Show the log text in QMainWindow with MdiArea - qt

I have developed an application in Qt with QMainWindow as a main Widget, and added Mdiarea I needed for adding QMdieSubWindows.
I want know how to have a logging area like in Qt Creator.
My log text is basically what is going on. As
Started the optimizer ...
File is saved ...
The file is not loaded ...
and etc.
I thought of adding a QPlainTextEdit or a QTextEdit, and just append text to them.
I wrote this in my QMainWindow.cpp:
QPlainText* mydebugger = new QPlainText(this);
mydebugger.appendPlaintext("Debugger started");;
But this is showing the plainText over my Menu in QMainWindow;
I would like to have it on the bottom, above my StatusBar.
I would like to ask now:
QPlainTextEdit or QTextEdit: which one is better for my task? I need only appending the text, and maybe highlighting, and coloring the text.
How to get the Q(Plain)TextEdit as for example in QtCreator at the bottom with fixed position and fixed width?
I tried to create an MdiSubWindow and add the plaintext widget into it, and show it.
It works as I wanted, and I can add text in it. But I can not still make fixed at the bottom. Any ideas?

If you want colour and other formatting options, QTextEdit is your way to go. QPlainTextEdit does not allow formatting.
You're better off using a QDockWidget than a QMdiSubWindow. You can then dock your logger at the bottom of your main window.


Qt: Correct implementation of floating widgets

I've inherited my class from QWidget. Basically no extra code, just changes with the editor.
The way I use it:
focusWidget = new FocusWidget(this); //this points to the mainWindow
Now the widget appears like this (it now looks ugly because of the bad 4k scaling), at the top left corner of the mainWindow.
I intend to use my application mostly full screen.
Is this usage correct?
How can I make it a floating widget?
If I want multiple widgets like that, how can I control their position?

Qlabel with image as the background overlaps other Qlabels

I have a Qlabel with image as rich text and some other Qlabels on top of that as in the picture:
although I sent the Qlabel with image to back but when I run they appear as follows:
is there anyway to fix this?
Make the text labels children of the label containing the fade. Also I can not see any layouts. Did you use layouts? You could also put the fade on the widget by implementing its paintEvent(). All other widgets will be displayed on top of that.
Try right clicking the image label and clicking the send-to-back option. That might work. That should send the QLabel behind the other elements even though they appear as though they are already in front.

How can I make a QMenuBar item appear over its QMenu

First of all, I'm fairly new with Qt and Qt Creator so go easy if this is a stupid question.
I was practicing using Qt Creator, playing around with css styles. In particular, I'm trying to get the menubar and its menus to look something like this (on Windows):
However, the closest I've been able to get so far is this:
I've searched online to see if anyone has tried something like this but I wasn't able to find anything.
The only possible solution I can think of is if the menubar item (with no bottom border) could be rendered in above the menu, so that they overlap, covering its top border over the width that they overlap.
If that won't work or is impossible or whatever please do suggest any other solutions/workarounds/hacks.
Thanks in advance!
I think that the only good solution is to avoid any tricks and create a new widget:
Create a new class inherited from QWidget with Qt::Popup attribute.
Place a QMenu into a layout of the widget.
Get a position of QMenuBar item which is clicked using QMenuBar::getActionGeometry.
Calculate position of the widget and of the tab in the widget to be placed over the menubar item.
Customize form of the widget using QWidget::setMask to make it look like a rectangle with a tab.
Show your widget instead of QMenu.

QTextEdit: How to add fixed position text on top of an image

I am using QTextEdit to implement an editor. One of the requirements I have is to add fixed position text on top of an image.
For example:
I have an image of dimensions: 300x300. I need to add text beginning at the location (20, 20) of the image and ensure that the text does not flow beyond the width of the image.
Something like below:
I am thinking that if I can add a QGraphicView, I can add the image and position text appropriately. Is this possible? Is there a way to introduce a graphic element into a QTextedit? If not, what is the right approach?
Is there a way to introduce a graphic element into a QTextEdit? If not, what is the right approach?
You could look at this the other way and add the QTextEdit to a QGraphicsScene. The graphics scene provides a QGraphicsProxyWidget to add standard Qt widgets.
Therefore, you could create a QGraphicsScene and QGraphicsView. Add a QGraphicsPixmapItem for the image and add the QTextEdit item with a call to QGraphicsScene::addWidget, which returns a QGraphicsProxyWidget, allowing you to position, scale and resize the widget.
Alternatively, you could start with a QGraphicsItem, inherit from that and create your own object which encapsulates the image and proxy object of the QTextEdit.
There are other ways of tackling this too, but I'd probably go for the custom QGraphicsItem. It also depends on your specification, but you can add text items in a graphics scene, without the QTextEdit, though you'd probably have to implement the editing feature, if this is required.

QLabel auto multiple lines

For example, we have a QLabel with MaximumWidth set to 400.
When we try to display some text with pixel width more than 400, it's shown cut off.
Is there any way to make QLabel display this string in multiple lines without using QFontMetrics or the like?
If I understood your question correctly, you should use the setWordWrap function for your label, with true as its parameter.
QLabel lbl("long long string");
In order to show multiple lines in QLabel, right click on QLabel and select 'change rich text'. This brings up dialog where you can type the text as you want to see including enter key. Setting the word wrap is not required for this.
If you set the word wrap as well (in QLabel properties) than it will wrap each individual line in the Qlabel if it was longer than the real estate.
As another option to wrap text using Qt Designer, you can check the box under Property Editor for a QLabel:
