.NET custom session state provider: not persisting across pages...sometimes

I've implemented a custom session state provider for Oracle in my application. It seems to run smoothly (without errors!), but I'm having trouble retrieving some Session variables when I redirect to another page. But it doesn't happen all the time.
When the Session starts, I load a User object into Session. It stays there, because when the user gets to the starting page (and is authenticated), the app still recognizes him. It has no problem retrieving the User object from Session.
But if I pass a value into Session on one of my pages inside the app, then redirect to another page in order to utilize that Session variable, the new page retrieves null from the same named Session variable. Using the Visual Studio Watch window, I can actually see its value change from "100" (or whatever) to null. I don't get it.
The session provider seems to be working correctly because as I said, I'm able to persist some variables. Does someone know what the reason might be for Session to "lose" a value? Thanks.
If you are doing a response.redirect in the page, that can cause the thread to abort before the Session is written back to the database.

Session lifecycle question

I'm a little confused about the life cycle of the session in ASP.NET, here is my test case.
A user logs in, I save some info to a session variable (e.g. Session["bob"]="bob") then I do an "IIS reset". The user is still logged in, but the session data is null (e.g Session["bob"].ToString() throws a NullReferenceException.
I expected the session data to still be around. Is there something I can do, other than log out the user? I expected the session data to be around as long as the user is still logged in.
Any good links so I grok what's going on, as well as any help with the actual issue is greatly appreciated. I tried to Google this, but wasn't able to frame the question in a way to get what I wanted.
The behavior you are seeing - where the Session contents do not survive an IIS reset event - is due to where the Session values are stored. By default these values are stored within the memory of the ASP.NET "Worker Process", which is the program which runs your ASP.NET web site.
When you perform an "IIS reset" you shut down the entire IIS server, including the ASP.NET Worker Process. This means that the contents of the Session are removed from memory. Your user still appears to be logged in because that is controlled by the cookie stored in their browser. If the cookie is still valid, the login is.
If you wish your Session state to survive an IIS reset (or anything else which causes the ASP.NET worker process to restart) you'll need to store your Session objects in another place. This is fully supported by ASP.NET by using different Session storage "Modes". Read about those in the MSDN article "Session-State Modes".
For a general overview of the Session, check out the "ASP.NET Session State Overview" article on MSDN.
yah its right but some time its happen then session no remove properly at that time
you have to check session like
If Session("username") = nothing then
End if
