ASP.NET Menu Control getting padded with white space on IE8 -

If you have used the ASP.Net menu control on your website and recently updated your browser to IE8, you will probably have noticed your menu no longer renders properly. You may also have noticed this in Firefox as well. The menu will probably look just fine in IE6 & IE7.
So why is the ASP.Net menu being padded with space and why don't the drop downs render in IE8?

First of all let me explain I am not claiming this as my solution but I thought I would post the question and solution here because it took me a while to find it.
After a bit of searching it turns out there are two problems. One is a problem with .Net2.0 on your server and the second to do with the menu control adding some rubbish into your menu.
(1) Down load and update your server with MS hotfix KB969612
HotFix Link
(2) Read up on how Sakyad found the solution of adding this property to your menu control
Sakyad solution
(3) Happy Rendering!


VS2010 ASPX Design View, vertical scrollbar disabled

In VS2010 working on an ASP.NET project, when opening an ASPX page in the IDE and viewingin Design mode, the vertical scrollbar is disabled. The horizontal scrollbar remains enabled. It doesn't seem to matter what page I open. Note that I am using a single Master page.
I have tried searching other posts, including running “devenv /resetsettings”
however this didn't solve it. This thread also makes mention of the actual content itself (ie "overflow-x: hidden;") being a potential cause, however that would be pathetic if source code affected how the IDE's vertical scrollbar behaves.
Any help would be most appreciated. Thanks.

Annoying Page Jumping on Postback

I am having a really annoying issue where the page visibly jumps to the top and then to the previous scroll position on a postback.
Some details: I have an ASP.NET (VS 2010, .Net Framework 4.0) page that is using a set of RadioButtons in a RadioButtonList to display and hide a couple of Panels depending on which RadioButton is selected. There are also a couple of other controls on the page that cause the page to post back to the server. I have the MaintainScrollPositionOnPostback page attribute set to "true".
Functionally all of this works fine. The problem is visually the page jumps to the top when reloaded and then jumps down to the previous scroll position. But only in some browsers. I have tested this on my development machine using IE 9, Chrome and Firefox. My boss is testing it only in IE 9. On my development machine it works perfectly in IE 9 (oddly enough) but not in Chrome or Firefox. In IE the page sits there as it looked before the post back and then simply displays or hides the panel maintaining the previous scroll position the entire time. Looks great. In Chrome and Firefox, when the page reloads, it jumps to the top of the page and then jumps down to the previous scroll position and is really annoying to observe. The kicker is, on my bosses machine, she is also using IE 9. In fact it is the exact same version I am running but on her machine she is seeing the the same behavior that I am seeing in Chrome and Firefox.
I have tried adding the following meta tags, in every combination conceivable, but they have not done anything to help solve this issue.
<meta http-equiv="Page-Enter" content="Alpha(opacity=100)" />
<meta http-equiv="Page-Exit" content="Alpha(opacity=100)" />
Am I going to need to re-architect this page to use an UpdatePanel to resolve this issue or is there another way? What am I missing here?
Well . . . This is not really the answer but I solved the issue bu adding some Update Panels to the page and it works great.
I'm still curious about the issue and if someone would like to weigh in on it I'll continue to monitor this post to see what you have to say about it.
You should consider taking advatage of a JavaScript workaround that leverages the __LASTFOCUS hidden field. It is documented in this CodeProject article:

Navigation bar disappears in Internet Explorer

I've recently completed my first custom-built Wordpress website, based on Automattic's Toolbox theme, and am in the process of testing it. I'm having some strange issues with IE 6-8 which I've not experienced before - the entire navigation bar, including the background colour, disappears leaving only the logo. None of the navigation links show up, nor does the button which triggers the menu dropdown on small screen sizes.
The website is , and I'm pretty much stumped. I don't think it's a JS issue since it works fine in Firefox and Chrome without JS. An HTML5 shiv comes preinstalled with Toolbox so I don't think it's a compatibility issue in that respect...but maybe I'm wrong, and I don't know how to check!
(I'm using Browserstack to test and am actually wondering if its rendering is accurate - my portfolio website which I tested extensively a few months ago - - is now causing Browserstack's IE virtual machine to hang, despite my having made no major changes other than adding content - this is a separate issue I guess, but it makes me unsure as to whether all my sites are breaking at once or if it's just Browserstack being moody!)
I am checking your site( in ie7,8 and 9. It's working properly.
1) Fix your markup code errors; they may not be the whole trouble, but fix them first: [Invalid] Markup Validation of - W3C Markup Validator. Scroll down in the validation report to see line numbers and source code. Start fixing the code errors and revalidate.
2) You need native IE7+ - not Browsershots - to fully test IE. Find a Windows PC to test with and use F12 dev tools in IE to emulate other versions.
3) Forget IE6; it's dead.

IE7 cross-domain iFrame Select issue

I have an iframe which contains a few select drop-down lists for data entry. I recently began noticing that mouse-clicking the select element in the iframe, the drop-down list doesn't expand. The user can click on the drop-down to set focus on it, and then scroll through the contents using up/down arrow on the keyboard, but clicking the arrow button beside the list doesn't cause it to expand & show its contents.
The parent page this frame is embedded on resides on a different domain. Initially I thought this might have something to do with javascript onfocus events within the iframe. I stripped out all of the scripting, got rid of all of the css and pared it down to a simple static html parent with a simple iframe page of static html containing just a select element. When run on the same server, the dropdown behaves normally, but when the parent page resides on one domain, and the iframe content on another, the select list cannot be expanded.
This problem only seems to occur in IE7. I've tested in IE8 & IE9 without any problems, as well in Safari, Chrome & Firefox. I found a couple of blog posts (links below) that cropped up within the last week that seem to be running in to the same problem, but no resolution.
Has anyone found a solution to this problem?
We put in place a workaround for this issue by swapping out the standard drop down menus with JQuery drop downs for IE7 users only. We developed a script and dropped it between some IE conditional tags.
We couldn't wait for MS to issue another patch!
Apparently this bug is due to a security update that was just released (2586448):

maintainscrollpositiononpostback not working with firefox

I am using VS 2008. I like the feature maintainscrollpositiononpostback. It works fine with IE 8. But it does not work consistently with Firefox. Sometimes, instead the line I click on goes to the bottom of the page. The field I am trying to refresh is with a div tag with overflow set to auto. Also I have several update panels with updatemode set to conditional. This means only the panel affected should be refreshed. This is also not working in the case on Firefox.
I have searched the web for possible solutions but none of them work for me.
Most of my users use Firefox so this is a problem for me.
Thanks in advance,
scrollsaver to the rescue?
I found this little js file a few weeks ago after implementing Post/Redirect/Get on a few of my pages. It may enable you to turn off maintain on your pages if you throw it in the master. I haven't fully tested it with ff4/5 or chrome...
Edit the Browser Capabilities file, and explicitly set it so that MaintainScrollPositionOnPostback is supported on Safari Browsers.
you can use javascript for this.. chek it out..
