VS2010 ASPX Design View, vertical scrollbar disabled - asp.net

In VS2010 working on an ASP.NET project, when opening an ASPX page in the IDE and viewingin Design mode, the vertical scrollbar is disabled. The horizontal scrollbar remains enabled. It doesn't seem to matter what page I open. Note that I am using a single Master page.
I have tried searching other posts, including running “devenv /resetsettings”
however this didn't solve it. This thread also makes mention of the actual content itself (ie "overflow-x: hidden;") being a potential cause, however that would be pathetic if source code affected how the IDE's vertical scrollbar behaves.
Any help would be most appreciated. Thanks.


Blank screen between page changes on different browsers in ASP.NET

My ASP.NET project seems to run the best in Firefox.
Mainly while someone is navigating around the site, Firefox has no blank pages of white screen while the page is changing, and it looks like it's not reloading the top nav bar of the page or the footer/wrap around the partials that go in the middle.
Chrome and Internet Explorer (obviously) not so much. They seem to reload the entire page every time there is navigation performed.
Is there something I can change about my project configuration that would cause this kind of behaviour? I suppose it isn't too important but it would be nice if it looked as good on Chrome as it does on Firefox.
If anyone wanted to see code from a specific place/config in my ASP.NET project I can post it.

Annoying Page Jumping on Postback

I am having a really annoying issue where the page visibly jumps to the top and then to the previous scroll position on a postback.
Some details: I have an ASP.NET (VS 2010, .Net Framework 4.0) page that is using a set of RadioButtons in a RadioButtonList to display and hide a couple of Panels depending on which RadioButton is selected. There are also a couple of other controls on the page that cause the page to post back to the server. I have the MaintainScrollPositionOnPostback page attribute set to "true".
Functionally all of this works fine. The problem is visually the page jumps to the top when reloaded and then jumps down to the previous scroll position. But only in some browsers. I have tested this on my development machine using IE 9, Chrome and Firefox. My boss is testing it only in IE 9. On my development machine it works perfectly in IE 9 (oddly enough) but not in Chrome or Firefox. In IE the page sits there as it looked before the post back and then simply displays or hides the panel maintaining the previous scroll position the entire time. Looks great. In Chrome and Firefox, when the page reloads, it jumps to the top of the page and then jumps down to the previous scroll position and is really annoying to observe. The kicker is, on my bosses machine, she is also using IE 9. In fact it is the exact same version I am running but on her machine she is seeing the the same behavior that I am seeing in Chrome and Firefox.
I have tried adding the following meta tags, in every combination conceivable, but they have not done anything to help solve this issue.
<meta http-equiv="Page-Enter" content="Alpha(opacity=100)" />
<meta http-equiv="Page-Exit" content="Alpha(opacity=100)" />
Am I going to need to re-architect this page to use an UpdatePanel to resolve this issue or is there another way? What am I missing here?
Well . . . This is not really the answer but I solved the issue bu adding some Update Panels to the page and it works great.
I'm still curious about the issue and if someone would like to weigh in on it I'll continue to monitor this post to see what you have to say about it.
You should consider taking advatage of a JavaScript workaround that leverages the __LASTFOCUS hidden field. It is documented in this CodeProject article:

Web page behaves strangely

Have a look at the following site http://www.soe.gr.
The whole page has been built with CSS Page Builder Magic 2 (projectseven.com).
Every button is a link to a different .html page.
However, I do not know why every button press creates a flash effect in the page, the background changes instantly color and generally it gives an impression of abnormal operation. I have not met any site with such behavior except some pages inside projectseven site.
Do you have any idea why that happens? Is it something wrong with Page Builder Magic approach?
I am new to Web Development world and I want to know if there is any problem with these guys.
Thank you very much
I checked it out, it doesn't behave abnormally at all for all those effects you have there, I checked out the size of one of the images it is about 250kb, then imagine the other images which I assume are of the same size, and they are all going to be loaded when the page loads, you definitely should expect some effect

ASP/HTML/CSS - Design View Different from Browser Preview

I'm getting a difference in my design view and what the actual preview displays. I'm pretty sure my code is correctly reflecting what appears in the design view, but incorrectly in the browser preview. Any suggestions on how I can fix this and why this is happening? The black content area should be below the header and buttons.
Master Page Design View: http://imageshack.us/photo/my-images/30/designview.jpg/
Browser Preview: http://imageshack.us/photo/my-images/638/browserpreviewz.jpg/
IE and Chrome both display the same behavior.
Here is the code of the master page: (because of '<' I'm having getting asp code in here...how do I enter it in as code sample?)
Personally, I find i can never trust the web preview in visual Studio, so while this is not really an answer to your specific question I recommend you always use an actual browser for preview. :)
Your CSS might be cached. When you are looking at the web preview, It is worth a try to reload the page and the CSS by clicking ctrl-F5 (not just F5). This worked for me a few times when I felt that my CSS changes are not being rendered in the web preview.

ASP.NET Menu Control getting padded with white space on IE8

If you have used the ASP.Net menu control on your website and recently updated your browser to IE8, you will probably have noticed your menu no longer renders properly. You may also have noticed this in Firefox as well. The menu will probably look just fine in IE6 & IE7.
So why is the ASP.Net menu being padded with space and why don't the drop downs render in IE8?
First of all let me explain I am not claiming this as my solution but I thought I would post the question and solution here because it took me a while to find it.
After a bit of searching it turns out there are two problems. One is a problem with .Net2.0 on your server and the second to do with the menu control adding some rubbish into your menu.
(1) Down load and update your server with MS hotfix KB969612
HotFix Link
(2) Read up on how Sakyad found the solution of adding this property to your menu control
Sakyad solution
(3) Happy Rendering!
