How can I get Hello World app work in TideSDK Ubuntu? - tidesdk

I have installed the TideSDK and downloaded the Hello World example but it doesn't launch.
Here it is what I get in the console:
Preparing to package and launch desktop app. One moment...
Staging HelloWorld
-> Copying contents from /home/ann/TideSDK-HelloWorld-master to /home/ann/TideSDK-HelloWorld-master/dist/linux/HelloWorld
-> Copying installer from /home/ann/.tidesdk/sdk/linux/1.3.1-beta/installer to /home/ann/TideSDK-HelloWorld-master/dist/linux/HelloWorld
-> Copying tiboot to /home/ann/TideSDK-HelloWorld-master/dist/linux/HelloWorld
signal caught: 3
Done launching!
and that's all. the app isn't lauched. Please help me to fix this problem.
Thanks a lot!


Why does my Xcode 11.2.1 (11B500) "Watch App" template fail?

To familiarize myself with the process, before getting real, I tried to build a Watch-only app from the Xcode 11.2.1 template. The build fails when it attempts to copy an item into a file, instead of into a directory. I can hardly believe this isn't something corrupt in my Xcode environment, but it is happening on different Macs.
I created a new project with the "Watch App" template at ~/Development/Watch and ran xcodebuild from that directory. There is quite a lot of successful work done, but the last command (failing) in the build log is (with ... representing ~/Development/):
PBXCp .../Watch/build/Release-watchos/Watch\ WatchKit\ \
.../Watch/build/Release-iphoneos/\ WatchKit\
error: make directory
.../Watch/build/Release-iphoneos/ WatchKit
Not a directory
It's failing because .../Watch/build/Release-iphoneos/ is not a directory (nor should it be). Is this an Xcode bug (I've seen no reference to it from Apple or in Google searchs), or some stupidity on my part?
This is addressed in the GM Seed of Xcode 11.2.1. If you are writing a Mac Catalyst app, please also see the release notes for Xcode 11.2.1.
For any other issues you encounter while using Xcode, please file bug reports.
Found it!! A sneaky one too ..
It fails if you name the project "Watch" .. name it something else, it's OK.

Meteor giving error for any command - "Meteor 1.0.1 is not installed and .."

I had started learning Meteor a few weeks ago, then had to put it on hold. Now, when I am trying to create a new app by meteor create myapp or meteor --help or just about anything, I only get the following message:
Sorry, Meteor 1.0.1 is not installed and could not be downloaded.
Please check to make sure that you are online.
There is no problem with my internet connection and I'm not sure what's happening here. I'm on Linux Mint 17. (I think my meteor version is 1.0)
Take a look at your .meteor directory. There has to be a file, called release. In this file must be ONLY one line.
So, please check this first and give feedback for more help. :)

Deployment of QML app with SoundEffect not working

I've to say... why is so hard to deploy Qt5 in OS X?
After a lot of pain... and discovering this script: and this custom macdeployqt: I was able to deploy in OSX... but audio is not working.
I've a simple SoundEffect element:
SoundEffect {
id: ring
loops: 1
source: "alarm03.wav"
it works fine running in debug/release mode from Qt Creator... but as soon as I run macdeployqt I start to get this error: using null output device, none available
and no sound is played.
Then I found that it could be the audio plugin missing... so I copied the plugins/audio folder to my app package.
Then I start to get an error in startup and the sound starts to play but it runs for about half second... and stops with another error.
The error in startup:
The error when try to play the sound:
The error in startup I found that was because it was loading libraries from the app package and from my Qt installation (why??) so I renamed my installation folder to test... the error in startup disappeared... but the first error playing the sound returned.
So I'm out of ideas about what's happening... the only thing I know is that Qt needs a easier deployment system.
Versions: Qt 5.2 - Clang64 - Qt Creator 3.1
PS: My .pro file contains:
QT += sql multimedia

Installing TideSDK 1.3.1 Beta in Mac OS X

I'm trying to follow the instructions in the Getting Started guide for the Hello World sample application for the TideSDK 1.3.1 beta on OS X Mavericks (version 10.9). When I try to do Step 4 and import the Hello World application into the TideSDK Developer, I get the error message "You are importing a desktop project, but no Desktop SDK versions exist on your system". Does anyone have any idea what I did wrong, or where the installation guide is off? Thanks.
to install the SDK do this.
Unzip the SDK inside your HD > Users > [You user folder] > Library > Application Support > TideSDK
I'd forgotten that the Apple unzip utility creates an extra directory with the same name as the zip file. When I took the contents out of that directory and put them directly in Users/[myName]/Library/Application Support/TideSDK, it worked fine.

Getting started with playn - eclipse

I followed all the instructions for setting up the environment in eclipse indigo EE. I did it both in ubuntu 12.04 64bit and Windows 7 64bit, and everything goes good till the point when I try to run the imported example (showcase-java). the build fails and following error appears in the eclipse console:
Failed to execute goal on project playn-showcase-java: Could not resolve dependencies for project com.googlecode.playn:playn-showcase-java:jar:1.0-SNAPSHOT: Could not find artifact com.googlecode.playn:playn-showcase-core:jar:1.0-SNAPSHOT in forplay-legacy ( -> [Help 1]
Note that I follow all the instructions on Getting Started page and I'm sure I'm not missing out on anything mentioned there on the page.
Hi here is a more detailed tutorial on how to set up eclipse with playn link
May be this is helpful for you.
