mxmlc embedding assets - apache-flex

I'm trying complie my project via mxmlc this way:
[prj_folder]\src>mxmlc mymxml.mxml -library-path+=../libs -sp+=..\assets
and i get such errors:
[prj_folder]\src\view\controls\controlname.mxml(7): Error: Problem finding external st
ylesheet: assets/cssname.css
<fx:Style source="assets/cssname.css"/>
col: 3: Error: Unable to transcode
assets/ icons/icon1.png.
how to include assets for the compiler?

Flash Builder preprocesses the files.
For a directory structure like this:
And if SomeView.mxml references assets/MyImage.png, Flash Builder will allow this:
because it is preprocessed to /assets/MyImage.png by the IDE, but ant/maven + mxmlc won't do that.
works for both Flash Builder and mxmlc.
If you are using a relative path like this:
try changing it to this, odd as it may seem:
The leading / gets translated to "my src directory", and mxmlc does the remainder of the path calculation from there.
Hope this helps.

This is a directory setup issue; not a compiler error. And you aren't actually embedding assets; just referencing them.
When using Flash Builder, the file "assets/cssname.css" should be relative to the main application file. I believe the same should occur if you're using the command line compiler.
Does your source directory have an assets subdirectory? Is the cssname.css file inside it?


Add application icon to air app while packaging with adt.jar: how to?

I built air app with icon in the past with flash builder, and everything was fine.
Now I have to build another app with adt(air developer tool), but I experience weird problems.
If I just place icon path relative to 'src' folder to app descriptor (as usual), it says:
error 303: Icon icon.png is missing from package.
If I use icon.png without path in app descriptor and then put this file everywhere(to root dir, to assets, to src, to build destination and so on), it again says error 303: Icon icon.png is missing from package.
If I try to add icon path to adt args like <arg value="icon.png"/> ( and put it to output folder as it seems that all path are relative to it in my case), it says The path icon.png is restricted. If you were trying to package Icon.png you should correct the case.
When I point to original file location ( <arg value="../src/assets/icon.png"/>), it outputs File ..\src\assets\icon.png is not relative to directory E:\projQ\flex\MyProject\bin (this bin directory is actually output directory). I've read unapproved comment on adobe forum that this is due to some sandbox limitations, but I'm not even sure that sandbox exists for adt( if it exists, then why? )
So, what shall I do to successfully add icon to that app?
I guess that using tools like resHacker to project's .exe will not help as .exe is just a launcher for .swf file, and anyway I consider that this awful way leads to the dark side of programming.
(P.S. can't add 'adt' tag that relates to adobe, not android.)
Nice. At last I've found the solution. So, the requirements for including icon while packaging manually with adt are:
Add file name to application descriptor without using any .. .
I beg you, don't even try to name your icon file icon.png. It is obvious name, and it was obvious for creators of adt. So it seems that they are renaming some files to icon.png or generating output to such file. Or put this file into some subdirectory of directory that is used as root by adt. Actually, error output exactly tells you to avoid using path icon.png. Correct the case phrase (which confused me) means rename your icon or move it deeper in directory hierarchy
Add path to your icon as command line argument to adt.
After generation you will see your icon inside generated output folder. You can remove it and application will still appear with your icon as expected.
This is more of an elaboration on the first point in the answer above to clarify for people like me who have been struggling with this issue.
The error reads "is not relative to directory", but what it means is "is not a child of directory". Basically even if you're trying to use a valid relative path, it expects it to point to something under your working directory. In my case the following trick worked:
Replaced with
-C ./../.. build/executable.swf
-C makes ADT change directory to the one two levels above, and then you can specify the necessary file.
After playing with ADT a bit more, I now realise why it does that - the path you give to it will become the path within the package. So in the example above the file will be available inside the package at build/executable.swf. If you wish to make it available at package's root level, change the -C directive to the following:
-C ./../../build executable.swf

How To Compile Wami Recorder In Windows

Hello everyone i am trying to compile the wami recorder using flex but i receive two errors -->
I downloaded the src from this url and made no changes, what am i doing wrong?
I was experiencing the same issue and finally got it to work using this command line:
mxmlc -compiler.source-path=C:\wami\src -static-link-runtime-shared-libraries=true c:\wami\src\edu\mit\csail\wami\client\Wami.mxml -output C:\wami\src\edu\mit\csail\wami\test.swf
Hopefully it helps for you too
You download the source code into the wrong directory; making Flex think that a class is in the wrong location. Since you didn't specify a source path; Flex is probably assuming that C:\ is the root of your source. So, try specifying a source path. Probably something like this:
mxmlc Wani.mxml -source-path "C:\edu\mit\csail\wami\client"
More information about Flex Compiler options.

Why can't my mxmlc find the SDK home?

I am trying to compile from the command line with mxmlc.
I am using a config file so am running something like this:
d:\myProject>mxmlc -load-config=myProject-config.xml
My config file includes reference to files that are located in the SDK underneath $FLEX_HOME\frameworks such as the \themes and \libs folder.
But mxmlc complains that it cannot find these files.
I have a %FLEX_HOME% environment variable defined and pointing to the top level of the SDK which includes the \frameworks and \bin folders directly underneath. I also have %FLEX_HOME%\bin on the %path%.
What am I doing wrong?

Is it possible to compile a flex project that uses Cairngorm with command line?

Has anyone tried to compile a flex project that uses Cairngorm with command line?
Ensure that the Cairngorm SWC is in your library path. For instance, if you have the SWC in a folder called "libs" that is relative to the current directory, you should include the following command line argument for mxmlc:
Notice the += in there. This means that "libs" is added to the current library path, which may already include other folders. The quotes are optional if you don't have spaces in your path.

Asdocs seems unable to find embedded assets

I'm running asdocs from a .bat file with flex sdk 3.2.0 (I have replaced my long project root folder with PROJECTROOT):
"C:\Program Files (x86)\Adobe\Flex Builder 3\sdks\3.2.0\bin\asdoc" -source-path . "C:\Program Files (x86)\Adobe\Flex Builder 3\sdks\3.2.0" "_PROJECTROOT_\Components\src" "C:\_PROJECTROOT_\assets" -doc-sources .
Unforunately, I keep getting errors similar to this:
"_PROJECTROOT_\assets\styles.css(344): Error: Invalid Embed directive in stylesheet - can't resolve source 'Embed(source = "close_button.png")'.
downSkin: Embed(source="close_button.png");"
I really don't understand this as "close_button.png" is in the same folder as styles.css. When I build the project from within flexbuilder, it compiles it fine and does not throw any errors.
Does anyone know what I'm doing wrong?
It's not using your folder with the CSS as the root folder when it's working. It's looking for the assets in the folder you are running the commands from.
Try adding the assets folder to your source path.
I had a similar problem, and an answer I found elsewhere indicated to put a slash at the beginning of the asset path. That is, instead of
