parsing an XML file in gnome shell extension - gnome-shell-extensions

It looks like there is no way to parse an XML file in the actual gnome shell tool extension.
This means you can not parse svg.
Any workaround ?

partially solved with E4X, to parse SVG I had to setup default xml namespace.
default xml namespace = new Namespace('');


Loading extensions into SQLite at COMPILE TIME

Similar to how you can integrate the SQLite JSON1 extension into the app at compile-time with -DSQLITE_ENABLE_JSON1, how do I load an extension of my own at compile-time, without having to .load my-extension in the SQLite shell?
Just copy your extension C code file into some SQLite checkout, and in src/, just put in INCLUDE <path> where <path> is the path to your extension C code. Hopefully, it's all in one file.

How to convert .xls or .xlxs file to csv file without any plugins or tools using Unix command

I have to convert .xls or .xlxs file to .csv file without using plugins or tools using Unix Command
Is their any way to do this ?
I Tried to do like this below ...But not working
Change the characterSet code from .xls file to UTF-8 encoding
Then create file again with extension change
cp temp.xls temp.csv
It is possible, but you need to realise that an *.xls file is a zipped directory structure (just unzip such a file, using Winzip or 7-zip). The unzipping can also be done using UNIX commands.
But what then? The directory structure is quite complicated to understand, and in order to create a script or a program which can do this (without using any external tools) is a tremendous work, so I'd propose you, either to use external tools anyway, or to make sure the files you receive already are CSV format.

Bug in CslCommandGenerator.GenerateTableCreateMergeCommand

I'm using the .NET SDK for Kusto. I have a TableSchema object in which I specify a folder. However that folder is ignored in the create command produced by CslCommandGenerator.GenerateTableCreateMergeCommand(). Where should I file the bug?
There is an additional function named GenerateTableCreateMergeCommandWithExtraProperties() - which generates command that includes docString and folder.
Please use it instead.

mxmlc embedding assets

I'm trying complie my project via mxmlc this way:
[prj_folder]\src>mxmlc mymxml.mxml -library-path+=../libs -sp+=..\assets
and i get such errors:
[prj_folder]\src\view\controls\controlname.mxml(7): Error: Problem finding external st
ylesheet: assets/cssname.css
<fx:Style source="assets/cssname.css"/>
col: 3: Error: Unable to transcode
assets/ icons/icon1.png.
how to include assets for the compiler?
Flash Builder preprocesses the files.
For a directory structure like this:
And if SomeView.mxml references assets/MyImage.png, Flash Builder will allow this:
because it is preprocessed to /assets/MyImage.png by the IDE, but ant/maven + mxmlc won't do that.
works for both Flash Builder and mxmlc.
If you are using a relative path like this:
try changing it to this, odd as it may seem:
The leading / gets translated to "my src directory", and mxmlc does the remainder of the path calculation from there.
Hope this helps.
This is a directory setup issue; not a compiler error. And you aren't actually embedding assets; just referencing them.
When using Flash Builder, the file "assets/cssname.css" should be relative to the main application file. I believe the same should occur if you're using the command line compiler.
Does your source directory have an assets subdirectory? Is the cssname.css file inside it?

xquery - file test

My xquery script opens several files. One of the files is sometimes missing. I need to test whether the file exists before I try to open it. (something like -f in bash or perl).
Is it possible?
Use this standard XPath 2.0 function:
